Gentlemen Don't

1. on monday, i promised helena i would go with her to rite aid to get her meds so that was quite an adventure. actually, not really but i did take LA public transport all by mahself :) and i am quite proud of myself :P we ended up not being able to get the medicine because her insurance office was closed and the price was 300 dollars anyway O_O for such a minor treatment so we bought some facewash, hairties, and slippers instead.
ever since college started, not that i'm hard on money or anything, but i find myself questioning "do i really need this?" 
and i feel guilty spending money. unless it's my dining dollars bcus i have entirely too many of those T_T
meh stayed up finishing my paper :(

2. tuesday was my hard classes day but it went by relatively quickly. jour190 was not very pleasant but whatever, 12 more classes, fight on! i can dooo it.
bible study was fun :) it was application week so me and matt and john went to see matt's RA jana. i dunno why matt lives on the jewish muslim floor but whatever! she was very cool and i learned a lot about california history and jewish culture so :P

3. today was excellent just bcus i slept in until 11. we went to bed relatively late and talked really late but my first class was at 12 :) it went by entirely too slowly and i was totally zoning out but i did well on the surprise reaction paper which was on today's lecture so :P after that...did some homework and ate a lot of junk food. 
ben came to visit so we talked for a long while and then mai came home so we went to dinner. now she's at her audition and i'm supposed to be doing my hw.

that text made my day :) teehee

i'm wearing really fobby earrings today. :D D:

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