
Hello readers!
I think I'll write about the game first :)
Look at my pf picture! It's with T MAYS, #2 on the USC TROJANS!!
I woke up super early to have breakfast with Benn and then we went to wake up Cauchy and meet up with TCF for the game!
The game itself was meh, the weather was bad and our team was playing really bad. We were so looking forward to that 21st point in which we would raise Ben in triumph at his final game at SC but that never happened! It was much more than a loss, it was a personal disappointment :( moreso for him than me. So I think it's fate that the Emerald Bowl (which we are in, sadly) is being played in San Francisco! Which means we have one last chance to win and push Ben up! And he can have a happy last game :) the day before we lift off for St. Louis :D

Afterward, I just got ready for Frosh Con.

I went in not knowing what to expect. All that I knew was that it was supposed to help all the freshmen grow closer together etc etc. and I was like no problem! We're all so close already! But I met a lot of new people and grew a little closer to those I already knew.

That night, we listened to two speakers and then discussed in small groups. Afterward, we headed to the gym to play some INTENSE SPORTS for like, three hours. It was insane, four sports going on at once or something! Hockey...Football...Tennis, Volleyball, Wall Ball, jump rope hahah all in one gym! We played blindfolded capture the flag and that Ships, Sailors game and I am VERY SORE. Then we went back and played more games, ate, and discussed skin care products. Sleep happened around 230AM

The next morning, we got up and checked out a new teen center World Impact LA is to finish soon in a little under a month and then set out on our task of sorting out clothes for Sonshine Thrift Store which was really fun! We spent three hours sorting through donations and such and sorting out the bad and the good products. We also played a lot of dress up :D

That night, we had two more sessions and a lot of time for reflection as well as small group and prayer. Small group was such a blessing, I feel five times closer to these people just bcus we were able to honestly share our troubles and our burdens.

We spent over 24 hours about 2 miles away in a school in south central LA and although it was only a busride away, sc LA feels miles and miles away from the lives we lead at SC. This weekend has been an incredible blessing in 50 million ways and I'm so so so grateful for God and His grace and TCF :)

I feel so grateful for SC and TCF and ahh crazy, I'm so in love with life right now.
I sense the start of something new :)

At the moment, I am so sore I could write a poem about it. In fact, I did while climbing the stairs this morning:
I am so sore
From laying on that floor
And flopping like a whale
I can barely open this door
Much less hold onto this stair rail
I can't take it no mo!
Yes. That intense game+sleeping on the floor+the fact that those chairs had no darn cushions! Makes Steff-o a very sore person. Also, my throat is aching bcus Breana insisted on hugging me everyday for my nugetty-ness and holding me close to her diseased self. Plus, that last quarter of the game, I hadn't screamed that much in a while. So my voice is pretty shot.

BUT NOWW! Time to study for finals :(
This morning, I got this email:
Hey Class,
Earlier in the semester while I was in Mexico building houses for the needy, I was bit by a wild boar and acquired rabies and swine flu
While this could possibly be true. The situation is still somewhat humorous.
I swear, as the semester goes on, they get more and more creative. I liked this one too:

hey guys,

I've been sick with polio as well as the plague.

Final review notes would be awesome.

Then discipleship :)
FIGHT ON college kids! We can do it :))

Goodbye and good luck readers!

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