Hello Bay Area!

It is Thanksgiving afternoon and I'm thankful for...
1. God, for His grace and salvation and for always giving me a second chance.
2. SOSr, for always being there in keeping in touch :) even if we're still only in the same state heh
3. The guys, just for being the guys :) I know I can always count on them for anything!
4. Won Hee :) for reasons that number to infinity. I don't know where I'd be without him :)
5. Mai mai, for being an excellent roommate and staying up late with me and being hungry and eating and being messy and stanky and being loud. And my other suitemates, for putting up with us and for being my friends :)
6. HOC4, my church family :) for everything. For the community, for Jesus, for lunches and fellowship, and for USC UCLA fights. :)
6.5 InterVarsity (my second church family :)), for helping me grow in my relationship with Him and for being the only reason i have friends in college.
7. Harker, for making the start of 2009 one of the best months of my life. And still offering a loving community I can go back to whenever I want.
8. HOME. Is where the heart is.
9. USC, for making the second half of 2009 a good end to the best year of my life. For the football games, the classes, the beautiful people ;), the crazy parties, the on-campus events, for being in Southcentral and being in LA (and it's amazing weather), for being better than UCLA, for school spirit and love of the students. I'm thankful for good decisions, like Parkside, and I'm thankful for EVAN OUR excellent RA :)) I LOVE USC.
10. I'm thankful for life and FEELING alive, my life is good.

To end this post, here is a vague schedule of my next few days. Call me and let's hang out :)!
Thursday: Thanksgiving dinner, work on paper, EAT A LOT, stay up late.
Friday: BLACKFRIDAY SHOPPING. Homework? Get glasses :( (I'm blind now, did I tell you?), HOC4 Thanksgiving dinner! Hooray!
Saturday: Frolicking with friends maybe, sister's ballet performance in the afternoon, THE BIG GAME V. UCLA AW YAHHH
Sunday: Church :) Homework? :(
Monday: USC. Comm class with MATT BARKLEY heheh: P



of the past two days:

Thursday, I ATE BREAKFAST FOR ONCE!! And a lot of it O_O but then I had class all the way until 2 (but had a venti hot tea sometime then) and only had a handful of blueberries, kettlecorn, and a bunch of random samples from the Fresh Market. Then Mai came home and we went to Carl's Jr. (EWW) and ate 4 pieces of chicken and some chili cheese fries (DEF NOT AS GOOD AS JR). This was at 4PM. We ate at 645PM again at Parkside and had some delicious bowls of Lucky Charms and Coco Puffs and milk (I had soy). Then FRAY CONCERT! Then I came back and ate all my blue berries.

Friday, I got up at 10PM and showered and had no breakfast before we went to make sandwiches for the homeless and AUGHH BEING AROUND ALL THAT FOOD WHILST HAVING NONE IN MY STOMACH (besides a Kitkat bar) was kinda painful. And then we were gonna go to the In n' Out truck but we went to Ktown instead and ate for the first time like at 230 -_- AT A TOFU HOUSE YOMMM
Then I ate until I had a food baby of SEVERAL MONTHS and waddled around the super market in search of goodies. I bought chocopies yommm. And a cool new tea container thing for 3 dollars!! And then we came home and didn't really at dinner before we went to BREAKTHROUGH yee hip hop show :) We made a trogro run and ate some turkey sandwiches and now I'm eating a latka. AND GREEN TEA! Yayyy



hay boy hay

mmm since last time!

the hc dance was fun :) freeezing though D:
won picked me up (FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER SO IT FELT LIKE A REAL DATE HEHE BCUS HE'S FINALLY LEGAL) and we went to SR to have dinner :)
mm then we had to go to harker early because he had to sell tickets and it was colddd
there were lots of people there early, even upper classmen O_O hahaha
anyway mm yah. hung out with won afterward and went homee

sunday was good :) went to church, then chipotle and argued about ucla v. usc :) heh.
sat around, yogurtland date with bf <3

the end.

tuesday, we went to the home opener of TROJANS BASKETBALL and we won!
we are really mean sports fans but i suppose it's part of the game? mehh
SOCAL WEATHER IS <3 jfaodisfkjg

yesterday, mai and i made cards for the elderly. check ittt on fb! :)

right now, i'm eating blueberries and kettle corn from USC's fresh market :) and feeling content.
fray concert tonight! but before that
comm paper, interview winston, shower, nap?
today was a good day :)
i paid attention in class so mm yah. satisfying.

aoisdjasoid comm paper!! :(


Now that I'm a Trojan...

I feel the need to buy gladiator sandals.
Which I will. Mayhaps on black friday because people don't normally have large feet as I do so I can take my sweet time getting to stores :)

Anyway, "I came home" for homecoming and it was fun :) I can't say I like the Homecoming theme but meh, the campus was festive anyhow :P
The game was excellent and hanging out afterward was excellent, especially when our 2009 student council "borrowed" the spirit trophy from the 2010 student council ;) I miss high school...
The rally seemed not as high-spirited, maybe because the seniors weren't that loud. The freshmen and sophomores have proven quite impressive though :P

Why is NorCal so freaking cold DD:
So. Numb.

Tonight...well, I gotta watch the USC game first and then after we win, maybe I can run to a store to last minute look for dresses...and then dinner with boyfriend :))
and then the dance yaaay I'm excited :D

Haven't been to a dance party in while that didn't involve alcohol O_O so this should be fun :)

Anyway, it's so good to be home <3
Too much to do in so little time :(



Oh, Happiness

I FORGOT TO MENTION that my cute, thoughtful, sweet boyfriend sent me flowers on our 9 month and asked me to homecoming :) teheeheheeee they're so pretty!
and thanks to maimai, my crazy roommate who helped him. esp when they're not fond of each other ;) :P

anyway. friday i went to bed shoooper late D: and had to get up two hours earlier than normal for sunday school (missional based) in preparation for URBANA 09 :) soo excited! that was cool and all. servce was a bit repetitive so ...yah. sleepy. then we went to BCD thank goodness, been craving soon dooboo FOREVER :D ate like a fatteh :) and came home to study for COMM D:

todaaay was mehh, comm was kinda :| the MC was harder and more detailed than i anticipated but the essay portion was :D soo i dunno! dang, this is supposedly the hardest comm class out of my major and it has been my misfortune to pick it as my first class :/ parents will not be plzed D:
mmm afterward, mai and i went to eat and that was delicious, we also talked about interesting stuff so :)
then ben, richard, and i had our first discipleship meeting which was really good! i felt somewhat small and unprepared in my faith though...something i've been semi-struggling with recently. praying for spiritual maturity! mmm and for this crazy sickness to leave mah body!
richard gave me the rest of his red bull and i never drink red bull and i'm very awake right now which is good! considering how little sleep i've been getting so hopefully i'll be able to finish revising my paper and get a headstart on a few articles :P
speaking of which, i told a newsletter type publication that i was interested in working with them in maybe design or photography and they just slapped me in the face with two articles due very, very soon (and i'm going home!!) oh dear Lord i've never written anything like this O_O lawl
emailed brian chao in a frenzy HAHA my newspaper frands come help meh!!
oh well, time to try new things...

my planner is crazy colored right now since i highlight each event/due date according to it's purpose (yellow=church/IV/God related, green=class related, blue=school events, purple=school partays!, pink=outside events) so mm busy busy until thanksgiving!

time to work on my 红楼梦 essay and it's views on female education :(( (i hate rewriting papers when the teacher hates your rough draft!! sigh)


1, 2, 3


life is sooo meeehhh right now T_T
i mean,
1. i feel like my grades are mediocre right now
2. i'm not involved at USC and that depresses me
4. ___________
5. ben wants to disciple me but i feel so spiritually weak right now and unprepared that i'm scared i'll just be useless -_-
6. i lost my mailbox key, that's like a 40 dollar fine
7. our bathroom lock is STILL BROKEN wtf T_T
8. my phone is broken

but i'm still happy.
or well, i feel happy most of the time but i have this cloud of hopelessness over my head and it's :( !!
mostly bcus of 1, 2, and 4.
and 8. my poor ice cream :((

anyway i g2g so i'll write latarrr


I bought a huge salad today

because it seemed like a good idea, mainly bcus it has chicken in it.
Now I feel like a rabbit and I hate this stupid salad.

Deniz and I have a food baby whose name is Sydney and she loves chili cheese fries from Johnny Rockets and Froyo and peso chicken sandwiches from Blue Rock Shoot and definitely bacon.
Today, I bought Cinnamon Toast Crunch and Lucky Charms and thought of New York 07. I will eat them tomorrow and pretend Deniz is hurr with me.


Sunny with a high of 83

most of the time.
there is a large pile of clothes on my bed.
class. almost. done. jaoisdjiof

i miss home.
i miss eating noah's bagels in the morning, driving my car, harker, yearbook, spirit events, homecoming, painting my nails at sephora, 4hoc, saratoga, the class of 09, best friends, late night food runs, just driving around in the wee hours of the mornings, the guys
random things like buying apples or tortillas in the mexican aisle
froyo every 5 blocks
in n out
i was thinking the other day about how winny worked at yogurtland and then i thought about how easy it was to just hop in a car and go wherever we wanted and see whoever we wanted or just sit there in the sunshine and talk. i don't really do that anymore. :(

then the world will never know
the greatest story ever told
did i tell you that i love you?
just how much i really need you?


"To achieve great things, two things are needed; a plan, and not quite enough time" Leonard Bernstein.
That was the quote on the inside of my Mango Green Honestea :)

Intervarsity had our first annual Great People Hunt at the Grove in LA :) Basically, each person/team had an hour to find 5 heavily disguised people in the Grove and tell them "I think I've seen you before, can I have your autograph?"
The winner would received a bucket full of candy in Halloween spirit and get their photo posted on the website.
WHO WON? WE DID AWWW YAHH it was super fun :) teehehehe

Woke up early and had breakfast which was quite delicious. I'm not really sure what else I did..probably homework. Then we had Intervarsity curry night which was DEFINITELY very delicious with tonkatsu and gyoza and REAL rice :)
Then me and the girlies hit up the row. Honestly, I was just super tired but I had a good time anyway. And it was really cold. And the tram sucked. And almost ran over a few drunk people. And then we stayed up until like, sunrise almost, talking about stuff.

And we woke up on Saturday feeling like crud at 1130 after going to sleep at 4AM O_O haha. BUT THEN WE HAD DIMSUM which was excellent, with zhongwen club and that was tasty :) I was really feeling sick though so :(
Then we watched the game which was just...no comment.
After that, I REALLY wasn't in the mood to go out or anything so I just stayed at home trying to write my paper and talking to the boyfriend :) <3

Woke up with great difficulty EVEN AFTER DAYLIGHT SAVINGS!! and went to church, which was good, of course. Ran into Daniel Wang from home! Which was cool...THEN WE WENT TO GUPPIES one of the most amazing places on earth. And ate so much shaved ice that we were all shivering by the time the bowl was done. We napped in the car and then went home :D to get ready for MAXT OUT yessss
So Solanda and I got rides to see C3 with Casa and we definitely should have gotten there like 2 hours later -_- and I definitely need my own car. But we watched a lot of really good dance performances-the minors were really good! I started falling asleep though, at one point, because we were there from like 6-10! C3 was bangiiin' :) and was one point short of third place so basically, we're awesome! Disappointing USC fanbase though :/ we need more C3 lovin!
Went to JJ Cafe after that for some really good Cantonese food and finally got home around 1230, 3 hours after I predicted.
Then I stayed up until 3AM talking to Mai and Won :)

That is all. I really need to work on updating this more often.