"Show You"

HAI GUYS :) it's been a while!!

1. so i went to the testing bureau after the last post i posted and i found out i placed out of a foreign language requirement for chinese!!! who woulda known ;) anyway, that was exciting EXCEPT that i did not expect to place so high and therefore none of the chinese 4 or higher classes could fit my schedule so i'm not taking chinese this semester :(

2. then i went to the annenberg county fair with rachael and didn't score as many free things as i would have liked but i did get a super cute annenberg t shirt for free :)) anyway, they also had amazing little donuts there blehh MMM fried doughy goodness.

3. the welcome back dance was also friday night and it was a "foam party" and ridiculous to say the least. no to getting wet and seeing swimsuit-clad foamy people grinding up on each other but breana mai and i basically started the partaaay so it was fun :) then we went back and played chill ice breakers with our RA ;) and some other people on our floor.

4. geez it's been too long to remember what we did but we went to this welcome back carnival and i got super lucky and won two prizes, one from skullcandy :) and we had some pinky's? hotdogs which are apparently a big deal in LA/Socal so yahh and had a little harker reunion over early dinner :D
the concert was afterwards and mai stanley and i watched down down down, as tall as lions, and stayed for one cold war kids song. then we went home bcus we were tireedddd

5. SUNDAY! i got to go to church and meet tons of cool people like ben through emily. he took us to evergreen baptist church and i was like yeaaaahhh for getting off campus :B hahaha
the service was interesting and VERY different so i was like mehhh (this weeks was way better) and we had some shaved ice before we headed back for the christian fair where i picked up some info on some on-campus fellowships.

6. then i met with mai and deej and julia at tommy trojan to take part in a scavanger hunt. we literally ran around for like an hour searching buildings that fulfilled our ten riddles and took cute polaroid photos in front of them and we came in...8th place T_T but it was super fun :)

7. CLASSES STARTED!! the first day was awesome bcus i had a total of 45 minutes of class for 4 hours of lectures so yah :) and then we just chilled the rest of the day and had fun :) but then tuesday is like my killer 6.5 hour day but i did get my schedule straightened out FINALLYYY so this is how it looks:
Mondays: Comm from 12-120
Tuesdays: Dream of the Red Chamber, East Asian Humanities, and Asian American Lit from 930-2, Jour190 from 4-6
Wednesdays: East Asian Humanities from 9-950, Comm from 12-120
Thuresdays: Dream of the Red Chamber, East Asian Humanities, and Asian American Lit from 930-2
Friday: NOOOONE :))))

8. i really enjoy most of my classes and i so didn't know my comm class would be literally 50% sorority girls but that's aite...i had fun this week :) tuesday, i went to IV/TCF parkside fellowship led by cauchy and ben!! and played fun ice breakers and met a lot of cool people :) but i was exhausted afterward. then i went to overflow with TCF on thursday and met more people! i really like intervarsity but i feel biased since i know some people in it....yet i felt like i connected with them the most so i think i'm sticking with them :D
everyone should come out for splash down on thursday!!

9. most of the time i'm not at class i've been chilling with people and hanging out :) we watched koizora last night in our room until like 1AM and breana and stanley laughed at it all the way till the end -___- HAHA desecrating my fav japanese movie D:!

10. friday, we met rowland and his cool sophomore friends (which included isaaac!) and we took the bus to ktown where we bought some food and returned to his apartment. he made us really good dinner and we hung out there for like 5 hours and walked back home at 1130. then we stayed up till 3 talking and eating spicy korean food which resulted in 3 bad dreams that night :( saaadface! never again....no spicay food fo me :(

11. sunday was really fun :D heh. we went to church and then to pho afterward and the service was great :) the music was AMAZING, the singer had a great voice and killed at the piano and i didn't get to meet him although he was like 5 feet away. then i found out he's on itunes and won some award in 2003 for best male singer/songwriter of LA O_O
listen to "show you" by justis kao. and yes that's his real name :) sooo amazing!
he apparently doesn't usually sing his own songs but i'm glad he made this exception this sunday :D
the pho was real good and i really got to know a lot of fellow freshmen in TCF so i had a lot of fun. then we just hung out in my room not doing much/hw until like 6 and we ate dinner.

not much serious partying yet or serious studying :P so it's been pretty chill in college so far

i'm doing my first laundry EVER and overcoming my paranoia of people stealing my underwear by NOT babysitting the dryer right now. also bcus it's 1AM and most people don't get up to steal underwear at 1AM.
:) i'm so happy teeeheee

but i miss home :( sigh @ harker for having the same HC as USC D:

and i finally know what it's like to be a "poor college kid" ssssigh


1 comment:

Heidi Wang said...

awwww mei you sound like you're having a lot of fun. i missss you. thanks for the birthday wishes <3 <3 <3