"To achieve great things, two things are needed; a plan, and not quite enough time" Leonard Bernstein.
That was the quote on the inside of my Mango Green Honestea :)

Intervarsity had our first annual Great People Hunt at the Grove in LA :) Basically, each person/team had an hour to find 5 heavily disguised people in the Grove and tell them "I think I've seen you before, can I have your autograph?"
The winner would received a bucket full of candy in Halloween spirit and get their photo posted on the website.
WHO WON? WE DID AWWW YAHH it was super fun :) teehehehe

Woke up early and had breakfast which was quite delicious. I'm not really sure what else I did..probably homework. Then we had Intervarsity curry night which was DEFINITELY very delicious with tonkatsu and gyoza and REAL rice :)
Then me and the girlies hit up the row. Honestly, I was just super tired but I had a good time anyway. And it was really cold. And the tram sucked. And almost ran over a few drunk people. And then we stayed up until like, sunrise almost, talking about stuff.

And we woke up on Saturday feeling like crud at 1130 after going to sleep at 4AM O_O haha. BUT THEN WE HAD DIMSUM which was excellent, with zhongwen club and that was tasty :) I was really feeling sick though so :(
Then we watched the game which was just...no comment.
After that, I REALLY wasn't in the mood to go out or anything so I just stayed at home trying to write my paper and talking to the boyfriend :) <3

Woke up with great difficulty EVEN AFTER DAYLIGHT SAVINGS!! and went to church, which was good, of course. Ran into Daniel Wang from home! Which was cool...THEN WE WENT TO GUPPIES one of the most amazing places on earth. And ate so much shaved ice that we were all shivering by the time the bowl was done. We napped in the car and then went home :D to get ready for MAXT OUT yessss
So Solanda and I got rides to see C3 with Casa and we definitely should have gotten there like 2 hours later -_- and I definitely need my own car. But we watched a lot of really good dance performances-the minors were really good! I started falling asleep though, at one point, because we were there from like 6-10! C3 was bangiiin' :) and was one point short of third place so basically, we're awesome! Disappointing USC fanbase though :/ we need more C3 lovin!
Went to JJ Cafe after that for some really good Cantonese food and finally got home around 1230, 3 hours after I predicted.
Then I stayed up until 3AM talking to Mai and Won :)

That is all. I really need to work on updating this more often.

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