marry me, juliet!

so i was just watching this video of an old friend and a new friend sing/play guitar, they know each other! who knew. anyway,
this inspired me to make a list of random things.

list of random things:
1. i, like ana, have always wanted to kiss someone with pop rocks in mah mouth.
2. i think that there are several things that could be the worst possible things to ever happen an that would be: contracting an STD (mostly from casual sex), getting pregnant when you don't mean to, being infertile, accidentally killing someone (i mean like in a car accident -_- not like accidentally chucking a knife at someone), being involved in a failing marriage (particularly in the middle of your life. like in your 40s or something :/)
3. i think i'm the only girl in the world who thinks that being in the worship band at church is +2938493493 points in attractiveness -_-
4. my first kiss was a girl.
5. i like to reuse teabags but by the third soak it doesn't taste like anything :( and i have an unhealthy obsession with babybel cheese and salami. and i ate in n' out two days in a row. ssssiiiighhhh D: but! i ate a lot of carrots today in an attempt to balance out the inordinate time i spent staring at my computer today.

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