Manic Monday

hello again.
so i've taken to writing everything i have to remember on these little post-its (the electronic kind), including many things i have to buy before college so you can imagine they've grown rather long and numerous. and i feel kind of desperate to get rid of one, which i've written down the content of my dreams on so here goes:

this dream was in three separate parts:
1. i guess albert and anthony's meeting of the wondergirls triggered this but my friends and i (simi, megan, ana, mash?) were walking on this like wooden really long porch at night and suddenly out of nowhere this group of famous kpoppers stroll out and are like "OMG DO YOU LIKE US?? ARE YOU FANS??" and masha's like nah "BUT SHE IS!" and shoves me at like, yoobin, or someone. and it was like the wondergirls and some guys who were supposedly in like super junior or something but he didn't look familiar at all and then masha began to take photos of us but the first one, the guy was making some kind of strange pose and totally blocked my face and the second was blurry so i left rather flustered and annoyed that the photos did not come out well.
2. the second part flashed back to when i was part of the senior homecoming court and for some reason, my mother and i had to drive to a far away destination through death valley like land and the buildings along the way all looked very familiar. this segment was rather sci-fi and very degrading as each person we met along the way told me my hair wasn't nice enough (and chopped it off) and my skin wasn't nice enough (and injected this strange thing that made me all wrinkley??) anyway, very nightmarish :( and then i returned back to where the rest of the senior court was and told them that i quit bcus i couldn't handle it (i looked back to normal though for some reason...) and i explained why and then they got all riled up (HAHA) and deej was extremely enraged at this injustice. i guess that was it.
3. the third place was at mai's house although it resembled my old house more than it resembled her house and everything was tinted blue (this isn't the first time this has happened...). for some reason, i was just sitting there chilling with an open umbrella and i dunno, the whole thing was really weird, she had this trunk in her bathroom that had all sorts of things in it and her little brother was jun hee?? and we went upstairs to tell him something and he was with his friends playing video games and he got really annoyed i don't really remember anything else that happened.

yes, i woke up very confused.

anyway, today, albert came over to return my SD card and we ended up talking for a couple hours on the steps in front of mah house. then my mom and i went out for a super late lunch at SR and thenn i chilled at home. then! i hung out with won hee :) and now i am home.

seeing best friends tomorrow <3
began using ipod touch. sadface, kind of!

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