Now that I'm a Trojan...

I feel the need to buy gladiator sandals.
Which I will. Mayhaps on black friday because people don't normally have large feet as I do so I can take my sweet time getting to stores :)

Anyway, "I came home" for homecoming and it was fun :) I can't say I like the Homecoming theme but meh, the campus was festive anyhow :P
The game was excellent and hanging out afterward was excellent, especially when our 2009 student council "borrowed" the spirit trophy from the 2010 student council ;) I miss high school...
The rally seemed not as high-spirited, maybe because the seniors weren't that loud. The freshmen and sophomores have proven quite impressive though :P

Why is NorCal so freaking cold DD:
So. Numb.

Tonight...well, I gotta watch the USC game first and then after we win, maybe I can run to a store to last minute look for dresses...and then dinner with boyfriend :))
and then the dance yaaay I'm excited :D

Haven't been to a dance party in while that didn't involve alcohol O_O so this should be fun :)

Anyway, it's so good to be home <3
Too much to do in so little time :(


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