last night/this morning was pretty ridiculous
i went out around noon to run some errands and it took way longer than expected -_- i first went to petroglyph to pick up my mug :) i should have painted more coats :( but i'm pretty satisfied with the way it came out :) anyway, there was no close parking so it took soo long to walk in the heat :(
then i went to the library to return my books before i jet off to L.A. thenn i went to fill up my gas tank. last but not least, i dropped a visit to harker to return my beloved nimbus 2000 to it's rightful owner and talked with mr. daren a bit. then emily chow dropped by with her friend so of course i talked with her. then won and jun came so...i stayed a bit longer. i went home around 4PM -___-
anyway, brian and i came up with the brilliant idea of watching the perseid's meteor shower in my backyard and inviting everyone over and then, after talking it over with alex, we decided that we would hike to some far remote location that was darker than my backyard and watch from there so we all gathered in front of my house at 830 PM. well actually, we left at about 940 PM bcus everyone was late!! (group as of now=alex, paul, anthony, brian, megan, me, and david.) kaytee was supposed to meet us there and we kinda...were really late bcus paul wanted to get his two free tacos at jack in the box -___- so when we finally got there, megan showed us a shortcut to hunter's point, which was the "short" walk and we waited on the curb for kaytee to arrive. then, we waited for won to arrive and the guys to come back with batteries for a flashlight bcus the road up was SCARY AS HECK O_O
it was like walking 20 minutes in pitch black and the guys kept making axeman jokes :( and we had to lug all our sleeping stuff up too.
alex and paul had gone back to pick barrett up and our group grew to 10 people! :P we set up tripods, cameras, blankets, and sleeping bags, and observed the sky. barrett and them just barely came back and we had seen about 4 stars before we kinda got busted for being there after hours and were forced to leave. the park ranger was nice though and let us off. HAHA we are so badass it's awesome.
anyway, barrett paul and alex gave megan a lift back haha and all our stuff and we began our long trek down. at the end, won had to leave and kevin kim joined us as we continued our adventure in the direction of in n' out for some munchies at 1AM.
afterwards, after some minor complications (HAHA and kaytee had left our group :() we made our way to the park near my house (in quite a shady manner). then barrett left :( and we lay under the stars counting meteors and gossiping and laughing until 4AM.
our group had shrunk to 5 people by then and by 5AM, it was just megan, alex, and i lying on my driveway. we finally crashed in my living room at around 530 AM (me and megan) and slept the morning away (hah)
we got up at around 10 and went to hobees for a really late brunch at like 1130 (but not too late yaddidamean ;)) and then went back home to watch cadet kelly -___-
so now i am here. about to go out again.
and very very tired.
i didn't see as many stars this year but i will make wishes for them later :)
last night was the most fun i have had in a long time and a perfect almost-goodbye for college
and it almost made me realize how much more fun it is to be young and reckless
we also reminded us of those silly reality tv shows of those rich fabulous glamorous beautiful people and all they do is hang out till the wee hours of the morning
but we're cooler.
i wouldn't have had last night any other way :)
i can't believe i have to say goodbyeee :(
1 comment:
ilus<33333 i wish we could do that again. so much funnn.
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