Cellphone phase

What I've been doing these past couple days...
1. Tuesday night, hung out with my kitty ket ;) <3
2. Wednesday, hung out with the best frand :) went to CLAIRE'S HAHA FAIL and thenn Daiso :) and crap, In n' Out, Tap-ex. We're so badass :) and fat :(
3. Thusday night, saw a bad movie with Alex and Paul. And went to get Megan's ears pierced at the mall :))

Sigh I feel like I'm pressed for time, for some reason :(

If I was rich, I'd donate to charity and also buy tons and tons of cellphones :(( Those are the only electronics I go <3 over, I'm not sure why. And I'm a total sucker for ads and mass appeal, if I see it enough, I end up wanting it T_T That's why I hate dramas that totally endorse a certain phone and every stinkin' actor has the same phone -______-.
Anyway, I've been looking around for a phone since my precious LG Ice Cream failed me :( and I've been using my trusty ol' Sony Ericsson that I've had for 2.5 years now.
First I was like le sigh, daddy will just get me a new Ice Cream when he comes home but alas he did not. So now I have to find an American phone for convenience sake so we went to the AT&T store and perused the selection and at that point, I was between the Blackberry pearl, the Samsung Solstice, and the LG Xenon because they were so cheap!! Actually, I really wanted the Samsung Impression but PRICY even after rebate and it's flipping huge and it freezes. Paranoid about that now. Then we read the fine print and we were like WTF AT&T bcus they were totally ripping us off. Those deals and crap are total BS :(( So we were like screw the upgrade! We're buying off the internet! Which is totally the way to go. And it's basically just me bcus my mom would keep using the same Motorola Razr she's had since I've been in middle school if we let her -_____-.

Anyway, so if I can't have the SE Docomo or Softbank Japanese phones I want, I would go for the Blackberry Bold (if I were a wealthy girl) but now that best frand has informed me that Blackberries give off intense radiation, and the fact that they're huge AND total sorority phones, I've decided not to. My dream phone is actually the Nokia N97 if not the Docomo n706i but it's like 600 flipping dollars. Well, 500 at Costco but anyway yah, not spending over 200 -__-
I wouldn't mind the LG Lollipop either but that's almost exclusively in Korea and now many reliable sites are selling unlocked international ones so mehh. It's probably also pricy for a mediocre and simple phone. Therefore, I'm currently looking at the LG Viewty and the LG Cookie (Korean version is of course, cuter) and leaning towards the Cookie just bcus it's cuter, cheaper, and I don't need a high end camera. And the stylus isn't dangling around. Still, I wish I could have a physical QWERTY keypad :(

So I'm not sure why I posted my whole thought process about choosing phones but I am so fickle about this stuff :( And the dumbest things matter to me like case selection and if it has a charm hole -_- lawl. Good thing most Asian phones do :)
Anyway, once I get it, I will inform my dear readers :)
Tehe, and then I'll bling it out with crap from strapya-world.com
Just kidding, I'm not rich with money or time :((

So yes, hope I get a new phone soon :)

AGAGDSOF time for sreepinggg. I go to sleep late for having nothing to do and then I wake up at like, noon. -_-


megan. said...

ahahaha i love this. such a serious dilemma. you sho kyooot! :)

Mr. Ugly Beast said...

steffo, this was such a u$c post. this aint the way to go.