Hooray! Merry Christmas everybody :)
These past three days have been relatively uneventful although I did get to cross four more things off my to-do list :D
I don't really remember what I did on the 23rd. Oh yes, I had my traditional lunch with my mother at Fontana's :) They have super excellent bread pudding, the first and only times I've had it is at our annual lunch (which came into existence in my 8th grade). SO GO EAT IT SO GOOD HOM NOM NOM. Afterwards, I just kinda chilled. Megan and I went to Vallco and took some Asian pictures :) Which crosses off two things in one day! Although my ultimate goal is to take purikura with Won bcus he has some sort of aversion to the place. Anyhooo, I had dinner with 4hoc :) and spent a good 3 hours catching up on each other's lives and naming all the countries in the world :D I missed home church :(
Then Ben was like oh hay we're at yogurtland so come pick up your EMERALD BOWL TICKETS and Won was like let's go to yogurtland and I was like OH CONVENIENT. So I met up with TCF :) and hung out a bit and then hung out with Won. We didn't actually get froyo bcus it's soooo cold!
Deniz and I spent the morning of Christmas Eve buying random things at Target for Simran's birthday :) We also had Chicken Pesto sandwiches at Blue Rock Shoot (ALSO A HIGH RECOMMENDATION :)) ahh so delicious! We ate them at the tables outside the little cafe. Another off my list :) Anyway, then we met her for fro yo at yogurtland and that was quite excellent :)
Christmas dinner with fam.
Christmas: did the normal Christmas thing and then set out for San Francisco (another crossed off!) :) revisited old memories at Golden Gate Park where I used to frolic as a young child, new to the wonders of America! Anyway, that was fun/cold. Then we went to the beach to watch the sunset and had dinner at this crazy Chinese restaurant that took forever to bring food bcus it was SO PACKED.
The Jewish tradition of going to Chinese restaurants on Christmas rings true! :)
Anyway, food was good. Then we went to Union square and looked at the lights and now I am at home and supposedly packing for Urbana. TOO COLD :((
'Tis Christmas Eve
First, happy birthday Simran!! :))
Second, it is Christmas tomorrow :D
Happy birthday Jesus!
And Mai and Noel! :D and everyone else. Alrighttt
TO DO List over Winter Break:
1. Finalize Spring Semester schedule (Add a two-unit)
2. Figure out housing for sophomore year
3. Figure out summer plans
4. Find a job near/on campus
5. Shop! :)
6. Christmas in the Park/Ice Skating with the boyfriend :) birthday?
7. Farmer's Market
8. San Francisco :D
9. Find a new phone :) check!
10. Visit the ol' alma mater
11. Alumni Holiday Partay!
12. Emerald Bowl, USC v. BC!!
13. Have an amazing, life-changing experience at Urbana '09 :)
14. Not get sick. Particularly after Urbana '09
15. See the guys :)
16. See the girls :)
17. Purikura Check!
18. Bake lots of tasty things
19. Eat at: Johnny Rockets Check! , Blue Rock Shoot, In n' Out, and Noah's Bagels Check! with Minty ;)
20. Eat a fancy dinner at Santana Row
21. See snow
22. Go to a museum
23. Monterey Bay Aquarium!
24. Froyo! Check!
25. Annual lunch at Fontana's with the madre :) Check!
Not too shabby :) Update tomorrow!
P.S. SC KIDS! Grades are out!!! o_o
Second, it is Christmas tomorrow :D
Happy birthday Jesus!
And Mai and Noel! :D and everyone else. Alrighttt
TO DO List over Winter Break:
1. Finalize Spring Semester schedule (Add a two-unit)
2. Figure out housing for sophomore year
3. Figure out summer plans
4. Find a job near/on campus
5. Shop! :)
6. Christmas in the Park/Ice Skating with the boyfriend :) birthday?
7. Farmer's Market
8. San Francisco :D
9. Find a new phone :) check!
10. Visit the ol' alma mater
11. Alumni Holiday Partay!
12. Emerald Bowl, USC v. BC!!
13. Have an amazing, life-changing experience at Urbana '09 :)
14. Not get sick. Particularly after Urbana '09
15. See the guys :)
16. See the girls :)
17. Purikura Check!
18. Bake lots of tasty things
19. Eat at: Johnny Rockets Check! , Blue Rock Shoot, In n' Out, and Noah's Bagels Check! with Minty ;)
20. Eat a fancy dinner at Santana Row
21. See snow
22. Go to a museum
23. Monterey Bay Aquarium!
24. Froyo! Check!
25. Annual lunch at Fontana's with the madre :) Check!
Not too shabby :) Update tomorrow!
P.S. SC KIDS! Grades are out!!! o_o
Cold Feet
Actually, last night it was because my feet were cold.
Yesterday, I hung out with Deniz and we ate a lot :) I missed her so much!! :)
We ate at Johnny Rockets and then Yogurtland and ran around Westgate just like the good ol' days. Sigh I miss senior year :(
I just read a fellow '09er's post on facebook about how fun senior trip was and how he thought about it every week or two. I do too T_T
Sigh, I miss you harker '09! For real.
Actually, last night it was because my feet were cold.
Yesterday, I hung out with Deniz and we ate a lot :) I missed her so much!! :)
We ate at Johnny Rockets and then Yogurtland and ran around Westgate just like the good ol' days. Sigh I miss senior year :(
I just read a fellow '09er's post on facebook about how fun senior trip was and how he thought about it every week or two. I do too T_T
Sigh, I miss you harker '09! For real.
Cellphone phase
What I've been doing these past couple days...
1. Tuesday night, hung out with my kitty ket ;) <3
2. Wednesday, hung out with the best frand :) went to CLAIRE'S HAHA FAIL and thenn Daiso :) and crap, In n' Out, Tap-ex. We're so badass :) and fat :(
3. Thusday night, saw a bad movie with Alex and Paul. And went to get Megan's ears pierced at the mall :))
Sigh I feel like I'm pressed for time, for some reason :(
If I was rich, I'd donate to charity and also buy tons and tons of cellphones :(( Those are the only electronics I go <3 over, I'm not sure why. And I'm a total sucker for ads and mass appeal, if I see it enough, I end up wanting it T_T That's why I hate dramas that totally endorse a certain phone and every stinkin' actor has the same phone -______-.
Anyway, I've been looking around for a phone since my precious LG Ice Cream failed me :( and I've been using my trusty ol' Sony Ericsson that I've had for 2.5 years now.
First I was like le sigh, daddy will just get me a new Ice Cream when he comes home but alas he did not. So now I have to find an American phone for convenience sake so we went to the AT&T store and perused the selection and at that point, I was between the Blackberry pearl, the Samsung Solstice, and the LG Xenon because they were so cheap!! Actually, I really wanted the Samsung Impression but PRICY even after rebate and it's flipping huge and it freezes. Paranoid about that now. Then we read the fine print and we were like WTF AT&T bcus they were totally ripping us off. Those deals and crap are total BS :(( So we were like screw the upgrade! We're buying off the internet! Which is totally the way to go. And it's basically just me bcus my mom would keep using the same Motorola Razr she's had since I've been in middle school if we let her -_____-.
Anyway, so if I can't have the SE Docomo or Softbank Japanese phones I want, I would go for the Blackberry Bold (if I were a wealthy girl) but now that best frand has informed me that Blackberries give off intense radiation, and the fact that they're huge AND total sorority phones, I've decided not to. My dream phone is actually the Nokia N97 if not the Docomo n706i but it's like 600 flipping dollars. Well, 500 at Costco but anyway yah, not spending over 200 -__-
I wouldn't mind the LG Lollipop either but that's almost exclusively in Korea and now many reliable sites are selling unlocked international ones so mehh. It's probably also pricy for a mediocre and simple phone. Therefore, I'm currently looking at the LG Viewty and the LG Cookie (Korean version is of course, cuter) and leaning towards the Cookie just bcus it's cuter, cheaper, and I don't need a high end camera. And the stylus isn't dangling around. Still, I wish I could have a physical QWERTY keypad :(
So I'm not sure why I posted my whole thought process about choosing phones but I am so fickle about this stuff :( And the dumbest things matter to me like case selection and if it has a charm hole -_- lawl. Good thing most Asian phones do :)
Anyway, once I get it, I will inform my dear readers :)
Tehe, and then I'll bling it out with crap from strapya-world.com
Just kidding, I'm not rich with money or time :((
So yes, hope I get a new phone soon :)
AGAGDSOF time for sreepinggg. I go to sleep late for having nothing to do and then I wake up at like, noon. -_-
1. Tuesday night, hung out with my kitty ket ;) <3
2. Wednesday, hung out with the best frand :) went to CLAIRE'S HAHA FAIL and thenn Daiso :) and crap, In n' Out, Tap-ex. We're so badass :) and fat :(
3. Thusday night, saw a bad movie with Alex and Paul. And went to get Megan's ears pierced at the mall :))
Sigh I feel like I'm pressed for time, for some reason :(
If I was rich, I'd donate to charity and also buy tons and tons of cellphones :(( Those are the only electronics I go <3 over, I'm not sure why. And I'm a total sucker for ads and mass appeal, if I see it enough, I end up wanting it T_T That's why I hate dramas that totally endorse a certain phone and every stinkin' actor has the same phone -______-.
Anyway, I've been looking around for a phone since my precious LG Ice Cream failed me :( and I've been using my trusty ol' Sony Ericsson that I've had for 2.5 years now.
First I was like le sigh, daddy will just get me a new Ice Cream when he comes home but alas he did not. So now I have to find an American phone for convenience sake so we went to the AT&T store and perused the selection and at that point, I was between the Blackberry pearl, the Samsung Solstice, and the LG Xenon because they were so cheap!! Actually, I really wanted the Samsung Impression but PRICY even after rebate and it's flipping huge and it freezes. Paranoid about that now. Then we read the fine print and we were like WTF AT&T bcus they were totally ripping us off. Those deals and crap are total BS :(( So we were like screw the upgrade! We're buying off the internet! Which is totally the way to go. And it's basically just me bcus my mom would keep using the same Motorola Razr she's had since I've been in middle school if we let her -_____-.
Anyway, so if I can't have the SE Docomo or Softbank Japanese phones I want, I would go for the Blackberry Bold (if I were a wealthy girl) but now that best frand has informed me that Blackberries give off intense radiation, and the fact that they're huge AND total sorority phones, I've decided not to. My dream phone is actually the Nokia N97 if not the Docomo n706i but it's like 600 flipping dollars. Well, 500 at Costco but anyway yah, not spending over 200 -__-
I wouldn't mind the LG Lollipop either but that's almost exclusively in Korea and now many reliable sites are selling unlocked international ones so mehh. It's probably also pricy for a mediocre and simple phone. Therefore, I'm currently looking at the LG Viewty and the LG Cookie (Korean version is of course, cuter) and leaning towards the Cookie just bcus it's cuter, cheaper, and I don't need a high end camera. And the stylus isn't dangling around. Still, I wish I could have a physical QWERTY keypad :(
So I'm not sure why I posted my whole thought process about choosing phones but I am so fickle about this stuff :( And the dumbest things matter to me like case selection and if it has a charm hole -_- lawl. Good thing most Asian phones do :)
Anyway, once I get it, I will inform my dear readers :)
Tehe, and then I'll bling it out with crap from strapya-world.com
Just kidding, I'm not rich with money or time :((
So yes, hope I get a new phone soon :)
AGAGDSOF time for sreepinggg. I go to sleep late for having nothing to do and then I wake up at like, noon. -_-
It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas!
Although living in California is like perpetual summer weather, Norcal is much more holiday appropriate than 70-degree-sunny all the time-LA. Today, it was 72. O_O A week till Christmas, too.
Anyway, yesterday (I can't believe it was only yesterday..) I woke up SUPER EARLY for my 8AM final (MY CLASS ISN'T EVEN AT 8AM T_T) and did pretty well. Then I sat around, ate with Breana and Julia, packed and took my stuff to Cauchy's, talked with Won on the phone, hungout, "studied," and failed my Jour final :D
BUT WHO CARES! I made my flight and now I'm home :)
TO DO List over Winter Break:
1. Finalize Spring Semester schedule (Add a two-unit)
2. Figure out housing for sophomore year
3. Figure out summer plans
4. Find a job near/on campus
5. Shop! :)
6. Christmas in the Park/Ice Skating with the boyfriend :) birthday?
7. Farmer's Market
8. San Francisco :D
9. Find a new phone :)
10. Visit the ol' alma mater
11. Alumni Holiday Partay!
12. Emerald Bowl, USC v. BC!!
13. Have an amazing, life-changing experience at Urbana '09 :)
14. Not get sick. Particularly after Urbana '09
15. See the guys :)
16. See the girls :)
17. Purikura
18. Bake lots of tasty things
19. Eat at: Johnny Rockets, Blue Rock Shoot, In n' Out, and Noah's Bagels with Minty ;)
20. Eat a fancy dinner at Santana Row
21. See snow
22. Go to a museum
23. Monterey Bay Aquarium!
24. Froyo!
25. That is all for now :)
Anyway, yesterday (I can't believe it was only yesterday..) I woke up SUPER EARLY for my 8AM final (MY CLASS ISN'T EVEN AT 8AM T_T) and did pretty well. Then I sat around, ate with Breana and Julia, packed and took my stuff to Cauchy's, talked with Won on the phone, hungout, "studied," and failed my Jour final :D
BUT WHO CARES! I made my flight and now I'm home :)
TO DO List over Winter Break:
1. Finalize Spring Semester schedule (Add a two-unit)
2. Figure out housing for sophomore year
3. Figure out summer plans
4. Find a job near/on campus
5. Shop! :)
6. Christmas in the Park/Ice Skating with the boyfriend :) birthday?
7. Farmer's Market
8. San Francisco :D
9. Find a new phone :)
10. Visit the ol' alma mater
11. Alumni Holiday Partay!
12. Emerald Bowl, USC v. BC!!
13. Have an amazing, life-changing experience at Urbana '09 :)
14. Not get sick. Particularly after Urbana '09
15. See the guys :)
16. See the girls :)
17. Purikura
18. Bake lots of tasty things
19. Eat at: Johnny Rockets, Blue Rock Shoot, In n' Out, and Noah's Bagels with Minty ;)
20. Eat a fancy dinner at Santana Row
21. See snow
22. Go to a museum
23. Monterey Bay Aquarium!
24. Froyo!
25. That is all for now :)
"Slow! There are football players!"
Barrett Glasauer
Barrett Glasauer
i dont know you
Barrett Glasauer
i hope no one reads this conversation
Barrett Glasauer
Barrett Glasauer
Barrett Glasauer
you're such a man
1. Two more finals :( Sed face D: I have no motivation to study and I'm so sleepy all the time!
2. I had the best ramen in LA today.
3. I want a double piercing???
4. UR.BANA. JFAOIDFO!!! 300 dollaz today :D
6. I WANT TO BE CONTENT, I've been so restless I can't remember if I slept last night.
7. I want a new phone
I dunno. Time to study.
Barrett Glasauer
i dont know you
Barrett Glasauer
i hope no one reads this conversation
Barrett Glasauer
Barrett Glasauer
Barrett Glasauer
you're such a man
1. Two more finals :( Sed face D: I have no motivation to study and I'm so sleepy all the time!
2. I had the best ramen in LA today.
3. I want a double piercing???
4. UR.BANA. JFAOIDFO!!! 300 dollaz today :D
6. I WANT TO BE CONTENT, I've been so restless I can't remember if I slept last night.
7. I want a new phone
I dunno. Time to study.
Harker is adorable :)
Finals studying is sooo mehhh
Yesterday, I accomplished far less than I expected and it was suuuper rainy, cold, and gloomy :( not okay. Today is just super cold D:
Discipleship was an immense blessing.
Finals studying is sooo mehhh
Yesterday, I accomplished far less than I expected and it was suuuper rainy, cold, and gloomy :( not okay. Today is just super cold D:
Discipleship was an immense blessing.
Hello readers!
I think I'll write about the game first :)
Look at my pf picture! It's with T MAYS, #2 on the USC TROJANS!!
I woke up super early to have breakfast with Benn and then we went to wake up Cauchy and meet up with TCF for the game!
The game itself was meh, the weather was bad and our team was playing really bad. We were so looking forward to that 21st point in which we would raise Ben in triumph at his final game at SC but that never happened! It was much more than a loss, it was a personal disappointment :( moreso for him than me. So I think it's fate that the Emerald Bowl (which we are in, sadly) is being played in San Francisco! Which means we have one last chance to win and push Ben up! And he can have a happy last game :) the day before we lift off for St. Louis :D
Afterward, I just got ready for Frosh Con.
I went in not knowing what to expect. All that I knew was that it was supposed to help all the freshmen grow closer together etc etc. and I was like no problem! We're all so close already! But I met a lot of new people and grew a little closer to those I already knew.
That night, we listened to two speakers and then discussed in small groups. Afterward, we headed to the gym to play some INTENSE SPORTS for like, three hours. It was insane, four sports going on at once or something! Hockey...Football...Tennis, Volleyball, Wall Ball, jump rope hahah all in one gym! We played blindfolded capture the flag and that Ships, Sailors game and I am VERY SORE. Then we went back and played more games, ate, and discussed skin care products. Sleep happened around 230AM
The next morning, we got up and checked out a new teen center World Impact LA is to finish soon in a little under a month and then set out on our task of sorting out clothes for Sonshine Thrift Store which was really fun! We spent three hours sorting through donations and such and sorting out the bad and the good products. We also played a lot of dress up :D
That night, we had two more sessions and a lot of time for reflection as well as small group and prayer. Small group was such a blessing, I feel five times closer to these people just bcus we were able to honestly share our troubles and our burdens.
We spent over 24 hours about 2 miles away in a school in south central LA and although it was only a busride away, sc LA feels miles and miles away from the lives we lead at SC. This weekend has been an incredible blessing in 50 million ways and I'm so so so grateful for God and His grace and TCF :)
I feel so grateful for SC and TCF and ahh crazy, I'm so in love with life right now.
I sense the start of something new :)
At the moment, I am so sore I could write a poem about it. In fact, I did while climbing the stairs this morning:
I am so sore
From laying on that floor
And flopping like a whale
I can barely open this door
Much less hold onto this stair rail
I can't take it no mo!
Yes. That intense game+sleeping on the floor+the fact that those chairs had no darn cushions! Makes Steff-o a very sore person. Also, my throat is aching bcus Breana insisted on hugging me everyday for my nugetty-ness and holding me close to her diseased self. Plus, that last quarter of the game, I hadn't screamed that much in a while. So my voice is pretty shot.
BUT NOWW! Time to study for finals :(
This morning, I got this email:
I swear, as the semester goes on, they get more and more creative. I liked this one too:
Then discipleship :)
FIGHT ON college kids! We can do it :))
Goodbye and good luck readers!
I think I'll write about the game first :)
Look at my pf picture! It's with T MAYS, #2 on the USC TROJANS!!
I woke up super early to have breakfast with Benn and then we went to wake up Cauchy and meet up with TCF for the game!
The game itself was meh, the weather was bad and our team was playing really bad. We were so looking forward to that 21st point in which we would raise Ben in triumph at his final game at SC but that never happened! It was much more than a loss, it was a personal disappointment :( moreso for him than me. So I think it's fate that the Emerald Bowl (which we are in, sadly) is being played in San Francisco! Which means we have one last chance to win and push Ben up! And he can have a happy last game :) the day before we lift off for St. Louis :D
Afterward, I just got ready for Frosh Con.
I went in not knowing what to expect. All that I knew was that it was supposed to help all the freshmen grow closer together etc etc. and I was like no problem! We're all so close already! But I met a lot of new people and grew a little closer to those I already knew.
That night, we listened to two speakers and then discussed in small groups. Afterward, we headed to the gym to play some INTENSE SPORTS for like, three hours. It was insane, four sports going on at once or something! Hockey...Football...Tennis, Volleyball, Wall Ball, jump rope hahah all in one gym! We played blindfolded capture the flag and that Ships, Sailors game and I am VERY SORE. Then we went back and played more games, ate, and discussed skin care products. Sleep happened around 230AM
The next morning, we got up and checked out a new teen center World Impact LA is to finish soon in a little under a month and then set out on our task of sorting out clothes for Sonshine Thrift Store which was really fun! We spent three hours sorting through donations and such and sorting out the bad and the good products. We also played a lot of dress up :D
That night, we had two more sessions and a lot of time for reflection as well as small group and prayer. Small group was such a blessing, I feel five times closer to these people just bcus we were able to honestly share our troubles and our burdens.
We spent over 24 hours about 2 miles away in a school in south central LA and although it was only a busride away, sc LA feels miles and miles away from the lives we lead at SC. This weekend has been an incredible blessing in 50 million ways and I'm so so so grateful for God and His grace and TCF :)
I feel so grateful for SC and TCF and ahh crazy, I'm so in love with life right now.
I sense the start of something new :)
At the moment, I am so sore I could write a poem about it. In fact, I did while climbing the stairs this morning:
I am so sore
From laying on that floor
And flopping like a whale
I can barely open this door
Much less hold onto this stair rail
I can't take it no mo!
Yes. That intense game+sleeping on the floor+the fact that those chairs had no darn cushions! Makes Steff-o a very sore person. Also, my throat is aching bcus Breana insisted on hugging me everyday for my nugetty-ness and holding me close to her diseased self. Plus, that last quarter of the game, I hadn't screamed that much in a while. So my voice is pretty shot.
BUT NOWW! Time to study for finals :(
This morning, I got this email:
Hey Class,While this could possibly be true. The situation is still somewhat humorous.
Earlier in the semester while I was in Mexico building houses for the needy, I was bit by a wild boar and acquired rabies and swine flu
I swear, as the semester goes on, they get more and more creative. I liked this one too:
hey guys,
I've been sick with polio as well as the plague.
Final review notes would be awesome.
Then discipleship :)
FIGHT ON college kids! We can do it :))
Goodbye and good luck readers!
Fight On For Ol' SC
Jack Wang win or lose, trojan for life! fight on all the way!
That's the trojan spirit :) We'll get 'em next year!Our mascot is a horse but our athletes and students are nickname Trojans for our fighting spirit :)
Can't wait for Game Day next year!
Update Sunday on the game,
but nowww...
What exactly does P. Diddy feel like when he wakes up in the morning?"
Daniel Tien i miss celebrating the start of a weekend with brian and sean after 4th period douglas. big chest bump and "it's the weekend, baby!"
I miss it.Baby
MM so what has been happening? Well I felt kinda sick the past two days while suffering through two papers but now I'm homefree except one more final paper which I haven't started and three finals! WOO! :)
Also, Ben took me to fball practice on Thursday and I got to take a picture with Damien Williams and Taylor Mays :)
Taylor called me a baby :( SAD.
Mmm we closed the blinds today for the first time since move-in day and now it feels like a cave!
I suppose I'm just not a very insightful person anymore because I never write about anything interesting and no one really even reads this anymore :(
But here is a quote from the inside of my honestea yesterday :D:
"When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad. That is my religion."-Abraham Lincoln.
and to that, Won says "BAD GRAMMAR!"
Good day for now! WASHING FACE TIME I love no class on Fridays <3
Also, Ben took me to fball practice on Thursday and I got to take a picture with Damien Williams and Taylor Mays :)
Taylor called me a baby :( SAD.
Mmm we closed the blinds today for the first time since move-in day and now it feels like a cave!
I suppose I'm just not a very insightful person anymore because I never write about anything interesting and no one really even reads this anymore :(
But here is a quote from the inside of my honestea yesterday :D:
"When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad. That is my religion."-Abraham Lincoln.
and to that, Won says "BAD GRAMMAR!"
Good day for now! WASHING FACE TIME I love no class on Fridays <3
Come on Let's Fall in Love
Coming back to USC is always mehhh :(
I almost missed my flight sighh ran to my gate barefoot and barely made it to discover that Mai missed the plane. I knew it.
I'm always reluctant to leave the Bay Area but there's something about seeing our beautiful globe tower that extends from the Von KleinSmid Center in the distance from the highway that makes my heart swell with joy :) I love that globe! I can see it in the surrounding area (ghettooo) at night and I'll always be able to find my way back to campus. I love The Bay I love USC! :)
These past couple days have been uneventful, just suffering in my room, working on papers. Four papers in the coming week.five!! :(
Today Ben and I went to the bookstore sale and I am heipi :)
I think I'm a selfish and bad person. And I have never been this afraid to lose someone I love.
On another note:
I had my last class with Matt Barkley today.
Tehe I'm creepy :(
Football practice on Thursday, whose down?
I almost missed my flight sighh ran to my gate barefoot and barely made it to discover that Mai missed the plane. I knew it.
I'm always reluctant to leave the Bay Area but there's something about seeing our beautiful globe tower that extends from the Von KleinSmid Center in the distance from the highway that makes my heart swell with joy :) I love that globe! I can see it in the surrounding area (ghettooo) at night and I'll always be able to find my way back to campus. I love The Bay I love USC! :)
These past couple days have been uneventful, just suffering in my room, working on papers. Four papers in the coming week.five!! :(
Today Ben and I went to the bookstore sale and I am heipi :)
I think I'm a selfish and bad person. And I have never been this afraid to lose someone I love.
On another note:
I had my last class with Matt Barkley today.
Tehe I'm creepy :(
Football practice on Thursday, whose down?
Hello Bay Area!

It is Thanksgiving afternoon and I'm thankful for...
1. God, for His grace and salvation and for always giving me a second chance.
2. SOSr, for always being there in keeping in touch :) even if we're still only in the same state heh
3. The guys, just for being the guys :) I know I can always count on them for anything!
4. Won Hee :) for reasons that number to infinity. I don't know where I'd be without him :)
5. Mai mai, for being an excellent roommate and staying up late with me and being hungry and eating and being messy and stanky and being loud. And my other suitemates, for putting up with us and for being my friends :)
6. HOC4, my church family :) for everything. For the community, for Jesus, for lunches and fellowship, and for USC UCLA fights. :)
6.5 InterVarsity (my second church family :)), for helping me grow in my relationship with Him and for being the only reason i have friends in college.
7. Harker, for making the start of 2009 one of the best months of my life. And still offering a loving community I can go back to whenever I want.
8. HOME. Is where the heart is.
9. USC, for making the second half of 2009 a good end to the best year of my life. For the football games, the classes, the beautiful people ;), the crazy parties, the on-campus events, for being in Southcentral and being in LA (and it's amazing weather), for being better than UCLA, for school spirit and love of the students. I'm thankful for good decisions, like Parkside, and I'm thankful for EVAN OUR excellent RA :)) I LOVE USC.
10. I'm thankful for life and FEELING alive, my life is good.
To end this post, here is a vague schedule of my next few days. Call me and let's hang out :)!
Thursday: Thanksgiving dinner, work on paper, EAT A LOT, stay up late.
Friday: BLACKFRIDAY SHOPPING. Homework? Get glasses :( (I'm blind now, did I tell you?), HOC4 Thanksgiving dinner! Hooray!
Saturday: Frolicking with friends maybe, sister's ballet performance in the afternoon, THE BIG GAME V. UCLA AW YAHHH
Sunday: Church :) Homework? :(
Monday: USC. Comm class with MATT BARKLEY heheh: P
of the past two days:
Thursday, I ATE BREAKFAST FOR ONCE!! And a lot of it O_O but then I had class all the way until 2 (but had a venti hot tea sometime then) and only had a handful of blueberries, kettlecorn, and a bunch of random samples from the Fresh Market. Then Mai came home and we went to Carl's Jr. (EWW) and ate 4 pieces of chicken and some chili cheese fries (DEF NOT AS GOOD AS JR). This was at 4PM. We ate at 645PM again at Parkside and had some delicious bowls of Lucky Charms and Coco Puffs and milk (I had soy). Then FRAY CONCERT! Then I came back and ate all my blue berries.
Friday, I got up at 10PM and showered and had no breakfast before we went to make sandwiches for the homeless and AUGHH BEING AROUND ALL THAT FOOD WHILST HAVING NONE IN MY STOMACH (besides a Kitkat bar) was kinda painful. And then we were gonna go to the In n' Out truck but we went to Ktown instead and ate for the first time like at 230 -_- AT A TOFU HOUSE YOMMM
Then I ate until I had a food baby of SEVERAL MONTHS and waddled around the super market in search of goodies. I bought chocopies yommm. And a cool new tea container thing for 3 dollars!! And then we came home and didn't really at dinner before we went to BREAKTHROUGH yee hip hop show :) We made a trogro run and ate some turkey sandwiches and now I'm eating a latka. AND GREEN TEA! Yayyy
Thursday, I ATE BREAKFAST FOR ONCE!! And a lot of it O_O but then I had class all the way until 2 (but had a venti hot tea sometime then) and only had a handful of blueberries, kettlecorn, and a bunch of random samples from the Fresh Market. Then Mai came home and we went to Carl's Jr. (EWW) and ate 4 pieces of chicken and some chili cheese fries (DEF NOT AS GOOD AS JR). This was at 4PM. We ate at 645PM again at Parkside and had some delicious bowls of Lucky Charms and Coco Puffs and milk (I had soy). Then FRAY CONCERT! Then I came back and ate all my blue berries.
Friday, I got up at 10PM and showered and had no breakfast before we went to make sandwiches for the homeless and AUGHH BEING AROUND ALL THAT FOOD WHILST HAVING NONE IN MY STOMACH (besides a Kitkat bar) was kinda painful. And then we were gonna go to the In n' Out truck but we went to Ktown instead and ate for the first time like at 230 -_- AT A TOFU HOUSE YOMMM
Then I ate until I had a food baby of SEVERAL MONTHS and waddled around the super market in search of goodies. I bought chocopies yommm. And a cool new tea container thing for 3 dollars!! And then we came home and didn't really at dinner before we went to BREAKTHROUGH yee hip hop show :) We made a trogro run and ate some turkey sandwiches and now I'm eating a latka. AND GREEN TEA! Yayyy
hay boy hay
mmm since last time!
the hc dance was fun :) freeezing though D:
won picked me up (FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER SO IT FELT LIKE A REAL DATE HEHE BCUS HE'S FINALLY LEGAL) and we went to SR to have dinner :)
mm then we had to go to harker early because he had to sell tickets and it was colddd
there were lots of people there early, even upper classmen O_O hahaha
anyway mm yah. hung out with won afterward and went homee
sunday was good :) went to church, then chipotle and argued about ucla v. usc :) heh.
sat around, yogurtland date with bf <3
the end.
tuesday, we went to the home opener of TROJANS BASKETBALL and we won!
we are really mean sports fans but i suppose it's part of the game? mehh
SOCAL WEATHER IS <3 jfaodisfkjg
yesterday, mai and i made cards for the elderly. check ittt on fb! :)
right now, i'm eating blueberries and kettle corn from USC's fresh market :) and feeling content.
fray concert tonight! but before that
comm paper, interview winston, shower, nap?
today was a good day :)
i paid attention in class so mm yah. satisfying.
aoisdjasoid comm paper!! :(
the hc dance was fun :) freeezing though D:
won picked me up (FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER SO IT FELT LIKE A REAL DATE HEHE BCUS HE'S FINALLY LEGAL) and we went to SR to have dinner :)
mm then we had to go to harker early because he had to sell tickets and it was colddd
there were lots of people there early, even upper classmen O_O hahaha
anyway mm yah. hung out with won afterward and went homee
sunday was good :) went to church, then chipotle and argued about ucla v. usc :) heh.
sat around, yogurtland date with bf <3
the end.
tuesday, we went to the home opener of TROJANS BASKETBALL and we won!
we are really mean sports fans but i suppose it's part of the game? mehh
SOCAL WEATHER IS <3 jfaodisfkjg
yesterday, mai and i made cards for the elderly. check ittt on fb! :)
right now, i'm eating blueberries and kettle corn from USC's fresh market :) and feeling content.
fray concert tonight! but before that
comm paper, interview winston, shower, nap?
today was a good day :)
i paid attention in class so mm yah. satisfying.
aoisdjasoid comm paper!! :(
Now that I'm a Trojan...
I feel the need to buy gladiator sandals.
Which I will. Mayhaps on black friday because people don't normally have large feet as I do so I can take my sweet time getting to stores :)
Anyway, "I came home" for homecoming and it was fun :) I can't say I like the Homecoming theme but meh, the campus was festive anyhow :P
The game was excellent and hanging out afterward was excellent, especially when our 2009 student council "borrowed" the spirit trophy from the 2010 student council ;) I miss high school...
The rally seemed not as high-spirited, maybe because the seniors weren't that loud. The freshmen and sophomores have proven quite impressive though :P
Why is NorCal so freaking cold DD:
So. Numb.
Tonight...well, I gotta watch the USC game first and then after we win, maybe I can run to a store to last minute look for dresses...and then dinner with boyfriend :))
and then the dance yaaay I'm excited :D
Haven't been to a dance party in while that didn't involve alcohol O_O so this should be fun :)
Anyway, it's so good to be home <3
Too much to do in so little time :(
Which I will. Mayhaps on black friday because people don't normally have large feet as I do so I can take my sweet time getting to stores :)
Anyway, "I came home" for homecoming and it was fun :) I can't say I like the Homecoming theme but meh, the campus was festive anyhow :P
The game was excellent and hanging out afterward was excellent, especially when our 2009 student council "borrowed" the spirit trophy from the 2010 student council ;) I miss high school...
The rally seemed not as high-spirited, maybe because the seniors weren't that loud. The freshmen and sophomores have proven quite impressive though :P
Why is NorCal so freaking cold DD:
So. Numb.
Tonight...well, I gotta watch the USC game first and then after we win, maybe I can run to a store to last minute look for dresses...and then dinner with boyfriend :))
and then the dance yaaay I'm excited :D
Haven't been to a dance party in while that didn't involve alcohol O_O so this should be fun :)
Anyway, it's so good to be home <3
Too much to do in so little time :(
Oh, Happiness
I FORGOT TO MENTION that my cute, thoughtful, sweet boyfriend sent me flowers on our 9 month and asked me to homecoming :) teheeheheeee they're so pretty!
and thanks to maimai, my crazy roommate who helped him. esp when they're not fond of each other ;) :P
anyway. friday i went to bed shoooper late D: and had to get up two hours earlier than normal for sunday school (missional based) in preparation for URBANA 09 :) soo excited! that was cool and all. servce was a bit repetitive so ...yah. sleepy. then we went to BCD thank goodness, been craving soon dooboo FOREVER :D ate like a fatteh :) and came home to study for COMM D:
todaaay was mehh, comm was kinda :| the MC was harder and more detailed than i anticipated but the essay portion was :D soo i dunno! dang, this is supposedly the hardest comm class out of my major and it has been my misfortune to pick it as my first class :/ parents will not be plzed D:
mmm afterward, mai and i went to eat and that was delicious, we also talked about interesting stuff so :)
then ben, richard, and i had our first discipleship meeting which was really good! i felt somewhat small and unprepared in my faith though...something i've been semi-struggling with recently. praying for spiritual maturity! mmm and for this crazy sickness to leave mah body!
richard gave me the rest of his red bull and i never drink red bull and i'm very awake right now which is good! considering how little sleep i've been getting so hopefully i'll be able to finish revising my paper and get a headstart on a few articles :P
speaking of which, i told a newsletter type publication that i was interested in working with them in maybe design or photography and they just slapped me in the face with two articles due very, very soon (and i'm going home!!) oh dear Lord i've never written anything like this O_O lawl
emailed brian chao in a frenzy HAHA my newspaper frands come help meh!!
oh well, time to try new things...
my planner is crazy colored right now since i highlight each event/due date according to it's purpose (yellow=church/IV/God related, green=class related, blue=school events, purple=school partays!, pink=outside events) so mm busy busy until thanksgiving!
time to work on my 红楼梦 essay and it's views on female education :(( (i hate rewriting papers when the teacher hates your rough draft!! sigh)
and thanks to maimai, my crazy roommate who helped him. esp when they're not fond of each other ;) :P
anyway. friday i went to bed shoooper late D: and had to get up two hours earlier than normal for sunday school (missional based) in preparation for URBANA 09 :) soo excited! that was cool and all. servce was a bit repetitive so ...yah. sleepy. then we went to BCD thank goodness, been craving soon dooboo FOREVER :D ate like a fatteh :) and came home to study for COMM D:
todaaay was mehh, comm was kinda :| the MC was harder and more detailed than i anticipated but the essay portion was :D soo i dunno! dang, this is supposedly the hardest comm class out of my major and it has been my misfortune to pick it as my first class :/ parents will not be plzed D:
mmm afterward, mai and i went to eat and that was delicious, we also talked about interesting stuff so :)
then ben, richard, and i had our first discipleship meeting which was really good! i felt somewhat small and unprepared in my faith though...something i've been semi-struggling with recently. praying for spiritual maturity! mmm and for this crazy sickness to leave mah body!
richard gave me the rest of his red bull and i never drink red bull and i'm very awake right now which is good! considering how little sleep i've been getting so hopefully i'll be able to finish revising my paper and get a headstart on a few articles :P
speaking of which, i told a newsletter type publication that i was interested in working with them in maybe design or photography and they just slapped me in the face with two articles due very, very soon (and i'm going home!!) oh dear Lord i've never written anything like this O_O lawl
emailed brian chao in a frenzy HAHA my newspaper frands come help meh!!
oh well, time to try new things...
my planner is crazy colored right now since i highlight each event/due date according to it's purpose (yellow=church/IV/God related, green=class related, blue=school events, purple=school partays!, pink=outside events) so mm busy busy until thanksgiving!
time to work on my 红楼梦 essay and it's views on female education :(( (i hate rewriting papers when the teacher hates your rough draft!! sigh)
1, 2, 3
life is sooo meeehhh right now T_T
i mean,
1. i feel like my grades are mediocre right now
2. i'm not involved at USC and that depresses me
4. ___________
5. ben wants to disciple me but i feel so spiritually weak right now and unprepared that i'm scared i'll just be useless -_-
6. i lost my mailbox key, that's like a 40 dollar fine
7. our bathroom lock is STILL BROKEN wtf T_T
8. my phone is broken
but i'm still happy.
or well, i feel happy most of the time but i have this cloud of hopelessness over my head and it's :( !!
mostly bcus of 1, 2, and 4.
and 8. my poor ice cream :((
anyway i g2g so i'll write latarrr
life is sooo meeehhh right now T_T
i mean,
1. i feel like my grades are mediocre right now
2. i'm not involved at USC and that depresses me
4. ___________
5. ben wants to disciple me but i feel so spiritually weak right now and unprepared that i'm scared i'll just be useless -_-
6. i lost my mailbox key, that's like a 40 dollar fine
7. our bathroom lock is STILL BROKEN wtf T_T
8. my phone is broken
but i'm still happy.
or well, i feel happy most of the time but i have this cloud of hopelessness over my head and it's :( !!
mostly bcus of 1, 2, and 4.
and 8. my poor ice cream :((
anyway i g2g so i'll write latarrr
I bought a huge salad today
because it seemed like a good idea, mainly bcus it has chicken in it.
Now I feel like a rabbit and I hate this stupid salad.
Deniz and I have a food baby whose name is Sydney and she loves chili cheese fries from Johnny Rockets and Froyo and peso chicken sandwiches from Blue Rock Shoot and definitely bacon.
Today, I bought Cinnamon Toast Crunch and Lucky Charms and thought of New York 07. I will eat them tomorrow and pretend Deniz is hurr with me.
Now I feel like a rabbit and I hate this stupid salad.
Deniz and I have a food baby whose name is Sydney and she loves chili cheese fries from Johnny Rockets and Froyo and peso chicken sandwiches from Blue Rock Shoot and definitely bacon.
Today, I bought Cinnamon Toast Crunch and Lucky Charms and thought of New York 07. I will eat them tomorrow and pretend Deniz is hurr with me.
Sunny with a high of 83
most of the time.
there is a large pile of clothes on my bed.
class. almost. done. jaoisdjiof
i miss home.
i miss eating noah's bagels in the morning, driving my car, harker, yearbook, spirit events, homecoming, painting my nails at sephora, 4hoc, saratoga, the class of 09, best friends, late night food runs, just driving around in the wee hours of the mornings, the guys
random things like buying apples or tortillas in the mexican aisle
froyo every 5 blocks
in n out
i was thinking the other day about how winny worked at yogurtland and then i thought about how easy it was to just hop in a car and go wherever we wanted and see whoever we wanted or just sit there in the sunshine and talk. i don't really do that anymore. :(
then the world will never know
the greatest story ever told
did i tell you that i love you?
just how much i really need you?
most of the time.
there is a large pile of clothes on my bed.
class. almost. done. jaoisdjiof
i miss home.
i miss eating noah's bagels in the morning, driving my car, harker, yearbook, spirit events, homecoming, painting my nails at sephora, 4hoc, saratoga, the class of 09, best friends, late night food runs, just driving around in the wee hours of the mornings, the guys
random things like buying apples or tortillas in the mexican aisle
froyo every 5 blocks
in n out
i was thinking the other day about how winny worked at yogurtland and then i thought about how easy it was to just hop in a car and go wherever we wanted and see whoever we wanted or just sit there in the sunshine and talk. i don't really do that anymore. :(
then the world will never know
the greatest story ever told
did i tell you that i love you?
just how much i really need you?
"To achieve great things, two things are needed; a plan, and not quite enough time" Leonard Bernstein.
That was the quote on the inside of my Mango Green Honestea :)
Intervarsity had our first annual Great People Hunt at the Grove in LA :) Basically, each person/team had an hour to find 5 heavily disguised people in the Grove and tell them "I think I've seen you before, can I have your autograph?"
The winner would received a bucket full of candy in Halloween spirit and get their photo posted on the website.
WHO WON? WE DID AWWW YAHH it was super fun :) teehehehe
Woke up early and had breakfast which was quite delicious. I'm not really sure what else I did..probably homework. Then we had Intervarsity curry night which was DEFINITELY very delicious with tonkatsu and gyoza and REAL rice :)
Then me and the girlies hit up the row. Honestly, I was just super tired but I had a good time anyway. And it was really cold. And the tram sucked. And almost ran over a few drunk people. And then we stayed up until like, sunrise almost, talking about stuff.
And we woke up on Saturday feeling like crud at 1130 after going to sleep at 4AM O_O haha. BUT THEN WE HAD DIMSUM which was excellent, with zhongwen club and that was tasty :) I was really feeling sick though so :(
Then we watched the game which was just...no comment.
After that, I REALLY wasn't in the mood to go out or anything so I just stayed at home trying to write my paper and talking to the boyfriend :) <3
Woke up with great difficulty EVEN AFTER DAYLIGHT SAVINGS!! and went to church, which was good, of course. Ran into Daniel Wang from home! Which was cool...THEN WE WENT TO GUPPIES one of the most amazing places on earth. And ate so much shaved ice that we were all shivering by the time the bowl was done. We napped in the car and then went home :D to get ready for MAXT OUT yessss
So Solanda and I got rides to see C3 with Casa and we definitely should have gotten there like 2 hours later -_- and I definitely need my own car. But we watched a lot of really good dance performances-the minors were really good! I started falling asleep though, at one point, because we were there from like 6-10! C3 was bangiiin' :) and was one point short of third place so basically, we're awesome! Disappointing USC fanbase though :/ we need more C3 lovin!
Went to JJ Cafe after that for some really good Cantonese food and finally got home around 1230, 3 hours after I predicted.
Then I stayed up until 3AM talking to Mai and Won :)
That is all. I really need to work on updating this more often.
That was the quote on the inside of my Mango Green Honestea :)
Intervarsity had our first annual Great People Hunt at the Grove in LA :) Basically, each person/team had an hour to find 5 heavily disguised people in the Grove and tell them "I think I've seen you before, can I have your autograph?"
The winner would received a bucket full of candy in Halloween spirit and get their photo posted on the website.
WHO WON? WE DID AWWW YAHH it was super fun :) teehehehe
Woke up early and had breakfast which was quite delicious. I'm not really sure what else I did..probably homework. Then we had Intervarsity curry night which was DEFINITELY very delicious with tonkatsu and gyoza and REAL rice :)
Then me and the girlies hit up the row. Honestly, I was just super tired but I had a good time anyway. And it was really cold. And the tram sucked. And almost ran over a few drunk people. And then we stayed up until like, sunrise almost, talking about stuff.
And we woke up on Saturday feeling like crud at 1130 after going to sleep at 4AM O_O haha. BUT THEN WE HAD DIMSUM which was excellent, with zhongwen club and that was tasty :) I was really feeling sick though so :(
Then we watched the game which was just...no comment.
After that, I REALLY wasn't in the mood to go out or anything so I just stayed at home trying to write my paper and talking to the boyfriend :) <3
Woke up with great difficulty EVEN AFTER DAYLIGHT SAVINGS!! and went to church, which was good, of course. Ran into Daniel Wang from home! Which was cool...THEN WE WENT TO GUPPIES one of the most amazing places on earth. And ate so much shaved ice that we were all shivering by the time the bowl was done. We napped in the car and then went home :D to get ready for MAXT OUT yessss
So Solanda and I got rides to see C3 with Casa and we definitely should have gotten there like 2 hours later -_- and I definitely need my own car. But we watched a lot of really good dance performances-the minors were really good! I started falling asleep though, at one point, because we were there from like 6-10! C3 was bangiiin' :) and was one point short of third place so basically, we're awesome! Disappointing USC fanbase though :/ we need more C3 lovin!
Went to JJ Cafe after that for some really good Cantonese food and finally got home around 1230, 3 hours after I predicted.
Then I stayed up until 3AM talking to Mai and Won :)
That is all. I really need to work on updating this more often.
apparently i sleep talk.
*GRUNT* "pesos...poking stuff....feels weird"
-sometime today in the AM
too lazy to be excited about halloweekend.
too. much. hw.
comm test postponed. i love the world.
except i feel sick. sad.
-sometime today in the AM
too lazy to be excited about halloweekend.
too. much. hw.
comm test postponed. i love the world.
except i feel sick. sad.
to the moon and back
SATURDAY-football game :) but first, mai and i wanted to go to the alley but the bus never CAME FJAOSDJIOAS and so we walked through shady alleys to another bus stop to go to ktown bcus we were so FLIPPING HUNGRY and then walked around for like 928493 hour s looking for a tofuhouse but everything was BBQ faoisjdiosa!! but we finally found one! yes :)
SO after that, football game :) aw yah we won! :) good game!
dinner at parkside and thennn talked to won :)
SUNDAY-MMM cafe spot after church SO GOOD and hung out with parents hahah church was dandy too :)
they're photographing my wedding.
SATURDAY-football game :) but first, mai and i wanted to go to the alley but the bus never CAME FJAOSDJIOAS and so we walked through shady alleys to another bus stop to go to ktown bcus we were so FLIPPING HUNGRY and then walked around for like 928493 hour s looking for a tofuhouse but everything was BBQ faoisjdiosa!! but we finally found one! yes :)
SO after that, football game :) aw yah we won! :) good game!
dinner at parkside and thennn talked to won :)
SUNDAY-MMM cafe spot after church SO GOOD and hung out with parents hahah church was dandy too :)
they're photographing my wedding.
i bought hawk nelson glasses @ the concert... ;)

what are they good for? absolutely nothing. except looking FAAAHBULOUS :B THEY FLIP UP HGOIDJIFO!
helena just called me a dork :( CRY CRY.
it is 1:23 AM and i am eating a muffin. mai is showering. hw time?
D: there's no way i can catch up but basicallyyy in the past two weeks...
1. USC FBALL (LAST SATURDAY AND TOMORROWW!!) aw yahh <3 last weekend was DUMB and jimmy clausen is a little girl but the trojans rise victorious once more :)
2. HAWK NELSON CONCERT (TONIGHT) WOOO so good, soooo gooood :) i got sick sunglasses too, they flip up and stuff.
3. I GOT A FREE SHIRT TODAY. excellent day. and i went to an extra credit event which was an interview with the author of the screenplay of Juno. siiick :) i love annenberg!
5. JAESON MA (THIS TUESDAY) IS AMAZING, he came to speak at our school on tuesday so we went instead of having bible study and it was SO INSPIRING, he basically does everything i want to do and he's combined entertainment+asian culture+asian media+christianity and is a crazy mega inspiration, i wanna intern for him SO BAD. and then 21 choices after and some rounds of ninja :)
6. GIRLS NIGHT (LAST FRIDAY AND SATURDAY) and i watched a walk to remember for the FIRST TIME which is kinda of blasphemous and makes me a man but meh! and then we watched ps i love you and basically, it was a room full of crying girls and a used up tissue box. then we watched 27 dresses :) and slept at 3. we got up, had delicious breakfast, and talked about life. i love tcf girls :)
7. omgoodness prayer couch (LAST MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, AND THURSDAY?)
i can't even begin to describe the prayer and courage that went into making it happen but so many good things came out of it.
God has been so good to me these past two weeks :)
"For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them."
Matthew 18:20
i bought hawk nelson glasses @ the concert... ;)

what are they good for? absolutely nothing. except looking FAAAHBULOUS :B THEY FLIP UP HGOIDJIFO!
helena just called me a dork :( CRY CRY.
it is 1:23 AM and i am eating a muffin. mai is showering. hw time?
D: there's no way i can catch up but basicallyyy in the past two weeks...
1. USC FBALL (LAST SATURDAY AND TOMORROWW!!) aw yahh <3 last weekend was DUMB and jimmy clausen is a little girl but the trojans rise victorious once more :)
2. HAWK NELSON CONCERT (TONIGHT) WOOO so good, soooo gooood :) i got sick sunglasses too, they flip up and stuff.
3. I GOT A FREE SHIRT TODAY. excellent day. and i went to an extra credit event which was an interview with the author of the screenplay of Juno. siiick :) i love annenberg!
5. JAESON MA (THIS TUESDAY) IS AMAZING, he came to speak at our school on tuesday so we went instead of having bible study and it was SO INSPIRING, he basically does everything i want to do and he's combined entertainment+asian culture+asian media+christianity and is a crazy mega inspiration, i wanna intern for him SO BAD. and then 21 choices after and some rounds of ninja :)
6. GIRLS NIGHT (LAST FRIDAY AND SATURDAY) and i watched a walk to remember for the FIRST TIME which is kinda of blasphemous and makes me a man but meh! and then we watched ps i love you and basically, it was a room full of crying girls and a used up tissue box. then we watched 27 dresses :) and slept at 3. we got up, had delicious breakfast, and talked about life. i love tcf girls :)
7. omgoodness prayer couch (LAST MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, AND THURSDAY?)
i can't even begin to describe the prayer and courage that went into making it happen but so many good things came out of it.
God has been so good to me these past two weeks :)
"For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them."
Matthew 18:20
i had a sufferous three days of writing for my midterm paper (asian american lit) but i finally submitted it yesterday afternoon so i feel so burden free :)
i came home two nights ago and visited harker on friday. not much has changed i guess
and i saw a lot of people i looove :) teeheee
food is better now.
the end.
todayyy hopefully i'll get to eat with megan and jeff?? hahahah who called me last night specifically to inform me that he is now fb friends with stephen wolfram -___-
football game tonight? mayhaps
sunday, CHURCH :D and family picnic?
i had a sufferous three days of writing for my midterm paper (asian american lit) but i finally submitted it yesterday afternoon so i feel so burden free :)
i came home two nights ago and visited harker on friday. not much has changed i guess
and i saw a lot of people i looove :) teeheee
food is better now.
the end.
todayyy hopefully i'll get to eat with megan and jeff?? hahahah who called me last night specifically to inform me that he is now fb friends with stephen wolfram -___-
football game tonight? mayhaps
sunday, CHURCH :D and family picnic?
it's a new daaay
it's been such a long time!
but yah since last time...
friday, we went to little tokyo and ate ourselves silly and browsed the selection and just had a ton of fun :) and thenn that night, we went to ktown and ate MORE, buffet bbq for 20 dollars with our parkside friends :) i love parkside!
simi came that night! and we stayed up really late talking
saturday, FOOTBALL GAMEEE, me and sim walked around the tailgates and hung out with some harker kids. then we went back home and did our ritual suite nail painting session before heading out to the game three hours early.
ROW 7 YEEEE :) we almost got on tv too andd yah. so basically, we won and it was excellent :) i got pushed up!! that was super exciting. afterward, we went to the smallest in n out i've ever seen and it was super delicious. and then i almost died in katelyn's car. the end!
sunday, CHURCH and thenn eating dericious vietnamese sandwichs on the grassy knoll :) then hung out with sim until she had to go home.
monday was my first college exam and i'm feeling pretty confident about it. i stayed up really late studying and christine saved my life bcus she took it last year and emailed me her old study guides so <3 :)
tuesday mmm nothing too interesting except bible study! :)
blahblah studying and then
FRIDAYYY :) left for fall con <3
we all met at the top of the parking structure which was a painful trek with all my clothes and moocow and we headed to trogro to get some food. then we GOT LOST on the way to the terminal and everyone was waiting for us HAHA FAIL
the boat ride was SOOO FUN so unlike the ride to catalina island in 8th grade eww :( but the wind was whipping and the moon was out and the ocean was calm and the STARS WERE VISIBLE it was gorgeous :)
when we got there, there were no lights in our cabins which was kind of inconvenient but the bathrooms were much nicer and there were pretty PALM TREES at campus by the sea.
we had session 1 and small group as well as snacks and then a MAD DANCE PARTY YEE it was so fun :) meeting other people from other schools and dancing the night away :) ahh it was so fun.
it ended around 1AM and we trekked back to our cabin to wash up and i saw a catalina fox! on the way out of the bathroom. then we dragged our sleeping bags out to the beachfront and our sleeping bags and blankets and pillows and fell asleep on the beach.
waking up on the beach is the most refreshing and beautiful thing in the world! :) sigh but i had to get up too early bcus i had to shower before the morning bell and everyone else got up. then we had breakfast which was delicious. why was the food so delicious?? then we had worship and session 2 (which entailed some snuggies...) as well as small group and alone/reflection time which was the perfect thing.
afterward, we had lunch and our small group and ben's was OTS so we sped through washing the dishes and joined the rest of the camp for THE GREAT RACE '09
which entailed (probably out of order...)
1. swimming from the big rock to the shore
2. spitting on an altsaseltzer tablet wrapped to someone else's forehead
3. sudoku with music blasting and people from other teams distracting you
4. running from the bridge to the cross on the cliff (REALLY FAR!!) while having water and flour flung on you
5. "helping grandma cross the street" four legged blindfolded race
6. "my girlfriend's purse" where you had to look through a whole bag for a random item
7. handfeeding blindfolded helena baby food
8. singing a sad song in a boat for a certain amount of time
9. kayaking half blindfolded to the dock and around and back
10. getting in a pyramid with two people on top and singing a song
all with a baton which was a raw egg.
YEEEHHH the wild buffalo won :) not only did we win a stainless steel campus by the sea waterbottle of 12 dollar value, we have also won bragging rights for a whole year!!
afterward we got like three hours of freetime so i and a couple people went on a "thirtyminute" hike up SCAR. it's called scar for a reason. i was practically climbing on my hands and feet -____- around prickly pears. but it was SUPER fun and SUPER exhausting and SUPER HOT AND SWEATY AND VERYYY rewarding. the view was beautiful :) God is good!
afterrr helena and i went kayaking and then went swimming with valerie in the ocean with inner tubes :)
SHOWER! and then dinner and listening to the game v. cal on the radio :D we even did pushups in the cafeteria -_- they think USC kids are crazyyy we have too much spirit hahahaha
everyone was reppin usc that weekend hahaha
then session 3 and small group, we saw a bat!!! but yah, very nice small group session. then we had snacks and everyone played a large game of mafia of about 50 people but solanda and i didn't want to so we had some girl time and talked a lot :) and ate a lot and drank a lot of tea. then we went for a night hike to the cross and played ultimate ninja on a cliff in the dark over an amazing view. afterward, we hung out and told scary stories by the campfire until late and played ten fingers until around 2AM and finally decided to wash up and get ready for bed
another beautiful night on the beach :)
but forgot socks so it was kinda cold :(
got up early to pack and had a really good breakfast.
woke up to a gorgeous sunrise and a seal! :)
worship was <3 and small group time was awesome. we were to create an outreach event that would happen in the following week and be both creative and risky. we decided to set up a comfortable picnic area on the grassy knoll by EVK as a way of showing our love to kids who had midterms and just needed some time to relax and hang out and eat.
then we went back to take photos and hang out on the beach for the last time and board the boat
which was barf central :( and involved paramedics. praying for that girl from fullerton! anyway
exhausting weekend, i studied a bit and then slept like a log -_- did laundry and showered and YET ben and matt still visited after i fell asleep with campus by the sea cookies. DANG IT I MISSED IT :(
yah. so basically FALL CON was amazing :) and i miss it a lot! but i had a lot of work to catch up with so i had my first official midterm this morning which i thought went pretty well and i finished early. i also had a paper due the class before that but FIRST i woke up at 8 to shower and then go to this AMAZING american apparel sale across the street and scored two hoodies for less than 30 <3
yes. after that we commenced our outreach and i met a lot of cool people on that grassy knoll :)
and thenn jour190 class and finallly! i get to rest today. haven't been home since 8AM :( almost 10 hours D:
bible study tonight with pizookies :))
God is good all the time, i'm so thankful for TCF and the good times and friends i've made so far and i'm looking forward to what He has in store for USC :)
but yah since last time...
friday, we went to little tokyo and ate ourselves silly and browsed the selection and just had a ton of fun :) and thenn that night, we went to ktown and ate MORE, buffet bbq for 20 dollars with our parkside friends :) i love parkside!
simi came that night! and we stayed up really late talking
saturday, FOOTBALL GAMEEE, me and sim walked around the tailgates and hung out with some harker kids. then we went back home and did our ritual suite nail painting session before heading out to the game three hours early.
ROW 7 YEEEE :) we almost got on tv too andd yah. so basically, we won and it was excellent :) i got pushed up!! that was super exciting. afterward, we went to the smallest in n out i've ever seen and it was super delicious. and then i almost died in katelyn's car. the end!
sunday, CHURCH and thenn eating dericious vietnamese sandwichs on the grassy knoll :) then hung out with sim until she had to go home.
monday was my first college exam and i'm feeling pretty confident about it. i stayed up really late studying and christine saved my life bcus she took it last year and emailed me her old study guides so <3 :)
tuesday mmm nothing too interesting except bible study! :)
blahblah studying and then
FRIDAYYY :) left for fall con <3
we all met at the top of the parking structure which was a painful trek with all my clothes and moocow and we headed to trogro to get some food. then we GOT LOST on the way to the terminal and everyone was waiting for us HAHA FAIL
the boat ride was SOOO FUN so unlike the ride to catalina island in 8th grade eww :( but the wind was whipping and the moon was out and the ocean was calm and the STARS WERE VISIBLE it was gorgeous :)
when we got there, there were no lights in our cabins which was kind of inconvenient but the bathrooms were much nicer and there were pretty PALM TREES at campus by the sea.
we had session 1 and small group as well as snacks and then a MAD DANCE PARTY YEE it was so fun :) meeting other people from other schools and dancing the night away :) ahh it was so fun.
it ended around 1AM and we trekked back to our cabin to wash up and i saw a catalina fox! on the way out of the bathroom. then we dragged our sleeping bags out to the beachfront and our sleeping bags and blankets and pillows and fell asleep on the beach.
waking up on the beach is the most refreshing and beautiful thing in the world! :) sigh but i had to get up too early bcus i had to shower before the morning bell and everyone else got up. then we had breakfast which was delicious. why was the food so delicious?? then we had worship and session 2 (which entailed some snuggies...) as well as small group and alone/reflection time which was the perfect thing.
afterward, we had lunch and our small group and ben's was OTS so we sped through washing the dishes and joined the rest of the camp for THE GREAT RACE '09
which entailed (probably out of order...)
1. swimming from the big rock to the shore
2. spitting on an altsaseltzer tablet wrapped to someone else's forehead
3. sudoku with music blasting and people from other teams distracting you
4. running from the bridge to the cross on the cliff (REALLY FAR!!) while having water and flour flung on you
5. "helping grandma cross the street" four legged blindfolded race
6. "my girlfriend's purse" where you had to look through a whole bag for a random item
7. handfeeding blindfolded helena baby food
8. singing a sad song in a boat for a certain amount of time
9. kayaking half blindfolded to the dock and around and back
10. getting in a pyramid with two people on top and singing a song
all with a baton which was a raw egg.
YEEEHHH the wild buffalo won :) not only did we win a stainless steel campus by the sea waterbottle of 12 dollar value, we have also won bragging rights for a whole year!!
afterward we got like three hours of freetime so i and a couple people went on a "thirtyminute" hike up SCAR. it's called scar for a reason. i was practically climbing on my hands and feet -____- around prickly pears. but it was SUPER fun and SUPER exhausting and SUPER HOT AND SWEATY AND VERYYY rewarding. the view was beautiful :) God is good!
afterrr helena and i went kayaking and then went swimming with valerie in the ocean with inner tubes :)
SHOWER! and then dinner and listening to the game v. cal on the radio :D we even did pushups in the cafeteria -_- they think USC kids are crazyyy we have too much spirit hahahaha
everyone was reppin usc that weekend hahaha
then session 3 and small group, we saw a bat!!! but yah, very nice small group session. then we had snacks and everyone played a large game of mafia of about 50 people but solanda and i didn't want to so we had some girl time and talked a lot :) and ate a lot and drank a lot of tea. then we went for a night hike to the cross and played ultimate ninja on a cliff in the dark over an amazing view. afterward, we hung out and told scary stories by the campfire until late and played ten fingers until around 2AM and finally decided to wash up and get ready for bed
another beautiful night on the beach :)
but forgot socks so it was kinda cold :(
got up early to pack and had a really good breakfast.
woke up to a gorgeous sunrise and a seal! :)
worship was <3 and small group time was awesome. we were to create an outreach event that would happen in the following week and be both creative and risky. we decided to set up a comfortable picnic area on the grassy knoll by EVK as a way of showing our love to kids who had midterms and just needed some time to relax and hang out and eat.
then we went back to take photos and hang out on the beach for the last time and board the boat
which was barf central :( and involved paramedics. praying for that girl from fullerton! anyway
exhausting weekend, i studied a bit and then slept like a log -_- did laundry and showered and YET ben and matt still visited after i fell asleep with campus by the sea cookies. DANG IT I MISSED IT :(
yah. so basically FALL CON was amazing :) and i miss it a lot! but i had a lot of work to catch up with so i had my first official midterm this morning which i thought went pretty well and i finished early. i also had a paper due the class before that but FIRST i woke up at 8 to shower and then go to this AMAZING american apparel sale across the street and scored two hoodies for less than 30 <3
yes. after that we commenced our outreach and i met a lot of cool people on that grassy knoll :)
and thenn jour190 class and finallly! i get to rest today. haven't been home since 8AM :( almost 10 hours D:
bible study tonight with pizookies :))
God is good all the time, i'm so thankful for TCF and the good times and friends i've made so far and i'm looking forward to what He has in store for USC :)
yar today was loong :( tuesdays always are D:
but biblestudy was fun, we did a scavenger hunt and i think we won! the only one we didn't get was the one that wanted us to record a DPS officer singing the theme song to cops. apparently they're not allowed to :( anyway yah.
now i'm doing homework that is due on thursday so i'm feeling rather accomplished and productive.
SEE YOU AT THE POLE TOMORROW :) or rather, see you at tommy trojan :) i remember doing this for the first time in freshman year? or something? good times. our group diminished by the time senior year rolled around and only one junior was at that one, i believe. mayhaps she will continue on tomorrow :D
even teachers came :P i miss high school D:
kay. IM EXCITED FOR THE GAME, we're going like four freaking hours early, why is ben such a nut D: and it's at night so i won't burn :)
friday...possibly little tokyo and ktown korean bbq :D <3
and BREAKFAST from wolfgang puck i'm REALLY excited about that, it's only 4 dollars.
but biblestudy was fun, we did a scavenger hunt and i think we won! the only one we didn't get was the one that wanted us to record a DPS officer singing the theme song to cops. apparently they're not allowed to :( anyway yah.
now i'm doing homework that is due on thursday so i'm feeling rather accomplished and productive.
SEE YOU AT THE POLE TOMORROW :) or rather, see you at tommy trojan :) i remember doing this for the first time in freshman year? or something? good times. our group diminished by the time senior year rolled around and only one junior was at that one, i believe. mayhaps she will continue on tomorrow :D
even teachers came :P i miss high school D:
kay. IM EXCITED FOR THE GAME, we're going like four freaking hours early, why is ben such a nut D: and it's at night so i won't burn :)
friday...possibly little tokyo and ktown korean bbq :D <3
and BREAKFAST from wolfgang puck i'm REALLY excited about that, it's only 4 dollars.
i never remember what i do anymore? my memory is going :(
quick update:
1. i'm getting fat
2. stanley doesn't love us anymo :( BUT HE JUST VISITED YESS
3. i can't log in to soompi my life is over
4. i'm not failing school yet
5. matt barkley sat in my row again today <3
wednesday i went to a dodger's game which was SUPER FUN and i got burnt again, SO EXCELLENT omg. and then we went to BCD which is an awesome ktofu place and THEN SCOOPS best ice cream in LA.
thursday, we went on a prayer walk
last friday ALBERT PRACTICALLY STOOD US UP so mai and i sat in rowlands apartment for almost three hours watching Tool Academy which is the greatest show ever with rowland and freddy. then we went to KTOWN and went to this kinda lame korean festival with super expensive food and all i got was a sirry big bang poster. which is right thar on my wall :) all around us, these korean people were yelling at us and we were scared bcus NONE OF US WERE KOREAN and this woman is like yelling at my face and she called me unnie and force fed me and now i am sad. BCUS SHE WAS LIKE THIRTY FREAKING YEARS OLD
and i was force fed by a stranger. so. scarred.
then we went to the galleria which wasn't really that interesting. LITTLE TOKYO BETTER BE MO EXCITING, bcus i really need a cellphone charm.
saturday...WAS THE GAME sigh :( went to steve's house and ate two baconwrapped hotdogs YES FOR HEARTATTACKS IN A BUN
sigh we lost :( OH VELL!
sunday: CHURCH, first sunday when we DIDN'T get pho which was an awesome idea steff-o, thanks. so we went to this really cute hong kong style cafe and it was SO GOOD aofidkjlg the pancakes were awesome and i still have dericious fried rice in mah fridge woooo
today: class went by quickly. the realization that my first college exam is next monday woke me up so i payed attention O_O matt barkley sat in mah row heh.
then i went to baja fresh with mai which was only moderately satisfying and then had red mango which was very satisfying.
my appetite is not cooperating with me anymore.
then i watched dramas since i did all mah homework already
i WIN.
METEOR SHOWER is <3 theosifdj wei chen hehehehiaedsjkf
quick update:
1. i'm getting fat
2. stanley doesn't love us anymo :( BUT HE JUST VISITED YESS
3. i can't log in to soompi my life is over
4. i'm not failing school yet
5. matt barkley sat in my row again today <3
wednesday i went to a dodger's game which was SUPER FUN and i got burnt again, SO EXCELLENT omg. and then we went to BCD which is an awesome ktofu place and THEN SCOOPS best ice cream in LA.
thursday, we went on a prayer walk
last friday ALBERT PRACTICALLY STOOD US UP so mai and i sat in rowlands apartment for almost three hours watching Tool Academy which is the greatest show ever with rowland and freddy. then we went to KTOWN and went to this kinda lame korean festival with super expensive food and all i got was a sirry big bang poster. which is right thar on my wall :) all around us, these korean people were yelling at us and we were scared bcus NONE OF US WERE KOREAN and this woman is like yelling at my face and she called me unnie and force fed me and now i am sad. BCUS SHE WAS LIKE THIRTY FREAKING YEARS OLD
and i was force fed by a stranger. so. scarred.
then we went to the galleria which wasn't really that interesting. LITTLE TOKYO BETTER BE MO EXCITING, bcus i really need a cellphone charm.
saturday...WAS THE GAME sigh :( went to steve's house and ate two baconwrapped hotdogs YES FOR HEARTATTACKS IN A BUN
sigh we lost :( OH VELL!
sunday: CHURCH, first sunday when we DIDN'T get pho which was an awesome idea steff-o, thanks. so we went to this really cute hong kong style cafe and it was SO GOOD aofidkjlg the pancakes were awesome and i still have dericious fried rice in mah fridge woooo
today: class went by quickly. the realization that my first college exam is next monday woke me up so i payed attention O_O matt barkley sat in mah row heh.
then i went to baja fresh with mai which was only moderately satisfying and then had red mango which was very satisfying.
my appetite is not cooperating with me anymore.
then i watched dramas since i did all mah homework already
i WIN.
METEOR SHOWER is <3 theosifdj wei chen hehehehiaedsjkf
It's sad to realize
that our school is hated for petty reasons.
But then again, I'm Christian, Chinese, and I went to Harker High, so I should be used to being hated for no reason.
Fight on USC! :)
But then again, I'm Christian, Chinese, and I went to Harker High, so I should be used to being hated for no reason.
Fight on USC! :)
oh hay
mmmm the rest of the week was relatively uneventful except i went to see one of my lit teachers to discuss my paper and it finally felt like i was doing something contributing to my grade haha -_- in college i'm never sure what counts and what doesn't D:
friday: we did a lot of homework and hung around and then helena and i departed from prb3203 for IGNITE '09 :)) which was basically an intervarsity conference down in irvine so we drove through some heavy traffic and arrived a little before 6PM
we had session 1 and some campus time and lots and lots of worship :) inside this BEAUTIFUL sanctuary with a massive stained glass window. photos on fb :)
then we challenged UCLA to an eating contest which should have theoretically been super easy for them seeing as they brought around 40 people and we had like
but they chickened out D: PSH sirry bruins -_-
anyway they wanted to reschedule and we were like oh hay no. bcus we had a football game to go home too so we drove to where we would be sleeping and dropped our stuff out and went to guppies which is AMAZING
we had this MASSIVE shaved ice in which the bowl was like 5 times the size of my head and some brick toast which has to be the most amazing thing invented. so we fellowshipped and talked and ate until like 1AM and finished that massive bowl. the other tables didn't do as pro as we did but :) so content and happy and needing to urinate :D
then we got back and brushed our teeth and got into bed which was on a floor :( the guys got couches!!!
saturday: woke up sooo early D: and sore haha
also woke up to ben lui's fb update of "GAMEDAY BEAT THE BUCKEYES" so that was nice. got to the main church kind of late so we had to wait for breakfast
session 2 was really really useful for me, i think.
by the time the seminars came around, jeff and i were totally sleeping -_- heh.
so tired!! so we chugged the coffee before our last campus time and session 3.
worship :)
and thenn
haha we listened to it on the radio. we had scored a touchdown by worship time and were tied when we left the church. then we all had to pee and ben got angry bcus he was missing the game -_- so we listened to it on the radio and i fell asleep so when we got back to the blue house after ridiculous highway 5 traffic, it was 10-10 and the blue house was very nervous O_O
but bacon hotdogs helped with that, i had three
anyway, MOST INTENSE GAME EVER i was about to cry from nerves hahaha but we won yeee trojans <3 teehee :)
then we walked home and did homework.
sunday: church!! the message was shooper interesting today and JUSTIS KAO led worship YES he's like famous!! he's on itunes, check ittt
anyway, i'm glad they talked about this today, it was something i was thinking about after the workshop i attended on saturday (post-modern apologetics) so yahh
then we had pho.
sigh -_- third sunday of pho in a ROW for me blehh
i think i gained 1/3 of the freshman 15 this week D:
meeting alex for dinner soon :))
friday: we did a lot of homework and hung around and then helena and i departed from prb3203 for IGNITE '09 :)) which was basically an intervarsity conference down in irvine so we drove through some heavy traffic and arrived a little before 6PM
we had session 1 and some campus time and lots and lots of worship :) inside this BEAUTIFUL sanctuary with a massive stained glass window. photos on fb :)
then we challenged UCLA to an eating contest which should have theoretically been super easy for them seeing as they brought around 40 people and we had like
but they chickened out D: PSH sirry bruins -_-
anyway they wanted to reschedule and we were like oh hay no. bcus we had a football game to go home too so we drove to where we would be sleeping and dropped our stuff out and went to guppies which is AMAZING
we had this MASSIVE shaved ice in which the bowl was like 5 times the size of my head and some brick toast which has to be the most amazing thing invented. so we fellowshipped and talked and ate until like 1AM and finished that massive bowl. the other tables didn't do as pro as we did but :) so content and happy and needing to urinate :D
then we got back and brushed our teeth and got into bed which was on a floor :( the guys got couches!!!
saturday: woke up sooo early D: and sore haha
also woke up to ben lui's fb update of "GAMEDAY BEAT THE BUCKEYES" so that was nice. got to the main church kind of late so we had to wait for breakfast
session 2 was really really useful for me, i think.
by the time the seminars came around, jeff and i were totally sleeping -_- heh.
so tired!! so we chugged the coffee before our last campus time and session 3.
worship :)
and thenn
haha we listened to it on the radio. we had scored a touchdown by worship time and were tied when we left the church. then we all had to pee and ben got angry bcus he was missing the game -_- so we listened to it on the radio and i fell asleep so when we got back to the blue house after ridiculous highway 5 traffic, it was 10-10 and the blue house was very nervous O_O
but bacon hotdogs helped with that, i had three
anyway, MOST INTENSE GAME EVER i was about to cry from nerves hahaha but we won yeee trojans <3 teehee :)
then we walked home and did homework.
sunday: church!! the message was shooper interesting today and JUSTIS KAO led worship YES he's like famous!! he's on itunes, check ittt
anyway, i'm glad they talked about this today, it was something i was thinking about after the workshop i attended on saturday (post-modern apologetics) so yahh
then we had pho.
sigh -_- third sunday of pho in a ROW for me blehh
i think i gained 1/3 of the freshman 15 this week D:
meeting alex for dinner soon :))
Gentlemen Don't
1. on monday, i promised helena i would go with her to rite aid to get her meds so that was quite an adventure. actually, not really but i did take LA public transport all by mahself :) and i am quite proud of myself :P we ended up not being able to get the medicine because her insurance office was closed and the price was 300 dollars anyway O_O for such a minor treatment so we bought some facewash, hairties, and slippers instead.
ever since college started, not that i'm hard on money or anything, but i find myself questioning "do i really need this?"
and i feel guilty spending money. unless it's my dining dollars bcus i have entirely too many of those T_T
meh stayed up finishing my paper :(
2. tuesday was my hard classes day but it went by relatively quickly. jour190 was not very pleasant but whatever, 12 more classes, fight on! i can dooo it.
bible study was fun :) it was application week so me and matt and john went to see matt's RA jana. i dunno why matt lives on the jewish muslim floor but whatever! she was very cool and i learned a lot about california history and jewish culture so :P
3. today was excellent just bcus i slept in until 11. we went to bed relatively late and talked really late but my first class was at 12 :) it went by entirely too slowly and i was totally zoning out but i did well on the surprise reaction paper which was on today's lecture so :P after that...did some homework and ate a lot of junk food.
ben came to visit so we talked for a long while and then mai came home so we went to dinner. now she's at her audition and i'm supposed to be doing my hw.
that text made my day :) teehee
i'm wearing really fobby earrings today. :D D:
Camels and Midgets!
these past like 6 days have been crazy!!
SPLASHDOWN :) was a success, i think :) i met a ton of people and had a lot of fun sliding down two huge slip n' slides that we set up on mccarthy quad and a lot of people came which made me proud :) bcus i told them about it!
andd i love my suitemates :) heh.
i woke up the next day SUPER sore and with bruised knees but SO worth it.
than mai's cousin took us to diddy reise in westwood :) and we had some sushi. hahaah wow UCLA's area is so much nicer O_O but there's something endearing about the ghetto around USC and i say that in the most serious way. i think it's because of all the signs and posters and spray ons of the fight on symbol and "welcome back Trojans" all the laundromats and bike stores and rundown shops put up. it makes me feel loved! :)
woke up sorta late and mai's cousin took us to boiling crab!! heh that was really fun/REALLY TASTYY then later than night we went to poker night with TCF and helena got stung by a bee O_O wtf. yah but it was a lot of fun playing taboo but we had to leave bcus we were meeting rowland to hang outtt
which ended up being super disappointing since we couldn't get our guy friends in without paying a very handsome sum O_O oh well. the night was young. mai and i ended up going home around 1 and eating foods whilst talking and everyone else came home around 3 and we all stayed up to chat.
GAME DAYYYYY woke up SOO early to meet with TCF at Tommy trojan and begin our long wait in the sun. at this point it's like 10AM and we're in the stadium by like 1045 and it is HOT. REALLY HOT. we had amazing seats though and the game was SUPER fun ofaedsjfofijfodi trojans <3 the halftime performance was sick too :D
so yes. the game ended around 3 something so that was a good 6-7 hours in the sun and i was VERY VERY burnt :(( sadface
it hurt to scrunch my nose or wink my right eye but so worth staying the whole game
yeee the mighty trojans defeat the spartans 56-3 :D
then i stayed in and tried to do hw before going out for some victory parties :D yeaah we were preparing to go to a dance party when these guys told us to come by the ATO house and check out the monkeys and waterslide and we were like YEE MONKEYS so they told us to follow the spotlight and we did but the party DIDN'T HAVE MONKEYS :( but they DID have a freaking CAMEL and MIDGETS O_O one wore a pimp suit with dollar signs all over it. anyway there was no dancing :(
yet it was still fun but we left when some people needed to go home and the camel started stanking D:
church! and pho afterward :) made some new friends :P then came home and did homework. i feel like i'm suffering memory loss, i can hardly remember what i did last night hahaha
anyway. must write paper tonight D:
on this ridiculous book.
i love college!
SPLASHDOWN :) was a success, i think :) i met a ton of people and had a lot of fun sliding down two huge slip n' slides that we set up on mccarthy quad and a lot of people came which made me proud :) bcus i told them about it!
andd i love my suitemates :) heh.
i woke up the next day SUPER sore and with bruised knees but SO worth it.
than mai's cousin took us to diddy reise in westwood :) and we had some sushi. hahaah wow UCLA's area is so much nicer O_O but there's something endearing about the ghetto around USC and i say that in the most serious way. i think it's because of all the signs and posters and spray ons of the fight on symbol and "welcome back Trojans" all the laundromats and bike stores and rundown shops put up. it makes me feel loved! :)
woke up sorta late and mai's cousin took us to boiling crab!! heh that was really fun/REALLY TASTYY then later than night we went to poker night with TCF and helena got stung by a bee O_O wtf. yah but it was a lot of fun playing taboo but we had to leave bcus we were meeting rowland to hang outtt
which ended up being super disappointing since we couldn't get our guy friends in without paying a very handsome sum O_O oh well. the night was young. mai and i ended up going home around 1 and eating foods whilst talking and everyone else came home around 3 and we all stayed up to chat.
GAME DAYYYYY woke up SOO early to meet with TCF at Tommy trojan and begin our long wait in the sun. at this point it's like 10AM and we're in the stadium by like 1045 and it is HOT. REALLY HOT. we had amazing seats though and the game was SUPER fun ofaedsjfofijfodi trojans <3 the halftime performance was sick too :D
so yes. the game ended around 3 something so that was a good 6-7 hours in the sun and i was VERY VERY burnt :(( sadface
it hurt to scrunch my nose or wink my right eye but so worth staying the whole game
yeee the mighty trojans defeat the spartans 56-3 :D
then i stayed in and tried to do hw before going out for some victory parties :D yeaah we were preparing to go to a dance party when these guys told us to come by the ATO house and check out the monkeys and waterslide and we were like YEE MONKEYS so they told us to follow the spotlight and we did but the party DIDN'T HAVE MONKEYS :( but they DID have a freaking CAMEL and MIDGETS O_O one wore a pimp suit with dollar signs all over it. anyway there was no dancing :(
yet it was still fun but we left when some people needed to go home and the camel started stanking D:
church! and pho afterward :) made some new friends :P then came home and did homework. i feel like i'm suffering memory loss, i can hardly remember what i did last night hahaha
anyway. must write paper tonight D:
on this ridiculous book.
i love college!
so when i last left you readers,
i was waiting for my clothes to dry
so mai and i went to the elevator and it's around 1AM right now and the elevator slides open and in comes ____'s crush heh and he was like "OH HARRO" (he's from china) and we were like "oh heyyy" and then it was really awkward so i decided to introduce myself since it was like 3 floors to go and so we got to talking and he like told us he had no more underwear to wear so that's why he's doing laundry at 1AM -____-
so yah then mai and i went to take out our clothes and the dryers are like 50000 degrees hotter here, i SWEAR. i think my clothes all shrunk -_- i flung my towel at mai and she shrieked in pain. just kidding. kind of.
anyway we watched some informercials whilst we waited for our last things to be done.
yesterday's bible study was fun :) and i'm suuper looking forward to splash down tomorrow :))
andd i think i solved my hc dilemma almost :D yeee
i was waiting for my clothes to dry
so mai and i went to the elevator and it's around 1AM right now and the elevator slides open and in comes ____'s crush heh and he was like "OH HARRO" (he's from china) and we were like "oh heyyy" and then it was really awkward so i decided to introduce myself since it was like 3 floors to go and so we got to talking and he like told us he had no more underwear to wear so that's why he's doing laundry at 1AM -____-
so yah then mai and i went to take out our clothes and the dryers are like 50000 degrees hotter here, i SWEAR. i think my clothes all shrunk -_- i flung my towel at mai and she shrieked in pain. just kidding. kind of.
anyway we watched some informercials whilst we waited for our last things to be done.
yesterday's bible study was fun :) and i'm suuper looking forward to splash down tomorrow :))
andd i think i solved my hc dilemma almost :D yeee
"Show You"
HAI GUYS :) it's been a while!!
1. so i went to the testing bureau after the last post i posted and i found out i placed out of a foreign language requirement for chinese!!! who woulda known ;) anyway, that was exciting EXCEPT that i did not expect to place so high and therefore none of the chinese 4 or higher classes could fit my schedule so i'm not taking chinese this semester :(
2. then i went to the annenberg county fair with rachael and didn't score as many free things as i would have liked but i did get a super cute annenberg t shirt for free :)) anyway, they also had amazing little donuts there blehh MMM fried doughy goodness.
3. the welcome back dance was also friday night and it was a "foam party" and ridiculous to say the least. no to getting wet and seeing swimsuit-clad foamy people grinding up on each other but breana mai and i basically started the partaaay so it was fun :) then we went back and played chill ice breakers with our RA ;) and some other people on our floor.
4. geez it's been too long to remember what we did but we went to this welcome back carnival and i got super lucky and won two prizes, one from skullcandy :) and we had some pinky's? hotdogs which are apparently a big deal in LA/Socal so yahh and had a little harker reunion over early dinner :D
the concert was afterwards and mai stanley and i watched down down down, as tall as lions, and stayed for one cold war kids song. then we went home bcus we were tireedddd
5. SUNDAY! i got to go to church and meet tons of cool people like ben through emily. he took us to evergreen baptist church and i was like yeaaaahhh for getting off campus :B hahaha
the service was interesting and VERY different so i was like mehhh (this weeks was way better) and we had some shaved ice before we headed back for the christian fair where i picked up some info on some on-campus fellowships.
6. then i met with mai and deej and julia at tommy trojan to take part in a scavanger hunt. we literally ran around for like an hour searching buildings that fulfilled our ten riddles and took cute polaroid photos in front of them and we came in...8th place T_T but it was super fun :)
7. CLASSES STARTED!! the first day was awesome bcus i had a total of 45 minutes of class for 4 hours of lectures so yah :) and then we just chilled the rest of the day and had fun :) but then tuesday is like my killer 6.5 hour day but i did get my schedule straightened out FINALLYYY so this is how it looks:
Mondays: Comm from 12-120
Tuesdays: Dream of the Red Chamber, East Asian Humanities, and Asian American Lit from 930-2, Jour190 from 4-6
Wednesdays: East Asian Humanities from 9-950, Comm from 12-120
Thuresdays: Dream of the Red Chamber, East Asian Humanities, and Asian American Lit from 930-2
Friday: NOOOONE :))))
8. i really enjoy most of my classes and i so didn't know my comm class would be literally 50% sorority girls but that's aite...i had fun this week :) tuesday, i went to IV/TCF parkside fellowship led by cauchy and ben!! and played fun ice breakers and met a lot of cool people :) but i was exhausted afterward. then i went to overflow with TCF on thursday and met more people! i really like intervarsity but i feel biased since i know some people in it....yet i felt like i connected with them the most so i think i'm sticking with them :D
everyone should come out for splash down on thursday!!
9. most of the time i'm not at class i've been chilling with people and hanging out :) we watched koizora last night in our room until like 1AM and breana and stanley laughed at it all the way till the end -___- HAHA desecrating my fav japanese movie D:!
10. friday, we met rowland and his cool sophomore friends (which included isaaac!) and we took the bus to ktown where we bought some food and returned to his apartment. he made us really good dinner and we hung out there for like 5 hours and walked back home at 1130. then we stayed up till 3 talking and eating spicy korean food which resulted in 3 bad dreams that night :( saaadface! never again....no spicay food fo me :(
11. sunday was really fun :D heh. we went to church and then to pho afterward and the service was great :) the music was AMAZING, the singer had a great voice and killed at the piano and i didn't get to meet him although he was like 5 feet away. then i found out he's on itunes and won some award in 2003 for best male singer/songwriter of LA O_O
listen to "show you" by justis kao. and yes that's his real name :) sooo amazing!
he apparently doesn't usually sing his own songs but i'm glad he made this exception this sunday :D
the pho was real good and i really got to know a lot of fellow freshmen in TCF so i had a lot of fun. then we just hung out in my room not doing much/hw until like 6 and we ate dinner.
not much serious partying yet or serious studying :P so it's been pretty chill in college so far
i'm doing my first laundry EVER and overcoming my paranoia of people stealing my underwear by NOT babysitting the dryer right now. also bcus it's 1AM and most people don't get up to steal underwear at 1AM.
:) i'm so happy teeeheee
but i miss home :( sigh @ harker for having the same HC as USC D:
and i finally know what it's like to be a "poor college kid" ssssigh
1. so i went to the testing bureau after the last post i posted and i found out i placed out of a foreign language requirement for chinese!!! who woulda known ;) anyway, that was exciting EXCEPT that i did not expect to place so high and therefore none of the chinese 4 or higher classes could fit my schedule so i'm not taking chinese this semester :(
2. then i went to the annenberg county fair with rachael and didn't score as many free things as i would have liked but i did get a super cute annenberg t shirt for free :)) anyway, they also had amazing little donuts there blehh MMM fried doughy goodness.
3. the welcome back dance was also friday night and it was a "foam party" and ridiculous to say the least. no to getting wet and seeing swimsuit-clad foamy people grinding up on each other but breana mai and i basically started the partaaay so it was fun :) then we went back and played chill ice breakers with our RA ;) and some other people on our floor.
4. geez it's been too long to remember what we did but we went to this welcome back carnival and i got super lucky and won two prizes, one from skullcandy :) and we had some pinky's? hotdogs which are apparently a big deal in LA/Socal so yahh and had a little harker reunion over early dinner :D
the concert was afterwards and mai stanley and i watched down down down, as tall as lions, and stayed for one cold war kids song. then we went home bcus we were tireedddd
5. SUNDAY! i got to go to church and meet tons of cool people like ben through emily. he took us to evergreen baptist church and i was like yeaaaahhh for getting off campus :B hahaha
the service was interesting and VERY different so i was like mehhh (this weeks was way better) and we had some shaved ice before we headed back for the christian fair where i picked up some info on some on-campus fellowships.
6. then i met with mai and deej and julia at tommy trojan to take part in a scavanger hunt. we literally ran around for like an hour searching buildings that fulfilled our ten riddles and took cute polaroid photos in front of them and we came in...8th place T_T but it was super fun :)
7. CLASSES STARTED!! the first day was awesome bcus i had a total of 45 minutes of class for 4 hours of lectures so yah :) and then we just chilled the rest of the day and had fun :) but then tuesday is like my killer 6.5 hour day but i did get my schedule straightened out FINALLYYY so this is how it looks:
Mondays: Comm from 12-120
Tuesdays: Dream of the Red Chamber, East Asian Humanities, and Asian American Lit from 930-2, Jour190 from 4-6
Wednesdays: East Asian Humanities from 9-950, Comm from 12-120
Thuresdays: Dream of the Red Chamber, East Asian Humanities, and Asian American Lit from 930-2
Friday: NOOOONE :))))
8. i really enjoy most of my classes and i so didn't know my comm class would be literally 50% sorority girls but that's aite...i had fun this week :) tuesday, i went to IV/TCF parkside fellowship led by cauchy and ben!! and played fun ice breakers and met a lot of cool people :) but i was exhausted afterward. then i went to overflow with TCF on thursday and met more people! i really like intervarsity but i feel biased since i know some people in it....yet i felt like i connected with them the most so i think i'm sticking with them :D
everyone should come out for splash down on thursday!!
9. most of the time i'm not at class i've been chilling with people and hanging out :) we watched koizora last night in our room until like 1AM and breana and stanley laughed at it all the way till the end -___- HAHA desecrating my fav japanese movie D:!
10. friday, we met rowland and his cool sophomore friends (which included isaaac!) and we took the bus to ktown where we bought some food and returned to his apartment. he made us really good dinner and we hung out there for like 5 hours and walked back home at 1130. then we stayed up till 3 talking and eating spicy korean food which resulted in 3 bad dreams that night :( saaadface! never again....no spicay food fo me :(
11. sunday was really fun :D heh. we went to church and then to pho afterward and the service was great :) the music was AMAZING, the singer had a great voice and killed at the piano and i didn't get to meet him although he was like 5 feet away. then i found out he's on itunes and won some award in 2003 for best male singer/songwriter of LA O_O
listen to "show you" by justis kao. and yes that's his real name :) sooo amazing!
he apparently doesn't usually sing his own songs but i'm glad he made this exception this sunday :D
the pho was real good and i really got to know a lot of fellow freshmen in TCF so i had a lot of fun. then we just hung out in my room not doing much/hw until like 6 and we ate dinner.
not much serious partying yet or serious studying :P so it's been pretty chill in college so far
i'm doing my first laundry EVER and overcoming my paranoia of people stealing my underwear by NOT babysitting the dryer right now. also bcus it's 1AM and most people don't get up to steal underwear at 1AM.
:) i'm so happy teeeheee
but i miss home :( sigh @ harker for having the same HC as USC D:
and i finally know what it's like to be a "poor college kid" ssssigh
hayy :)
hmm so these past two days i've been suuuper tired but i didn't really do anything strenuous hahaa
(this is going to take so long to type since mai thinks i type too furiously in the mornings.)
wednesday: boarded a delayed plane at 655 and arrived at burbank around 820. cousin got us to USC in 34 minutes despite LA traffic and i was moved in by 1000. then we drove like 9 miles which took 45 minutes -_- to target/staples/costco and loaded up on the food and toiletries and etc. we then drove half an hour to santa monica, about 5 miles away and ate at this really good italian restaurant. i LOVE santa monica it's a cute little beach town like santa cruzz :)
thenn we came back and i really don't remember what we did until the parkside palooza at 7?? anyway yah that was super lame, i was there for the free pizza and the tshirt haha :) but got to talk to alex and meet his friends or whatever.
went to sreep at 1230, they were playing up right outside our building until 1230 very loudly and no one was watching outside -_- parkside palooza fail D:
thursday: woke up suuuper early D: to go to a seminar titled "academic success" haha -_- wut. yah anyway it was surprisingly crowded O_O when i got back, i chilled in my room and went to lunch with some people at the lot. then i had to come back and study for my test -_- which was the most disorganized thing in the WORLD but surprisingly less challenging than i thought. but some questions were like WTF with vocab about like third world countries and technology and stuff -_- anyway we'll see what i get todayyy
then we just chilled and go to to know each other in each others rooms
we went to the dive-in but that was a bust so we watched marching band on the field and met a drunk guy named CONG LAWL he was the best. anyway haha the story is too long so ask me and i'll tell you in person :)
then we went back and our suitemates got locked out :P and we met a lot of people from our floor like the guys next door HAHA anyway.
then i ate ramen at 1AM bcus i was soo hungry :( and i woke up hungry too!! but we went to sleep at like 2AM.
kay that is all, i have to go to the testing bureau soon to check out mah score. :) wish me luuck
hmm so these past two days i've been suuuper tired but i didn't really do anything strenuous hahaa
(this is going to take so long to type since mai thinks i type too furiously in the mornings.)
wednesday: boarded a delayed plane at 655 and arrived at burbank around 820. cousin got us to USC in 34 minutes despite LA traffic and i was moved in by 1000. then we drove like 9 miles which took 45 minutes -_- to target/staples/costco and loaded up on the food and toiletries and etc. we then drove half an hour to santa monica, about 5 miles away and ate at this really good italian restaurant. i LOVE santa monica it's a cute little beach town like santa cruzz :)
thenn we came back and i really don't remember what we did until the parkside palooza at 7?? anyway yah that was super lame, i was there for the free pizza and the tshirt haha :) but got to talk to alex and meet his friends or whatever.
went to sreep at 1230, they were playing up right outside our building until 1230 very loudly and no one was watching outside -_- parkside palooza fail D:
thursday: woke up suuuper early D: to go to a seminar titled "academic success" haha -_- wut. yah anyway it was surprisingly crowded O_O when i got back, i chilled in my room and went to lunch with some people at the lot. then i had to come back and study for my test -_- which was the most disorganized thing in the WORLD but surprisingly less challenging than i thought. but some questions were like WTF with vocab about like third world countries and technology and stuff -_- anyway we'll see what i get todayyy
then we just chilled and go to to know each other in each others rooms
we went to the dive-in but that was a bust so we watched marching band on the field and met a drunk guy named CONG LAWL he was the best. anyway haha the story is too long so ask me and i'll tell you in person :)
then we went back and our suitemates got locked out :P and we met a lot of people from our floor like the guys next door HAHA anyway.
then i ate ramen at 1AM bcus i was soo hungry :( and i woke up hungry too!! but we went to sleep at like 2AM.
kay that is all, i have to go to the testing bureau soon to check out mah score. :) wish me luuck
in 6 hours
i will be boarding a plane destined for LA.
my mom bought me a manual powered flashlight that functions as an FM radio, a red light, a cell phone charger, and a siren. i'm ready for USC. lawl
i am sad to be leaving :(
my mom bought me a manual powered flashlight that functions as an FM radio, a red light, a cell phone charger, and a siren. i'm ready for USC. lawl
i am sad to be leaving :(
2 days
wednesday night: went to nate's house and had a grand time :) hahaha we watched for stars and saw some too :)
thursday: went to the moves with DENIZ <3 and then we went to westgate and dined at johnny rockets :D mmm so unhealthy D:
then i hung out with won :) teehee
and did somewhat lame things for a while like work on college apps -_- sighh
anyway, i haven't seen him since! :( he does not want to see me.
i hung out with the guys later who wanted to make mini movies in crowded public places late at night and i was supposedly their female hostage but they got bored and we went to BJs instead and had pizookies at midnight.
friday: went to megan's! and departed for seascape <3 heh yayyy!!
we played at the beach and ate a lot and stayed up late watching movies and baking cookies
saturday: went to the beach in the morning and then left for home all sandy and exhausted. when we got home...we went to tartini! haha and then i actually went home home.
showered and then went to youthgroup where we made cards for the elderly and the sick :) it was fun.
then we had girls night out and watched the time traveler's wife which was really sad/cute/creepy/confusing all at the same time and reminded me of secret kind of -_-
sunday: church!! last sunday at 4hoc :( sad day. we went to lunch afterwards at chipotle and thenn to hau's house to play basketball/frisbee
came home very sweaty and tired at 5PM
then! went to megan's at 7PM to watch the comedy of errors at memorial park :) it was difficult sitting on that slopey hill and only simi knew the actual plot (somewhat) but it was still fun/cold :B
then simi came to my house and my mom cut her hair -_-
and that is the end of my very very eventful week, i overslept this morning.
thursday: went to the moves with DENIZ <3 and then we went to westgate and dined at johnny rockets :D mmm so unhealthy D:
then i hung out with won :) teehee
and did somewhat lame things for a while like work on college apps -_- sighh
anyway, i haven't seen him since! :( he does not want to see me.
i hung out with the guys later who wanted to make mini movies in crowded public places late at night and i was supposedly their female hostage but they got bored and we went to BJs instead and had pizookies at midnight.
friday: went to megan's! and departed for seascape <3 heh yayyy!!
we played at the beach and ate a lot and stayed up late watching movies and baking cookies
saturday: went to the beach in the morning and then left for home all sandy and exhausted. when we got home...we went to tartini! haha and then i actually went home home.
showered and then went to youthgroup where we made cards for the elderly and the sick :) it was fun.
then we had girls night out and watched the time traveler's wife which was really sad/cute/creepy/confusing all at the same time and reminded me of secret kind of -_-
sunday: church!! last sunday at 4hoc :( sad day. we went to lunch afterwards at chipotle and thenn to hau's house to play basketball/frisbee
came home very sweaty and tired at 5PM
then! went to megan's at 7PM to watch the comedy of errors at memorial park :) it was difficult sitting on that slopey hill and only simi knew the actual plot (somewhat) but it was still fun/cold :B
then simi came to my house and my mom cut her hair -_-
and that is the end of my very very eventful week, i overslept this morning.
last night/this morning was pretty ridiculous
i went out around noon to run some errands and it took way longer than expected -_- i first went to petroglyph to pick up my mug :) i should have painted more coats :( but i'm pretty satisfied with the way it came out :) anyway, there was no close parking so it took soo long to walk in the heat :(
then i went to the library to return my books before i jet off to L.A. thenn i went to fill up my gas tank. last but not least, i dropped a visit to harker to return my beloved nimbus 2000 to it's rightful owner and talked with mr. daren a bit. then emily chow dropped by with her friend so of course i talked with her. then won and jun came so...i stayed a bit longer. i went home around 4PM -___-
anyway, brian and i came up with the brilliant idea of watching the perseid's meteor shower in my backyard and inviting everyone over and then, after talking it over with alex, we decided that we would hike to some far remote location that was darker than my backyard and watch from there so we all gathered in front of my house at 830 PM. well actually, we left at about 940 PM bcus everyone was late!! (group as of now=alex, paul, anthony, brian, megan, me, and david.) kaytee was supposed to meet us there and we kinda...were really late bcus paul wanted to get his two free tacos at jack in the box -___- so when we finally got there, megan showed us a shortcut to hunter's point, which was the "short" walk and we waited on the curb for kaytee to arrive. then, we waited for won to arrive and the guys to come back with batteries for a flashlight bcus the road up was SCARY AS HECK O_O
it was like walking 20 minutes in pitch black and the guys kept making axeman jokes :( and we had to lug all our sleeping stuff up too.
alex and paul had gone back to pick barrett up and our group grew to 10 people! :P we set up tripods, cameras, blankets, and sleeping bags, and observed the sky. barrett and them just barely came back and we had seen about 4 stars before we kinda got busted for being there after hours and were forced to leave. the park ranger was nice though and let us off. HAHA we are so badass it's awesome.
anyway, barrett paul and alex gave megan a lift back haha and all our stuff and we began our long trek down. at the end, won had to leave and kevin kim joined us as we continued our adventure in the direction of in n' out for some munchies at 1AM.
afterwards, after some minor complications (HAHA and kaytee had left our group :() we made our way to the park near my house (in quite a shady manner). then barrett left :( and we lay under the stars counting meteors and gossiping and laughing until 4AM.
our group had shrunk to 5 people by then and by 5AM, it was just megan, alex, and i lying on my driveway. we finally crashed in my living room at around 530 AM (me and megan) and slept the morning away (hah)
we got up at around 10 and went to hobees for a really late brunch at like 1130 (but not too late yaddidamean ;)) and then went back home to watch cadet kelly -___-
so now i am here. about to go out again.
and very very tired.
i didn't see as many stars this year but i will make wishes for them later :)
last night was the most fun i have had in a long time and a perfect almost-goodbye for college
and it almost made me realize how much more fun it is to be young and reckless
we also reminded us of those silly reality tv shows of those rich fabulous glamorous beautiful people and all they do is hang out till the wee hours of the morning
but we're cooler.
i wouldn't have had last night any other way :)
i can't believe i have to say goodbyeee :(
Manic Monday
hello again.
so i've taken to writing everything i have to remember on these little post-its (the electronic kind), including many things i have to buy before college so you can imagine they've grown rather long and numerous. and i feel kind of desperate to get rid of one, which i've written down the content of my dreams on so here goes:
this dream was in three separate parts:
1. i guess albert and anthony's meeting of the wondergirls triggered this but my friends and i (simi, megan, ana, mash?) were walking on this like wooden really long porch at night and suddenly out of nowhere this group of famous kpoppers stroll out and are like "OMG DO YOU LIKE US?? ARE YOU FANS??" and masha's like nah "BUT SHE IS!" and shoves me at like, yoobin, or someone. and it was like the wondergirls and some guys who were supposedly in like super junior or something but he didn't look familiar at all and then masha began to take photos of us but the first one, the guy was making some kind of strange pose and totally blocked my face and the second was blurry so i left rather flustered and annoyed that the photos did not come out well.
2. the second part flashed back to when i was part of the senior homecoming court and for some reason, my mother and i had to drive to a far away destination through death valley like land and the buildings along the way all looked very familiar. this segment was rather sci-fi and very degrading as each person we met along the way told me my hair wasn't nice enough (and chopped it off) and my skin wasn't nice enough (and injected this strange thing that made me all wrinkley??) anyway, very nightmarish :( and then i returned back to where the rest of the senior court was and told them that i quit bcus i couldn't handle it (i looked back to normal though for some reason...) and i explained why and then they got all riled up (HAHA) and deej was extremely enraged at this injustice. i guess that was it.
3. the third place was at mai's house although it resembled my old house more than it resembled her house and everything was tinted blue (this isn't the first time this has happened...). for some reason, i was just sitting there chilling with an open umbrella and i dunno, the whole thing was really weird, she had this trunk in her bathroom that had all sorts of things in it and her little brother was jun hee?? and we went upstairs to tell him something and he was with his friends playing video games and he got really annoyed i don't really remember anything else that happened.
yes, i woke up very confused.
anyway, today, albert came over to return my SD card and we ended up talking for a couple hours on the steps in front of mah house. then my mom and i went out for a super late lunch at SR and thenn i chilled at home. then! i hung out with won hee :) and now i am home.
seeing best friends tomorrow <3
began using ipod touch. sadface, kind of!
so i've taken to writing everything i have to remember on these little post-its (the electronic kind), including many things i have to buy before college so you can imagine they've grown rather long and numerous. and i feel kind of desperate to get rid of one, which i've written down the content of my dreams on so here goes:
this dream was in three separate parts:
1. i guess albert and anthony's meeting of the wondergirls triggered this but my friends and i (simi, megan, ana, mash?) were walking on this like wooden really long porch at night and suddenly out of nowhere this group of famous kpoppers stroll out and are like "OMG DO YOU LIKE US?? ARE YOU FANS??" and masha's like nah "BUT SHE IS!" and shoves me at like, yoobin, or someone. and it was like the wondergirls and some guys who were supposedly in like super junior or something but he didn't look familiar at all and then masha began to take photos of us but the first one, the guy was making some kind of strange pose and totally blocked my face and the second was blurry so i left rather flustered and annoyed that the photos did not come out well.
2. the second part flashed back to when i was part of the senior homecoming court and for some reason, my mother and i had to drive to a far away destination through death valley like land and the buildings along the way all looked very familiar. this segment was rather sci-fi and very degrading as each person we met along the way told me my hair wasn't nice enough (and chopped it off) and my skin wasn't nice enough (and injected this strange thing that made me all wrinkley??) anyway, very nightmarish :( and then i returned back to where the rest of the senior court was and told them that i quit bcus i couldn't handle it (i looked back to normal though for some reason...) and i explained why and then they got all riled up (HAHA) and deej was extremely enraged at this injustice. i guess that was it.
3. the third place was at mai's house although it resembled my old house more than it resembled her house and everything was tinted blue (this isn't the first time this has happened...). for some reason, i was just sitting there chilling with an open umbrella and i dunno, the whole thing was really weird, she had this trunk in her bathroom that had all sorts of things in it and her little brother was jun hee?? and we went upstairs to tell him something and he was with his friends playing video games and he got really annoyed i don't really remember anything else that happened.
yes, i woke up very confused.
anyway, today, albert came over to return my SD card and we ended up talking for a couple hours on the steps in front of mah house. then my mom and i went out for a super late lunch at SR and thenn i chilled at home. then! i hung out with won hee :) and now i am home.
seeing best friends tomorrow <3
began using ipod touch. sadface, kind of!
Late Morning Rambles
1. i think that i'm a huge hypocrite and people give me more credit than i deserve. people supposedly view me as "sincere, and nice" and i "have a heart of gold." they seem to view me higher than how i view myself and to be honest, i'm not a very nice person. i don't think? and i'm quite loud and obnoxious and tend to gossip too much and cuss a bit. all sins.
i went to church by myself on sunday, which was a bit sad. i mean, yesterday was just a sad day in general bcus my rose salve also melted :( and got on my car leather!! :( though it got better bcus won and my mommy and sisters came home.
anyway, the pastor spoke (more generally directed towards a family audience) about leading a blessed and changed life in order to SHOW people how God's affected the way you live. and i began to think (along with the fact that i was translating the sermon in my head faster than the translator was...) that i am hardly a walking testimony.
back in the underclassman years, i tried quite hard to bring my friends to church-and i did. they attended youth group, sunday services, Christian concerts with me, but i have nothing to show for it. so maybe i was trying too hard.
i considered myself to be a good person at the age of 13, naive and innocent. sort of
i'm vaguely different now, although people tend to remember how i used to be.
i don't know where i'm going with this.
as of now, i'm swearing off swearing.
and i hope college makes no time for silly girl gossip.
and i wish i had gone to retreat...
2. i have an (irrational?) fear of becoming completely unoriginal. which is why the thought of having a mac, an ipod touch, a jansport backpack, and rainbows, all at once (not that i do. yet.), makes me feel slightly disturbed
and very materialistic.
i can't help but want to go shopping every last day i'm here just bcus shopping, among other things, presents a dark black hole of mystery down in LA.
FIND. JOB. (at school...)
3. i'm sorry if i offended anyone/if you have all of the above^
4. my bedding in college is going to be extremely festive. which is vaguely exciting. okay, i lied, very exciting.
my comforter has cinnamoroll on it :) heh sanrio <3
i'm sorry mai, it had to be done.
5. i probably use my mac flight tracker more than a normal person would. which makes me feel slightly all-knowing as well as really, really creepy. on that same note, i am going to track deniz's flight from amsterdam to SFO and i am shoooper excited.
6. my sisters went to thailand WHAAT -_- jealous. they got me cute things though. from hk too, keychains and pens and pencils and the headphones i was GOING to buy with cheney. they know me too well??
cell phone cases and charms (PANDUH!) and a laptop case and my beloved cinnamoroll blanket <3
anyway, that is all.
i went to church by myself on sunday, which was a bit sad. i mean, yesterday was just a sad day in general bcus my rose salve also melted :( and got on my car leather!! :( though it got better bcus won and my mommy and sisters came home.
anyway, the pastor spoke (more generally directed towards a family audience) about leading a blessed and changed life in order to SHOW people how God's affected the way you live. and i began to think (along with the fact that i was translating the sermon in my head faster than the translator was...) that i am hardly a walking testimony.
back in the underclassman years, i tried quite hard to bring my friends to church-and i did. they attended youth group, sunday services, Christian concerts with me, but i have nothing to show for it. so maybe i was trying too hard.
i considered myself to be a good person at the age of 13, naive and innocent. sort of
i'm vaguely different now, although people tend to remember how i used to be.
i don't know where i'm going with this.
as of now, i'm swearing off swearing.
and i hope college makes no time for silly girl gossip.
and i wish i had gone to retreat...
2. i have an (irrational?) fear of becoming completely unoriginal. which is why the thought of having a mac, an ipod touch, a jansport backpack, and rainbows, all at once (not that i do. yet.), makes me feel slightly disturbed
and very materialistic.
i can't help but want to go shopping every last day i'm here just bcus shopping, among other things, presents a dark black hole of mystery down in LA.
FIND. JOB. (at school...)
3. i'm sorry if i offended anyone/if you have all of the above^
4. my bedding in college is going to be extremely festive. which is vaguely exciting. okay, i lied, very exciting.
my comforter has cinnamoroll on it :) heh sanrio <3
i'm sorry mai, it had to be done.
5. i probably use my mac flight tracker more than a normal person would. which makes me feel slightly all-knowing as well as really, really creepy. on that same note, i am going to track deniz's flight from amsterdam to SFO and i am shoooper excited.
6. my sisters went to thailand WHAAT -_- jealous. they got me cute things though. from hk too, keychains and pens and pencils and the headphones i was GOING to buy with cheney. they know me too well??
cell phone cases and charms (PANDUH!) and a laptop case and my beloved cinnamoroll blanket <3
anyway, that is all.
it's passing by too quickly :(
and the more i think about it, the less willing i am to convert back into school mode. senior year was a bit different from "regular" high school, i think. so i feel like i have to convert back to the student i was in junior year.
this will take adjustment.
there are so many things to do before i leave and i fear i will not be able to do all of them :(
it's passing by too quickly :(
and the more i think about it, the less willing i am to convert back into school mode. senior year was a bit different from "regular" high school, i think. so i feel like i have to convert back to the student i was in junior year.
this will take adjustment.
there are so many things to do before i leave and i fear i will not be able to do all of them :(
still excellent!
today was a good day :)
megan came to my house and picked me up and we went to blue rock shoot to munch on delicious sandwiches at the cute park in the back. after that...we drove around LG downtown and got a bit lost before finding parking and walking to petroglyph! then we spent 4 hours painting cups that WERE NOT OUR FIRST CHOICE haha :( boo
but that's okay, we had fun.
during which, sean called and we made dinner plans before the twins left for scandinavia (norway in a nutshell!) not many people came though being UNREACHABLE DD:
anyway, rio adobe was good as always and i am very content. as is my stomach. we conversed for almost three hours and now i am home.
mommy+sisters come home tomorrowwy :)
and won!!
should i go to church/chinese service tomorrow...? no one there :( not even parents. hermm
megan came to my house and picked me up and we went to blue rock shoot to munch on delicious sandwiches at the cute park in the back. after that...we drove around LG downtown and got a bit lost before finding parking and walking to petroglyph! then we spent 4 hours painting cups that WERE NOT OUR FIRST CHOICE haha :( boo
but that's okay, we had fun.
during which, sean called and we made dinner plans before the twins left for scandinavia (norway in a nutshell!) not many people came though being UNREACHABLE DD:
anyway, rio adobe was good as always and i am very content. as is my stomach. we conversed for almost three hours and now i am home.
mommy+sisters come home tomorrowwy :)
and won!!
should i go to church/chinese service tomorrow...? no one there :( not even parents. hermm
the yecckkk
not that i'm complaining.
but wotttt?
the yecckkk
not that i'm complaining.
but wotttt?
come onnn everybody if you feelin' alright
in the third grade, one of my favorite books to read was "The Kingfisher Young People's Pocket Atlas."
ah, according to the inside cover, i received it as a gift in the winter of '98. excellent. hmm...vaguely outdated, korea doesn't even have it's own section...
lawl the book automatically opens to the worn pages of "the pacific islands," "australia," and "antartica."
i was a weird kid.
anyway, i went to the library a couple days ago to return a few books and came home with quite a few cds and a couple books.
i was in search of some passionate faith-inducing books but the library doesn't quite have a religion section, much less a Christian section. they do, however, have a mystery section....anyway. i gave up only bcus i had to look through monster rows of non-fiction for authors such as c.s. lewis and that was just ridiculous work. also bcus i realized that i have a copy of "mere Christianity," "the purpose-driven life," and "the lion, the witch, and the wardrobe" (which really belongs to brian chao) already sitting on my bookcase.
so i just picked up some girly teenage novels before going home
i didn't really look at the content of these books but upon opening one of them, just happens to be about a Christian girl and her experiences with her faith, her walk with Jesus, and high school.
:) heh, He never ceases to amaze me.....
SO, i haven't really been doing anything these past couple days (in an effort to make up for the few days i skipped out on breakfast, lunch, and dinner at home...) except eating, reading, and DLing old music.
hawk nelson never gets old :)
no matter how good their last couple of albums were, their first one is bombb. i remember listening to it in simi's house in freshman year. still so good :)
i am ashamed to admit that i began listening to them bcus i saw a picture of their rather attractive lead singer, jason dunn, in the SJ Merc accompanying an article titled "building their house on rock." witty title :) it was about Christian rock.
i am having too many subsequent bad hair days. sighh :(
next time you're at in n' out, check the bottoms of your cups and wrappers for bible verses :)
ah, according to the inside cover, i received it as a gift in the winter of '98. excellent. hmm...vaguely outdated, korea doesn't even have it's own section...
lawl the book automatically opens to the worn pages of "the pacific islands," "australia," and "antartica."
i was a weird kid.
anyway, i went to the library a couple days ago to return a few books and came home with quite a few cds and a couple books.
i was in search of some passionate faith-inducing books but the library doesn't quite have a religion section, much less a Christian section. they do, however, have a mystery section....anyway. i gave up only bcus i had to look through monster rows of non-fiction for authors such as c.s. lewis and that was just ridiculous work. also bcus i realized that i have a copy of "mere Christianity," "the purpose-driven life," and "the lion, the witch, and the wardrobe" (which really belongs to brian chao) already sitting on my bookcase.
so i just picked up some girly teenage novels before going home
i didn't really look at the content of these books but upon opening one of them, just happens to be about a Christian girl and her experiences with her faith, her walk with Jesus, and high school.
:) heh, He never ceases to amaze me.....
SO, i haven't really been doing anything these past couple days (in an effort to make up for the few days i skipped out on breakfast, lunch, and dinner at home...) except eating, reading, and DLing old music.
hawk nelson never gets old :)
no matter how good their last couple of albums were, their first one is bombb. i remember listening to it in simi's house in freshman year. still so good :)
i am ashamed to admit that i began listening to them bcus i saw a picture of their rather attractive lead singer, jason dunn, in the SJ Merc accompanying an article titled "building their house on rock." witty title :) it was about Christian rock.
i am having too many subsequent bad hair days. sighh :(
next time you're at in n' out, check the bottoms of your cups and wrappers for bible verses :)
marry me, juliet!
so i was just watching this video of an old friend and a new friend sing/play guitar, they know each other! who knew. anyway,
this inspired me to make a list of random things.
list of random things:
1. i, like ana, have always wanted to kiss someone with pop rocks in mah mouth.
2. i think that there are several things that could be the worst possible things to ever happen an that would be: contracting an STD (mostly from casual sex), getting pregnant when you don't mean to, being infertile, accidentally killing someone (i mean like in a car accident -_- not like accidentally chucking a knife at someone), being involved in a failing marriage (particularly in the middle of your life. like in your 40s or something :/)
3. i think i'm the only girl in the world who thinks that being in the worship band at church is +2938493493 points in attractiveness -_-
4. my first kiss was a girl.
5. i like to reuse teabags but by the third soak it doesn't taste like anything :( and i have an unhealthy obsession with babybel cheese and salami. and i ate in n' out two days in a row. ssssiiiighhhh D: but! i ate a lot of carrots today in an attempt to balance out the inordinate time i spent staring at my computer today.
this inspired me to make a list of random things.
list of random things:
1. i, like ana, have always wanted to kiss someone with pop rocks in mah mouth.
2. i think that there are several things that could be the worst possible things to ever happen an that would be: contracting an STD (mostly from casual sex), getting pregnant when you don't mean to, being infertile, accidentally killing someone (i mean like in a car accident -_- not like accidentally chucking a knife at someone), being involved in a failing marriage (particularly in the middle of your life. like in your 40s or something :/)
3. i think i'm the only girl in the world who thinks that being in the worship band at church is +2938493493 points in attractiveness -_-
4. my first kiss was a girl.
5. i like to reuse teabags but by the third soak it doesn't taste like anything :( and i have an unhealthy obsession with babybel cheese and salami. and i ate in n' out two days in a row. ssssiiiighhhh D: but! i ate a lot of carrots today in an attempt to balance out the inordinate time i spent staring at my computer today.
exactly two weeks
until move-in!!! woww can time just stop now :(
i was excited to go until i realized that it's also exactly three weeks until CLASSES start wwwaaaatttt like after second semester senior year i fell into this lax kinda position where i didn't really care too much about school. i still did well and tried and went to bed late and spent hours on papers etc etc but man it feels weird to get back into that crazed super ridiculous study mode that will persist the next four years T_T
i almost envy 2010.
nah, not really, nvm.
although i was looking at all my photos from senior year and i'm going to miss high school a lot :( particularly october/november etc etc around hc and football season. which sounds silly bcus i'm going to USC but meh.
naoo i am listening to hawk nelson and thinking about how their first album was <3 even though smile it's the end of the world is pretty rad. i'm at a loss as to where all my cds disappear to. esp the ones with autographs on them T_T lawl i opened all my cases today looking for cds and they weren't there??? sighhh
"it's over" is probably the happiest break up song in the world HAHA.
mmm looking forward to:
date on sat :))
whenever the fam comes home.........LAWL I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHEN??
mr walsh's wedding?? i wish
stargazing on the 17th
welcome week at USC :)
i need to go shopping. and buy some bedding.
TODAY I BOUGHT TICKETS TO THE AWAKE AND ALIVE CONCERT IN LA with skillet and hawk nelson YES i'm so excited hahaha IF ANYONE IS IN LA AT THAT TIME (OCT 27) COME WITH US!! :) they were kinda cheap too so :) i'm excited.
i also finished alcohol education today which was....really really long :(
and onething is coming to LA :) so hopefully the hoc4 '09ers can finally go to a convention together :P
oh yah, 6 months :)!
i was excited to go until i realized that it's also exactly three weeks until CLASSES start wwwaaaatttt like after second semester senior year i fell into this lax kinda position where i didn't really care too much about school. i still did well and tried and went to bed late and spent hours on papers etc etc but man it feels weird to get back into that crazed super ridiculous study mode that will persist the next four years T_T
i almost envy 2010.
nah, not really, nvm.
although i was looking at all my photos from senior year and i'm going to miss high school a lot :( particularly october/november etc etc around hc and football season. which sounds silly bcus i'm going to USC but meh.
naoo i am listening to hawk nelson and thinking about how their first album was <3 even though smile it's the end of the world is pretty rad. i'm at a loss as to where all my cds disappear to. esp the ones with autographs on them T_T lawl i opened all my cases today looking for cds and they weren't there??? sighhh
"it's over" is probably the happiest break up song in the world HAHA.
mmm looking forward to:
date on sat :))
whenever the fam comes home.........LAWL I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHEN??
mr walsh's wedding?? i wish
stargazing on the 17th
welcome week at USC :)
i need to go shopping. and buy some bedding.
TODAY I BOUGHT TICKETS TO THE AWAKE AND ALIVE CONCERT IN LA with skillet and hawk nelson YES i'm so excited hahaha IF ANYONE IS IN LA AT THAT TIME (OCT 27) COME WITH US!! :) they were kinda cheap too so :) i'm excited.
i also finished alcohol education today which was....really really long :(
and onething is coming to LA :) so hopefully the hoc4 '09ers can finally go to a convention together :P
oh yah, 6 months :)!
"Will you stand by me"
yesterday, i went out with simi and then albert felt lonely so i went with him to the mall AGAIN and wasted so much time and got shoooper fat and then he was running late to a dinner date with winston so i had to go with him and guess who was late? winston.
sighhh it was supposed to take one hour, it took three.
and today we went to do the actual filming and it was crazy, i just barely got home -_____- ri.di.cu.lous. i will not elaborate.
anyway, this survey looked fun so i will do it:
1. First thing you wash in the shower?
uhhh i dunno. hair i guess??
2. What color is your favorite hoodie?
i don't have a favorite. lawl but i like my new USC sweatshirt bcus it's fuzzay inside, still haven't washed it. SO CARDINAL AND GOLD <3
3. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
4. Do you plan outfits?
if it's important. but usually, no.
5. How are you feeling RIGHT now?
TIRED and kind of anxious
6. Whats the closest thing to you that's red?
my "love punch" charm that hangs on my keys
7. Tell me about the last dream you remember having?
uhmmm won and i were at this park and we were walking a a dog?? and he was freaking out bcus i was bouncing this egg up and down for some reason and he was scared it would break and the chicken would die but for some reason, it was an invincible egg! :D
question 8 ?
9. What are you craving right now?
well i ate a ridiculous amount today so not anything particularly solid. juice would be good, or natural soda or tea or i dunno, something tasty and liquid. :)
10. Do you floss?
....not as much as i should
11. What comes to mind when I say cabbage?
BAI CAI WANG ZI. <3 <3 <3 NATHAN ON AN OSTRICH. haahha only mai would understand this...
12. Are you emotional?
13. Have you ever counted to 1,000?
yup, we were in grand canyon for the 7th grade field trip and ms. martinez said we'd get back to the hotel in thirty minutes so simi megan and i counted until 1,800 and they fell asleep on me so i finished it and lo and behold we did return in half an hour give or take a couple minutes :P
14. Do you bite into your ice cream or just lick it?
15. Do you like your hair?
nah. or maybe today i just had a bad hair day :((
16. Do you like yourself?
hahah sometimes!
17. Would you go out to eat with George W. Bush?
yah, why not? interesting man.
18. What are you listening to right now?
can i stay here forever-starfield
19. Are your parents strict?
ermm, depends :) they're alright now though since i have nothing to do but PLAYY until i move away forever in two weeks.
20. Would you go sky diving?
meh, i'd be scared hahaah
21. Do you like cottage cheese?
every time i see it i want to eat it and then i eat it i don't like it.
22. Have you ever met a celebrity?
ermm jah. i've kinda "met" several christian singers: kutless, hawk nelson, matthew west, stellar kart
meh i've met other famous people but i don't remember. they're just normal people like us :P
23. Do you rent movies often?
nope, only when i go out with fam friends to blockbusters to rent our traditional DVDs
24. Is there anything sparkly in the room you're in?
hmm well the door says "STEFF-O" on a somewhat sparkly red star from winterball two years ago. i think that's pretty much it. my ring is sparkly, the ugly side. the rhinestone side, eww :( haha
25. How many countries have you visited?
australia, canada, china, new zealand, england, france, italy, mexico, 8?? maybe more...?
26. Have you made a prank phone call?
27. Ever been on a train?
yah, across china a couple times
28. Brown or white eggs?
both!! i love eggs :P hahhaheoaif
29. Do you have a cell-phone?
30. Do you use chap stick?
sometimes, and rose salve heh :P the box is a cute pink.
31. Do you own a gun?
32. Can you use chop sticks?
33. Who are you going to be with tonight?
i've had enough of hanging out these past two days -_- i was witthhh mai, her siblings, albert, michelle, and anthony -____-
34. Are you too forgiving?
forgiveness is a good thing.
35. Ever been in love?
of course
36. What is your best friend(s) doing tomorrow?
working, i dunno, exploring spain, community outreach in las vegas, playing in turkeyyy
37. Ever have cream puffs?
38. Last time you cried?
couple weeks ago??
39. What was the last question you asked?
40. Favorite time of the year?
41. Do you have any tattoos?
42. Are you sarcastic?
43. Have you ever seen The Butterfly Effect?
nah dudeee
44. Ever walked into a wall?
uhmm i can't think of a particular instance but probably :B
45. Favorite color?
pink, teal, mandarin orange :P
46. Have you ever slapped someone?
probably, i hit people when i laugh sometimes. i feel like i picked this quality up from janet...HAHAHAA but yah sometimes
47. Is your hair curly?
48. What was the last CD you bought?
49. Do looks matter?
a bit but not much :)
50. Could you ever forgive a cheater?
of course.
51. Is your phone bill sky high?
52. Do you like your life right now?
yah. kinda bored these days, tired, missing people :( not wanting to pack half my life for college :(
53. Do you sleep with the TV on?
don't really watch tv.
54. Can you handle the truth?
yah i guess so.
55. Do you have good vision?
20/20 <3 anddd i'm asian! heh winnn
56. Do you hate or dislike more than 3 people?
hmm not hate, but i dislike the way some people act. all people are good people though, with the exception of a couple people.
57. How often do you talk on the phone?
i don't like talking on the phone but ti depends :)
58. The last person you held hands with?
won hee
59. Wearing?
the latesttt harker athletics t shirt :) and underwear. and some jewelry.
60.What is your favorite animal?
61. Where was your profile picture taken?
in santa cruz with won hee <3 :)
62. Can you hula hoop?
JAH i beat out a bunch of people with tianna to win a free tshirt at swc 06 heh :) good memories...
63. Do you have a job?
nah mann
64. What was the most recent thing you bought?
in n' out. and if it's not supposed to be food related....swimsuit bottoms from a&f?
65. Have you ever crawled through a window?
yahh all the time.
Do you want to know the date of your death?
What comes to mind when I say 69?
....lawl whatever i say will be interpreted wrongly.
Last person you hugged?
winston wey :P
Does the last person who put their arm around you mean anything to you?
uhmmm...if it was anthony, nah lawl besides mah friend :P if it was won...of course :)
Last time you had butterflies in your stomach?
mmm HHAHAHAAH before playing that ridic balloon game at fellowship on saturday.
Do you say sorry first?
yes, i don't like to fight/argue about silly things.
Could you go a whole year without cursing?
uhm. i should be going my whole life without cursing...
Do you act differently around the person you like?
i used to. but anymo :)
Are you happy with the way things are going?
Do you believe in forever?
Who's your favorite redhead?
heh kaytizzle :))
Have you smoked a cigarette today?
yuck ;(
How's your hair looking?
gross. in a ponytail.
Do you have someone who you can be your complete self around?
of course!
Do you think someone is thinking about you right now?
hopefully :)
When you're bored in class, what do you usually do?
doodle, think about other things
How many times have you kissed the last person you kissed?
countless hah.
How would your parents react if you got a tattoo?
i dunno, depends on what it is and where it is.
Have you ever kissed anyone whose name starts with a j,c,d,l,or z?
Can you go a day without thinking about the person that’s on your mind now?
nah man, some things are always on mah mind. like Jesus and food.
What were you doing at 1 in the morning?
lawl well it's 2AM right nao. i was probably sreeping yesterday or talking to deniz mai and albert like i am right now.
How are you feeling at this moment?
meh. CRACKING UP with deniz hahahaa <3
What woke you up today?
blerg had it get up and drive to anna's house to pick up her phone -_____-
What ruined your day today?
WHY ARE YOU ASSUMING I HAD A BAD DAY? i dunno just that it was taking sooo long
Where would you be at in 5 years?
uhm i'd be 22 and be graduated and heipi and free and maybe traveling or working or getting into grad school.
What are you doing right now?
fb-ing videos, watching fti on youtube, talking to mai and deniz
Are you mad about anything?
If you were given $100, would you spend it or save it?
Who was the last person you have a missed call from?
Do you wear flip-flops during the winter?
Do you want your tongue pierced?
AHAHA no. i don't ever want to pierce anything in mah life again
Is your room clean at this moment?
Are you comfortable with your height?
mmm an inch or two more and it'd be perfect :)
What is on your wrists right now?
my wwjd bracelet, the leather bracelet i got for us in venice, a friendship bracelet won made me heh :P
Where did you last sleep other than your own bed?
uhmm on alex's floor???
How was last night?
Who did you talk to on the phone last, why?
nobody? i dunno
Who's in your profile picture with you?
won heeee
Who was the last person to send you a text message?
Do your parents yell at you constantly about "cleaning up after yourself"?
nah just clean mah room
Would you rather give up the computer or the TV?
tv hahaahahha
Do you like being kissed spontaneously or asked?
spontaneously although i thought it was rather cute when guys asked, like the first time. ....HAHAAHHA THIS IS WEIRDLY IRONIC
Do you hate when people call you when you're sleeping?
nah, unless it ruins mah dream D: i like texts when i'm sleeping hahaha i'm weird. i've been sleeping with my phone under mah pillow since sophomore year bcus of _____ and i've never gotten out of the habit. but if you're thinking of me late at night it makes me feel special :)
Are you tall?
nah kinda average. and very unproportional.
How many people have you had feelings for in 2009?
yesterday, i went out with simi and then albert felt lonely so i went with him to the mall AGAIN and wasted so much time and got shoooper fat and then he was running late to a dinner date with winston so i had to go with him and guess who was late? winston.
sighhh it was supposed to take one hour, it took three.
and today we went to do the actual filming and it was crazy, i just barely got home -_____- ri.di.cu.lous. i will not elaborate.
anyway, this survey looked fun so i will do it:
1. First thing you wash in the shower?
uhhh i dunno. hair i guess??
2. What color is your favorite hoodie?
i don't have a favorite. lawl but i like my new USC sweatshirt bcus it's fuzzay inside, still haven't washed it. SO CARDINAL AND GOLD <3
3. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
4. Do you plan outfits?
if it's important. but usually, no.
5. How are you feeling RIGHT now?
TIRED and kind of anxious
6. Whats the closest thing to you that's red?
my "love punch" charm that hangs on my keys
7. Tell me about the last dream you remember having?
uhmmm won and i were at this park and we were walking a a dog?? and he was freaking out bcus i was bouncing this egg up and down for some reason and he was scared it would break and the chicken would die but for some reason, it was an invincible egg! :D
question 8 ?
9. What are you craving right now?
well i ate a ridiculous amount today so not anything particularly solid. juice would be good, or natural soda or tea or i dunno, something tasty and liquid. :)
10. Do you floss?
....not as much as i should
11. What comes to mind when I say cabbage?
BAI CAI WANG ZI. <3 <3 <3 NATHAN ON AN OSTRICH. haahha only mai would understand this...
12. Are you emotional?
13. Have you ever counted to 1,000?
yup, we were in grand canyon for the 7th grade field trip and ms. martinez said we'd get back to the hotel in thirty minutes so simi megan and i counted until 1,800 and they fell asleep on me so i finished it and lo and behold we did return in half an hour give or take a couple minutes :P
14. Do you bite into your ice cream or just lick it?
15. Do you like your hair?
nah. or maybe today i just had a bad hair day :((
16. Do you like yourself?
hahah sometimes!
17. Would you go out to eat with George W. Bush?
yah, why not? interesting man.
18. What are you listening to right now?
can i stay here forever-starfield
19. Are your parents strict?
ermm, depends :) they're alright now though since i have nothing to do but PLAYY until i move away forever in two weeks.
20. Would you go sky diving?
meh, i'd be scared hahaah
21. Do you like cottage cheese?
every time i see it i want to eat it and then i eat it i don't like it.
22. Have you ever met a celebrity?
ermm jah. i've kinda "met" several christian singers: kutless, hawk nelson, matthew west, stellar kart
meh i've met other famous people but i don't remember. they're just normal people like us :P
23. Do you rent movies often?
nope, only when i go out with fam friends to blockbusters to rent our traditional DVDs
24. Is there anything sparkly in the room you're in?
hmm well the door says "STEFF-O" on a somewhat sparkly red star from winterball two years ago. i think that's pretty much it. my ring is sparkly, the ugly side. the rhinestone side, eww :( haha
25. How many countries have you visited?
australia, canada, china, new zealand, england, france, italy, mexico, 8?? maybe more...?
26. Have you made a prank phone call?
27. Ever been on a train?
yah, across china a couple times
28. Brown or white eggs?
both!! i love eggs :P hahhaheoaif
29. Do you have a cell-phone?
30. Do you use chap stick?
sometimes, and rose salve heh :P the box is a cute pink.
31. Do you own a gun?
32. Can you use chop sticks?
33. Who are you going to be with tonight?
i've had enough of hanging out these past two days -_- i was witthhh mai, her siblings, albert, michelle, and anthony -____-
34. Are you too forgiving?
forgiveness is a good thing.
35. Ever been in love?
of course
36. What is your best friend(s) doing tomorrow?
working, i dunno, exploring spain, community outreach in las vegas, playing in turkeyyy
37. Ever have cream puffs?
38. Last time you cried?
couple weeks ago??
39. What was the last question you asked?
40. Favorite time of the year?
41. Do you have any tattoos?
42. Are you sarcastic?
43. Have you ever seen The Butterfly Effect?
nah dudeee
44. Ever walked into a wall?
uhmm i can't think of a particular instance but probably :B
45. Favorite color?
pink, teal, mandarin orange :P
46. Have you ever slapped someone?
probably, i hit people when i laugh sometimes. i feel like i picked this quality up from janet...HAHAHAA but yah sometimes
47. Is your hair curly?
48. What was the last CD you bought?
49. Do looks matter?
a bit but not much :)
50. Could you ever forgive a cheater?
of course.
51. Is your phone bill sky high?
52. Do you like your life right now?
yah. kinda bored these days, tired, missing people :( not wanting to pack half my life for college :(
53. Do you sleep with the TV on?
don't really watch tv.
54. Can you handle the truth?
yah i guess so.
55. Do you have good vision?
20/20 <3 anddd i'm asian! heh winnn
56. Do you hate or dislike more than 3 people?
hmm not hate, but i dislike the way some people act. all people are good people though, with the exception of a couple people.
57. How often do you talk on the phone?
i don't like talking on the phone but ti depends :)
58. The last person you held hands with?
won hee
59. Wearing?
the latesttt harker athletics t shirt :) and underwear. and some jewelry.
60.What is your favorite animal?
61. Where was your profile picture taken?
in santa cruz with won hee <3 :)
62. Can you hula hoop?
JAH i beat out a bunch of people with tianna to win a free tshirt at swc 06 heh :) good memories...
63. Do you have a job?
nah mann
64. What was the most recent thing you bought?
in n' out. and if it's not supposed to be food related....swimsuit bottoms from a&f?
65. Have you ever crawled through a window?
yahh all the time.
Do you want to know the date of your death?
What comes to mind when I say 69?
....lawl whatever i say will be interpreted wrongly.
Last person you hugged?
winston wey :P
Does the last person who put their arm around you mean anything to you?
uhmmm...if it was anthony, nah lawl besides mah friend :P if it was won...of course :)
Last time you had butterflies in your stomach?
mmm HHAHAHAAH before playing that ridic balloon game at fellowship on saturday.
Do you say sorry first?
yes, i don't like to fight/argue about silly things.
Could you go a whole year without cursing?
uhm. i should be going my whole life without cursing...
Do you act differently around the person you like?
i used to. but anymo :)
Are you happy with the way things are going?
Do you believe in forever?
Who's your favorite redhead?
heh kaytizzle :))
Have you smoked a cigarette today?
yuck ;(
How's your hair looking?
gross. in a ponytail.
Do you have someone who you can be your complete self around?
of course!
Do you think someone is thinking about you right now?
hopefully :)
When you're bored in class, what do you usually do?
doodle, think about other things
How many times have you kissed the last person you kissed?
countless hah.
How would your parents react if you got a tattoo?
i dunno, depends on what it is and where it is.
Have you ever kissed anyone whose name starts with a j,c,d,l,or z?
Can you go a day without thinking about the person that’s on your mind now?
nah man, some things are always on mah mind. like Jesus and food.
What were you doing at 1 in the morning?
lawl well it's 2AM right nao. i was probably sreeping yesterday or talking to deniz mai and albert like i am right now.
How are you feeling at this moment?
meh. CRACKING UP with deniz hahahaa <3
What woke you up today?
blerg had it get up and drive to anna's house to pick up her phone -_____-
What ruined your day today?
WHY ARE YOU ASSUMING I HAD A BAD DAY? i dunno just that it was taking sooo long
Where would you be at in 5 years?
uhm i'd be 22 and be graduated and heipi and free and maybe traveling or working or getting into grad school.
What are you doing right now?
fb-ing videos, watching fti on youtube, talking to mai and deniz
Are you mad about anything?
If you were given $100, would you spend it or save it?
Who was the last person you have a missed call from?
Do you wear flip-flops during the winter?
Do you want your tongue pierced?
AHAHA no. i don't ever want to pierce anything in mah life again
Is your room clean at this moment?
Are you comfortable with your height?
mmm an inch or two more and it'd be perfect :)
What is on your wrists right now?
my wwjd bracelet, the leather bracelet i got for us in venice, a friendship bracelet won made me heh :P
Where did you last sleep other than your own bed?
uhmm on alex's floor???
How was last night?
Who did you talk to on the phone last, why?
nobody? i dunno
Who's in your profile picture with you?
won heeee
Who was the last person to send you a text message?
Do your parents yell at you constantly about "cleaning up after yourself"?
nah just clean mah room
Would you rather give up the computer or the TV?
tv hahaahahha
Do you like being kissed spontaneously or asked?
spontaneously although i thought it was rather cute when guys asked, like the first time. ....HAHAAHHA THIS IS WEIRDLY IRONIC
Do you hate when people call you when you're sleeping?
nah, unless it ruins mah dream D: i like texts when i'm sleeping hahaha i'm weird. i've been sleeping with my phone under mah pillow since sophomore year bcus of _____ and i've never gotten out of the habit. but if you're thinking of me late at night it makes me feel special :)
Are you tall?
nah kinda average. and very unproportional.
How many people have you had feelings for in 2009?
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