You're the one who makes me sing!

Hello world!
Today is so beautiful :) But there are few places on campus near Parkside where I would like to sit outside and do homework so alas, I am inside my room slaving away (sort of...).
Anyway, today was quite a long day. Jon did not wake up for church and we ended up coming up with sorts of scenarios which all involved him being physically incapable of reaching his cellular device (for example, lying dead in the non-existent ditches that surround our school) but he was sleeping -_____- I have yet to meet someone more incoherent than Jon Wong when he wakes up--except maybe Katelyn.
Anyway, service was good so I'm really glad we got to catch the last 40 minutes. My friend from UCSD came so it was fun taking her to church :) My friend who is still a junior in high school also came so this weekend has just been filled with old friends!

Anyway, I'm feeling pretty good about life right now, somewhat. Of course, summer is a mere 5 weeks away (not counting finals) and I am so close to relaxing under the stars with my friends at Catalina...but I need to get my grades up!
And just finish a bunch of things I don't really want to do. Also, moving at the end of the year feels me up with some sort of apprehension and I do not like it :( I also have no idea what my plans are for the summer and I'm feeling a bit iffy on some decision I've made in the past couple of weeks but pray pray pray and everything will be okay! :)

Aside from that, I'm really excited for the end of this year and for Encounter and for the next few years at SC so yes :) Life all of a sudden feels so short...not necessarily a bad thing!



My favorite way for God to remind me He's always there...

Is when He wakes me up in the morning without an alarm because believe me, that is a miracle.

Here's to an awfully long day of school :((


Relient K is sooo wise...

WE ARE BACK AT SCHOOL AND IT SUCKSSS :( Although today wasn't TOO bad, classes went by pretty quickly (one was even cut in half :D) and my Chinese test wasn't too bad :D

Anyway, I was on the plane yesterday listening to Relient Ks song "Be My Escape," the one that eventually led to their exploding success and I actually listened to the words (not that I didn't before but you know what I mean...)
And this life sentence that I'm serving
I admit that I'm every bit deserving
But the beauty of grace is that it makes life not fair
Pretty deep right?
Every wrong thing that happens in our lives, we deserve it! And we don't deserve all the things that go right...a pretty hard concept to wrap our minds around, but not really because all of a sudden, understanding God's mercy has never been so clear.
Yah I guess that kinda encapsulates everything we've been talking about at Reality LA (or like, a couple weeks ago) so yes. That is what I thought about on the plane. And then I shared it with Helena.

Last night, I ate quail eggs with Mai and Cauchy and some delicious chocolate raspberry sticks. They're SUPER DUPER good so if you want some, COME TO MY ROOM AND I WILL SHARE WITH YOUU :))



I am 18.

Guys save so much money!
1. Their haircuts are like, 20 dollars cheaper AT LEAST.
2. They use significantly less toilet paper than girls do.
3. They also use significantly less shampoo and conditioner.



15 Days of Love :)

Hey guys!
So the TCF girls in the Crazy Love book study are doing a little application called "15 Days of Love" during which each day is dedicated to a part of what love is defined as in 1 Corinthians (love is patient, love is kind, it does not envy, etc...)
What really struck me about the chapter we had read for Crazy Love was what Frances asked us to do. He told us that if we had substituted our name in that verse, when would we start lying?
Steff-o is patient...
I can't even get past the first three words! Though slightly discouraging, it means that there is plenty of ground for improvement :) Today, we are on day three (love does not envy) and so far so good :) If anything, it's making me more conscious of the ways love is expressed.
Maybe one day I'll write about love languages :)

Anyway, this week has been fairly decent although lacking in sleep.
Thursday, omgosh we finally set off the alarm at SGM O_O IT WAS SO SCARY. WE RAN SO FAST. MY HEART WAS BEATING SO FAST. Hehe needless to say I guess we're not going on any rooftops anytime soon. Also because today was super cold!! Friday, Mai and I ventured to Ktown to buy ingredients we needed (wrong ones...) with which we would later use to bake green tea cookies at Rowlands! It was really fun and tasty even though we took extreme liberties with the recipe...

That night, we went to BCD OMGOSH I've been craving for MONTHS and we FINALLY FOUND IT after walking like 9283493 blocks, it was sooo worth ittt. Then we went to a concert called "The Three Romanticists." Well, they changed it to "The Romanticist" after one of the singers dropped out. Even though Rowland and I couldn't understand anything, we really enjoyed it :) K. Will especially ;) so adorable!

Saturday, we had Crazy Love and then we took the bus to the Teen Center where we fellowshipped with others from around the area who were interested in volunteering at there as well :) It was really fun! We also had Katelyn's goodbye party that day and it was very bittersweet. She, along with a couple girls shed some tears because she won't be with us for a few months but I know God has great plans for her in Japan :) The blessing bunnies turned out great and the Ramen bar was DELICIOUS.
TCF kids really know how to cook ;) Sigh, with everyone leaving, Jon says we better get on learning T_T

Sunday, we went to church and then had brunch and I did a lot of homework :) I originally wasn't going to reassign and thus stayed up rather late passing out baked goods to the kids who were sleeping at the CSCs downstairs. Then I realized I was also reassigning and went to bed rather late only to get up at 7 T_T BUTTCRACK OF DAWN!
Also, we had Stalcup's goodbye party Sunday night :( He's leaving us!! But I guess he's still close so it's not too bad. And he's leading Mark Study tonight! :)

Yesterday, I hosted a student for ExploreUSC and got a free shirt :) NOT ONLY THAT, I made a new friend and she said she really enjoyed her time here :)
Stephanie Guo: HAHA.
xkkx7: LOOOOL
Yee it was really fun! :)

Anyway, I'm happy :) though a little bit stressed for my WRIT140 paper although for the first time, I have a complete rough draft more than 24 hours before it's due and it's at its maximum page capacity!! :)) Now just to incorporate more evidence and send away to Cauchy :)) Keke

You know you go to church in Hollywood when your pastor preaches in skinnies, plaid, and has hella tats on his arms.
Siick :)
PASTOR TIM is incredibly intelligent, I'm so glad I go to Reality LA :)





Here are some things I must accomplish over SPRING BREAK:
(Helena is coming home with me so I have a guest! :)) next year, Hawaii...)
1. SAN FRANCISCO, I gotta show her the little culture we have. and SHOPPING :) get some clam chowder in a bread bowl, bark at sea lions, etc.
2. Get a dress!!
3. Hit up Valley Fair and Great Mall
4. See all the guys <3 and the BFFs.
5. TURN 18!!!!!! And have a bangin' birthday :D
6. Visit Stanford and Berk kids :)) PARTIES? :D
7. THE BEACH. Even though it's cold :(
8. Visit the ol' Alma Mater, visit some teachers, hang out with small children, etc.
9. Harker Baseball <3 :)
11. EAT.

THE END! I will come back to write soon :)



But here is a list of what I am thankful for :)

1. God, thank you for everything I am about to write about...HAHA
2. God, thank you for TCF and Alice and all the freshmen who have really shown me your love through their actions...I can't seem to thank them enough because of what they do. I wanted to cry tears of joy when I saw them sitting in the baggage claim doing their homework T_T I don't know what I'd do if I had never met them!
3. God, thank you for my family and helping me feel at peace about everything that's happened in the last month or so. Thank you for helping me realize that everything, though inconvenient and annoying for ME, and no matter how much I whine about the injustices you have put upon me, I know that you are a loving and merciful God...and everything is in your hands. Thanks for helping me see that it's all worked out according to your plan :)
4. God, thank you for that anonymous missionary in China who touched my great-grandfather. I just learned that he was a Christian pastor! I've actually been to the church he used to pastor at...and it's right across the street from a communist police department. I now have hope that they can coexist peacefully and China can be transformed :)
5. I thank you for giving my aunt 9 years when they expected only a few weeks. And in those 9 years, she found you and for that, I am eternally grateful. She was also baptized by my other cousin's (opposite side of the family...) girlfriend's father. Funny how things work out, huh?
6. I'm happy that I was able to spend a bit of time this weekend with my extended family. Now that it's over, I think everyone is a bit more at ease, and I look forward to getting to know them even more. Winterbreak in Queensland? I think so :)

The Friday after I last posted...PRB went to Ktown for some delicious 3 dollars Korean BBQ! On Saturday, Mai and I watched a really scary Japanese movie called AIR DOLL, it was really thought-provoking and called to question what it really means to be human...but the climax really turned me off and now I'm deathly afraid of it :(
Sunday, church was sooo goood! Sigh pastor Tim is so smart and articulate and the message was very very interesting. Worship was great, of course :) So I woke up on Sunday and then went to sleep again and had a short dream about singing "Consuming Fire" and then at church, WE DID! Crazy huh? And also, Kathy was there O_O Which was really cool to to run into a very familiar face from home :D (I dreamt about her before I met her as well...) AND she came with a girl who I actually sat with on the plane to Urbana. O_O Crazy how things work out that way, right?
We had brunch at EVK which was ACTUALLY quite good :)
Mmm last week was just a lot of catch-up work, my SOCI142 midterm actually went pretty well, I think :) and the first half of my Chinese midterm tooo..we'll see how the second half goes tomorrow :D (I just finished COMM206 today too and I think it was quite okay..we'll see!) but yar, then packed up and went home :P

I also found a really nice notebook with Won at Borders the other day for less than 8 dollars and I am very happy about that :) I'm trying to update more, I promise!!
Next up, hopefully new year's resolutions :D

BYEBYE everybodyyy