Camels and Midgets!

these past like 6 days have been crazy!!
SPLASHDOWN :) was a success, i think :) i met a ton of people and had a lot of fun sliding down two huge slip n' slides that we set up on mccarthy quad and a lot of people came which made me proud :) bcus i told them about it!
andd i love my suitemates :) heh.
i woke up the next day SUPER sore and with bruised knees but SO worth it.
than mai's cousin took us to diddy reise in westwood :) and we had some sushi. hahaah wow UCLA's area is so much nicer O_O but there's something endearing about the ghetto around USC and i say that in the most serious way. i think it's because of all the signs and posters and spray ons of the fight on symbol and "welcome back Trojans" all the laundromats and bike stores and rundown shops put up. it makes me feel loved! :)

woke up sorta late and mai's cousin took us to boiling crab!! heh that was really fun/REALLY TASTYY then later than night we went to poker night with TCF and helena got stung by a bee O_O wtf. yah but it was a lot of fun playing taboo but we had to leave bcus we were meeting rowland to hang outtt
which ended up being super disappointing since we couldn't get our guy friends in without paying a very handsome sum O_O oh well. the night was young. mai and i ended up going home around 1 and eating foods whilst talking and everyone else came home around 3 and we all stayed up to chat.

GAME DAYYYYY woke up SOO early to meet with TCF at Tommy trojan and begin our long wait in the sun. at this point it's like 10AM and we're in the stadium by like 1045 and it is HOT. REALLY HOT. we had amazing seats though and the game was SUPER fun ofaedsjfofijfodi trojans <3 the halftime performance was sick too :D
so yes. the game ended around 3 something so that was a good 6-7 hours in the sun and i was VERY VERY burnt :(( sadface
it hurt to scrunch my nose or wink my right eye but so worth staying the whole game
yeee the mighty trojans defeat the spartans 56-3 :D

then i stayed in and tried to do hw before going out for some victory parties :D yeaah we were preparing to go to a dance party when these guys told us to come by the ATO house and check out the monkeys and waterslide and we were like YEE MONKEYS so they told us to follow the spotlight and we did but the party DIDN'T HAVE MONKEYS :( but they DID have a freaking CAMEL and MIDGETS O_O one wore a pimp suit with dollar signs all over it. anyway there was no dancing :(
yet it was still fun but we left when some people needed to go home and the camel started stanking D:

church! and pho afterward :) made some new friends :P then came home and did homework. i feel like i'm suffering memory loss, i can hardly remember what i did last night hahaha

anyway. must write paper tonight D:
on this ridiculous book.

i love college!

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