so much more

i cried, i know it sounds stupid but
"No matter how many medals Phelps wins, Liu means more to China because he stands for a burning pride."
now do they understand?

siiigh more olympic drama :/

btw: i lol at everyone gagging at the air in china
you'd think that the chinese would be dying out or somesing if it were that terrible? don't blame it on them, not only does the weather play a huge part,
it's all a matter of adjustment. louise got a throat infection coming back to california from asia bcus the air was suck.
besides that, if you srsly hate the pollution, boycott chinese products and tell me how it goes :)
i'm very glad for overcast mornings here though, although i have sun burnt cheeks from the afternoon sunshine T_T

why is it that everytime the U.S. wins, it's all good
when they lose, someone cheated....and the U.S. should have won...?
go have your own stinkin games (WHICH WOULD BE EXCITING CEPT THE TAX PAYERS, i.e. US, WOULD ALL SUFFER.) and have all the medals you want D:<
this negative press is dividing the olympics, which should be a unifying event....
and what happened to "INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY?" so stfu hypocrites,
shame on you.

if the chinese gymnasts are underage, I WILL ACCEPT THAT. i honestly wouldn't put it past them to issue fake passports. but these news articles are really too much.
and please, only bcus we here in the states drink milk from hormonal cows, eat extremely unhealthy foods, and intake ridiculous amounts of fat do we look "the right" age. besides, asian skin FTW bcus tanning is ugly thar and of course, the terrible disgusting pollution prevents sun. the standards and circumstances are clearly not the same.

no one complained when paul hamm stole the gold from yang tae young of south korea four years ago...bcus america won.
look at your count, yes, you are beastly, yes, you are amazing and number one. so stop complaining, please...
and if this "cheating" "lying" "stealing" whateverr is for real, mebe someone might want to find out why everyone hates on the U.S. all the time
there MIGHT be a reason :/
they really need to stop sticking their noses up places they don't belong.

i feel very sorry for the IOC, they're in such a difficult position....
if they were to further investigate, that would be racist
but if they don't, the hate mail won't stop...i really do feel bad for them
i wish keeping peace with the world would not be so hard. the olympics is probably the closest, yet is so super FAIL that it's pathetic.

this hate on china only makes most who criticize SO ignorant and stupid looking -_-
the ones i love the most are "china's communist government is terrible, why are so many people in china suffering from poverty when it is such a wealthy nation??" please. that's a contradiction in itself, please learn something before posting.
this is true, many parts of china, especially the rural farming villages, are very poor. complete evidence that communism is not has long disappeared as the economic standard in china. it was attempted at one point, and to be honest, a communist ideal sounds very utopia. a society without poverty. of course, at the same time, this is very impossible.
and this criticism of how "you should spend money on earthquake victims and not the olympics." are you really that stupid -_- the olympics was SET 7 YEARS AGO. the earthquake only happened recently. do not get me wrong. i have nothing but sympathy and sadness for those who lost everything they had, it's truly heartbreaking....
but it's not like they KNEW this was coming and decided before hand to spend millions of dollars on the olympics.

beside, i did also notice that this was not brought up much in the news, or at all at school when we always discuss "current events," nor do we donate money to the poor parts of china, or anywhere in that general region for that matter
but i guess we fear that the communists will just steal it all....
changing a country as large as this is too difficult when this is all it's ever known for generations.
opening up 30 years ago was a huge step forward and china has progressed HUGELY since then,
it's impressive no matter which way you look at it.

i'm so very glad that china pushed the americans the hell away during the korean war. if they hadn't, who knows where the world would be now T_T
and beside, it's not like the americans really wanted to help south korea, it was merely out of self interest. and even AFTER they surrendered and admitted defeat, the left the place in flames, bombing like hell. consequently, the korean public suffered for that.
SOUR GRAPES I SAY, fine if you don't think the gymnastics controversey makes americans look like sore losers, BUT YOU CAN'T DENY THIS.
besides that though, i watched a video of the president of south korea? talk about how he has been encouraging sk support of north korea and it's verryy heartwarming :)
i spy a reconciliation soon! please....
which leads to something my mother pointed out this morning, people should never hate each other merely because of race
while this seems obvious, it OBVIOUSLY isn't the case around the world. of course i would know since i'm chinese and apparently everyone hates china soo...
i see this improving in the future, i hope that younger generations can forgive the past, but also never forget.
i'm hoping the phrase "history repeats itself" is not the case...

i am definitely rambling again...
but today, i encountered more first hand anti-china sentiments, personally directed towards me! but i decided it was useless to argue.

today was the beginning of tennis and i am EXHAUSTED. running around first thing in the morning off 3 hours of sleep is not comfortable....
the showup was tiny, at this rate, we don't even have enough for two teams...
hung out with some of the football guys and caught up a little :)
then worked on yearbook with denizzle. the science tech building is beautiful
so are our new computers!!!
some parts of the inside of the edge has fug wall coloring, it's so....hotel like T_T

i am now a bit relieved that the rest of the APSA kids are also slackers...
yet we manage to always pull our crap together just in time....

anyways, tomorrow:
apsa, tennis, football player mugshots, yearbook, JOHNNY ROCKETSS
and of course, the olympics :)

1 comment:

Noel said...

I know what you mean Steffo...

When the Sichuan earthquake killed tens of thousands of people -- even destroying my grandmother's home and squashing her -- I thought Harker would try to raise awareness of the tragedy...but no one did anything... I do feel like there's so much anti-China sentiment...