Happy Birthday Jesus :)

Hooray! Merry Christmas everybody :)

These past three days have been relatively uneventful although I did get to cross four more things off my to-do list :D
I don't really remember what I did on the 23rd. Oh yes, I had my traditional lunch with my mother at Fontana's :) They have super excellent bread pudding, the first and only times I've had it is at our annual lunch (which came into existence in my 8th grade). SO GO EAT IT SO GOOD HOM NOM NOM. Afterwards, I just kinda chilled. Megan and I went to Vallco and took some Asian pictures :) Which crosses off two things in one day! Although my ultimate goal is to take purikura with Won bcus he has some sort of aversion to the place. Anyhooo, I had dinner with 4hoc :) and spent a good 3 hours catching up on each other's lives and naming all the countries in the world :D I missed home church :(

Then Ben was like oh hay we're at yogurtland so come pick up your EMERALD BOWL TICKETS and Won was like let's go to yogurtland and I was like OH CONVENIENT. So I met up with TCF :) and hung out a bit and then hung out with Won. We didn't actually get froyo bcus it's soooo cold!

Deniz and I spent the morning of Christmas Eve buying random things at Target for Simran's birthday :) We also had Chicken Pesto sandwiches at Blue Rock Shoot (ALSO A HIGH RECOMMENDATION :)) ahh so delicious! We ate them at the tables outside the little cafe. Another off my list :) Anyway, then we met her for fro yo at yogurtland and that was quite excellent :)
Christmas dinner with fam.

Christmas: did the normal Christmas thing and then set out for San Francisco (another crossed off!) :) revisited old memories at Golden Gate Park where I used to frolic as a young child, new to the wonders of America! Anyway, that was fun/cold. Then we went to the beach to watch the sunset and had dinner at this crazy Chinese restaurant that took forever to bring food bcus it was SO PACKED.
The Jewish tradition of going to Chinese restaurants on Christmas rings true! :)
Anyway, food was good. Then we went to Union square and looked at the lights and now I am at home and supposedly packing for Urbana. TOO COLD :((



'Tis Christmas Eve

First, happy birthday Simran!! :))

Second, it is Christmas tomorrow :D
Happy birthday Jesus!
And Mai and Noel! :D and everyone else. Alrighttt

TO DO List over Winter Break:
1. Finalize Spring Semester schedule (Add a two-unit)
2. Figure out housing for sophomore year
3. Figure out summer plans
4. Find a job near/on campus
5. Shop! :)
6. Christmas in the Park/Ice Skating with the boyfriend :) birthday?
7. Farmer's Market
8. San Francisco :D
9. Find a new phone :) check!
10. Visit the ol' alma mater
11. Alumni Holiday Partay!
12. Emerald Bowl, USC v. BC!!
13. Have an amazing, life-changing experience at Urbana '09 :)
14. Not get sick. Particularly after Urbana '09
15. See the guys :)
16. See the girls :)
17. Purikura Check!
18. Bake lots of tasty things
19. Eat at: Johnny Rockets Check! , Blue Rock Shoot, In n' Out, and Noah's Bagels Check! with Minty ;)
20. Eat a fancy dinner at Santana Row
21. See snow
22. Go to a museum
23. Monterey Bay Aquarium!
24. Froyo! Check!
25. Annual lunch at Fontana's with the madre :) Check!

Not too shabby :) Update tomorrow!
P.S. SC KIDS! Grades are out!!! o_o


Cold Feet

Actually, last night it was because my feet were cold.

Yesterday, I hung out with Deniz and we ate a lot :) I missed her so much!! :)
We ate at Johnny Rockets and then Yogurtland and ran around Westgate just like the good ol' days. Sigh I miss senior year :(

I just read a fellow '09er's post on facebook about how fun senior trip was and how he thought about it every week or two. I do too T_T
Sigh, I miss you harker '09! For real.



Cellphone phase

What I've been doing these past couple days...
1. Tuesday night, hung out with my kitty ket ;) <3
2. Wednesday, hung out with the best frand :) went to CLAIRE'S HAHA FAIL and thenn Daiso :) and crap, In n' Out, Tap-ex. We're so badass :) and fat :(
3. Thusday night, saw a bad movie with Alex and Paul. And went to get Megan's ears pierced at the mall :))

Sigh I feel like I'm pressed for time, for some reason :(

If I was rich, I'd donate to charity and also buy tons and tons of cellphones :(( Those are the only electronics I go <3 over, I'm not sure why. And I'm a total sucker for ads and mass appeal, if I see it enough, I end up wanting it T_T That's why I hate dramas that totally endorse a certain phone and every stinkin' actor has the same phone -______-.
Anyway, I've been looking around for a phone since my precious LG Ice Cream failed me :( and I've been using my trusty ol' Sony Ericsson that I've had for 2.5 years now.
First I was like le sigh, daddy will just get me a new Ice Cream when he comes home but alas he did not. So now I have to find an American phone for convenience sake so we went to the AT&T store and perused the selection and at that point, I was between the Blackberry pearl, the Samsung Solstice, and the LG Xenon because they were so cheap!! Actually, I really wanted the Samsung Impression but PRICY even after rebate and it's flipping huge and it freezes. Paranoid about that now. Then we read the fine print and we were like WTF AT&T bcus they were totally ripping us off. Those deals and crap are total BS :(( So we were like screw the upgrade! We're buying off the internet! Which is totally the way to go. And it's basically just me bcus my mom would keep using the same Motorola Razr she's had since I've been in middle school if we let her -_____-.

Anyway, so if I can't have the SE Docomo or Softbank Japanese phones I want, I would go for the Blackberry Bold (if I were a wealthy girl) but now that best frand has informed me that Blackberries give off intense radiation, and the fact that they're huge AND total sorority phones, I've decided not to. My dream phone is actually the Nokia N97 if not the Docomo n706i but it's like 600 flipping dollars. Well, 500 at Costco but anyway yah, not spending over 200 -__-
I wouldn't mind the LG Lollipop either but that's almost exclusively in Korea and now many reliable sites are selling unlocked international ones so mehh. It's probably also pricy for a mediocre and simple phone. Therefore, I'm currently looking at the LG Viewty and the LG Cookie (Korean version is of course, cuter) and leaning towards the Cookie just bcus it's cuter, cheaper, and I don't need a high end camera. And the stylus isn't dangling around. Still, I wish I could have a physical QWERTY keypad :(

So I'm not sure why I posted my whole thought process about choosing phones but I am so fickle about this stuff :( And the dumbest things matter to me like case selection and if it has a charm hole -_- lawl. Good thing most Asian phones do :)
Anyway, once I get it, I will inform my dear readers :)
Tehe, and then I'll bling it out with crap from strapya-world.com
Just kidding, I'm not rich with money or time :((

So yes, hope I get a new phone soon :)

AGAGDSOF time for sreepinggg. I go to sleep late for having nothing to do and then I wake up at like, noon. -_-


It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas!

Although living in California is like perpetual summer weather, Norcal is much more holiday appropriate than 70-degree-sunny all the time-LA. Today, it was 72. O_O A week till Christmas, too.
Anyway, yesterday (I can't believe it was only yesterday..) I woke up SUPER EARLY for my 8AM final (MY CLASS ISN'T EVEN AT 8AM T_T) and did pretty well. Then I sat around, ate with Breana and Julia, packed and took my stuff to Cauchy's, talked with Won on the phone, hungout, "studied," and failed my Jour final :D
BUT WHO CARES! I made my flight and now I'm home :)

TO DO List over Winter Break:
1. Finalize Spring Semester schedule (Add a two-unit)
2. Figure out housing for sophomore year
3. Figure out summer plans
4. Find a job near/on campus
5. Shop! :)
6. Christmas in the Park/Ice Skating with the boyfriend :) birthday?
7. Farmer's Market
8. San Francisco :D
9. Find a new phone :)
10. Visit the ol' alma mater
11. Alumni Holiday Partay!
12. Emerald Bowl, USC v. BC!!
13. Have an amazing, life-changing experience at Urbana '09 :)
14. Not get sick. Particularly after Urbana '09
15. See the guys :)
16. See the girls :)
17. Purikura
18. Bake lots of tasty things
19. Eat at: Johnny Rockets, Blue Rock Shoot, In n' Out, and Noah's Bagels with Minty ;)
20. Eat a fancy dinner at Santana Row
21. See snow
22. Go to a museum
23. Monterey Bay Aquarium!
24. Froyo!
25. That is all for now :)


"Slow! There are football players!"

Barrett Glasauer
Barrett Glasauer
i dont know you
Barrett Glasauer
i hope no one reads this conversation
Barrett Glasauer

Barrett Glasauer
Barrett Glasauer
you're such a man

1. Two more finals :( Sed face D: I have no motivation to study and I'm so sleepy all the time!
2. I had the best ramen in LA today.
3. I want a double piercing???
4. UR.BANA. JFAOIDFO!!! 300 dollaz today :D
6. I WANT TO BE CONTENT, I've been so restless I can't remember if I slept last night.
7. I want a new phone

I dunno. Time to study.


Guilty Pleasure:

Jesse McCartney's music.



Harker is adorable :)

Finals studying is sooo mehhh
Yesterday, I accomplished far less than I expected and it was suuuper rainy, cold, and gloomy :( not okay. Today is just super cold D:
Discipleship was an immense blessing.




Hello readers!
I think I'll write about the game first :)
Look at my pf picture! It's with T MAYS, #2 on the USC TROJANS!!
I woke up super early to have breakfast with Benn and then we went to wake up Cauchy and meet up with TCF for the game!
The game itself was meh, the weather was bad and our team was playing really bad. We were so looking forward to that 21st point in which we would raise Ben in triumph at his final game at SC but that never happened! It was much more than a loss, it was a personal disappointment :( moreso for him than me. So I think it's fate that the Emerald Bowl (which we are in, sadly) is being played in San Francisco! Which means we have one last chance to win and push Ben up! And he can have a happy last game :) the day before we lift off for St. Louis :D

Afterward, I just got ready for Frosh Con.

I went in not knowing what to expect. All that I knew was that it was supposed to help all the freshmen grow closer together etc etc. and I was like no problem! We're all so close already! But I met a lot of new people and grew a little closer to those I already knew.

That night, we listened to two speakers and then discussed in small groups. Afterward, we headed to the gym to play some INTENSE SPORTS for like, three hours. It was insane, four sports going on at once or something! Hockey...Football...Tennis, Volleyball, Wall Ball, jump rope hahah all in one gym! We played blindfolded capture the flag and that Ships, Sailors game and I am VERY SORE. Then we went back and played more games, ate, and discussed skin care products. Sleep happened around 230AM

The next morning, we got up and checked out a new teen center World Impact LA is to finish soon in a little under a month and then set out on our task of sorting out clothes for Sonshine Thrift Store which was really fun! We spent three hours sorting through donations and such and sorting out the bad and the good products. We also played a lot of dress up :D

That night, we had two more sessions and a lot of time for reflection as well as small group and prayer. Small group was such a blessing, I feel five times closer to these people just bcus we were able to honestly share our troubles and our burdens.

We spent over 24 hours about 2 miles away in a school in south central LA and although it was only a busride away, sc LA feels miles and miles away from the lives we lead at SC. This weekend has been an incredible blessing in 50 million ways and I'm so so so grateful for God and His grace and TCF :)

I feel so grateful for SC and TCF and ahh crazy, I'm so in love with life right now.
I sense the start of something new :)

At the moment, I am so sore I could write a poem about it. In fact, I did while climbing the stairs this morning:
I am so sore
From laying on that floor
And flopping like a whale
I can barely open this door
Much less hold onto this stair rail
I can't take it no mo!
Yes. That intense game+sleeping on the floor+the fact that those chairs had no darn cushions! Makes Steff-o a very sore person. Also, my throat is aching bcus Breana insisted on hugging me everyday for my nugetty-ness and holding me close to her diseased self. Plus, that last quarter of the game, I hadn't screamed that much in a while. So my voice is pretty shot.

BUT NOWW! Time to study for finals :(
This morning, I got this email:
Hey Class,
Earlier in the semester while I was in Mexico building houses for the needy, I was bit by a wild boar and acquired rabies and swine flu
While this could possibly be true. The situation is still somewhat humorous.
I swear, as the semester goes on, they get more and more creative. I liked this one too:

hey guys,

I've been sick with polio as well as the plague.

Final review notes would be awesome.

Then discipleship :)
FIGHT ON college kids! We can do it :))

Goodbye and good luck readers!


Fight On For Ol' SC

Jack Wang win or lose, trojan for life! fight on all the way!

That's the trojan spirit :) We'll get 'em next year!
Our mascot is a horse but our athletes and students are nickname Trojans for our fighting spirit :)
Can't wait for Game Day next year!
Update Sunday on the game,
but nowww...


What exactly does P. Diddy feel like when he wakes up in the morning?"

So I was wondering this today whilst I sang this song with Mai and it turns out I'm not the only one!
Here is Yahoo! answers:


Daniel Tien i miss celebrating the start of a weekend with brian and sean after 4th period douglas. big chest bump and "it's the weekend, baby!"

I miss it.


MM so what has been happening? Well I felt kinda sick the past two days while suffering through two papers but now I'm homefree except one more final paper which I haven't started and three finals! WOO! :)
Also, Ben took me to fball practice on Thursday and I got to take a picture with Damien Williams and Taylor Mays :)
Taylor called me a baby :( SAD.

Mmm we closed the blinds today for the first time since move-in day and now it feels like a cave!

I suppose I'm just not a very insightful person anymore because I never write about anything interesting and no one really even reads this anymore :(

But here is a quote from the inside of my honestea yesterday :D:
"When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad. That is my religion."-Abraham Lincoln.

and to that, Won says "BAD GRAMMAR!"

Good day for now! WASHING FACE TIME I love no class on Fridays <3


Come on Let's Fall in Love

Coming back to USC is always mehhh :(
I almost missed my flight sighh ran to my gate barefoot and barely made it to discover that Mai missed the plane. I knew it.
I'm always reluctant to leave the Bay Area but there's something about seeing our beautiful globe tower that extends from the Von KleinSmid Center in the distance from the highway that makes my heart swell with joy :) I love that globe! I can see it in the surrounding area (ghettooo) at night and I'll always be able to find my way back to campus. I love The Bay I love USC! :)
These past couple days have been uneventful, just suffering in my room, working on papers. Four papers in the coming week.five!! :(
Today Ben and I went to the bookstore sale and I am heipi :)

I think I'm a selfish and bad person. And I have never been this afraid to lose someone I love.


On another note:
I had my last class with Matt Barkley today.
Tehe I'm creepy :(
Football practice on Thursday, whose down?