
RE: cam cole's article on ze fakery.
lin miaoke and yang peiyi are prime examples of the eastern collectivist community versus the western individualist mentality. (i have been doing my psych reading!!)
miaoke's cute face+peiyi's amazing voice=best performance.
the western media is only reinforcing it's own obsession with superficiality. not that asians are not, but look at yourself before criticizing others!!
peiyi was cheated out of her voice, but what about miaoke?? she was told that her voice was not good enough. yet, everyone focuses on how the "ugly" girl gets the bad end of it all.
i agree that they could have found a good combination of both but this is how it played out and both girls are happy to have been part of the ceremony.
DON'T TELL ME that america thinks this is "sick" and "shameful," look at our entertainment! MTV? the trials in american idol??? american entertainment thrives on EMBARASSMENT and mockery of others. i was embarassed when my australian friends laughed at what they saw.
and i'm not going to start on the "fakery"
both had their faults and their talents, and together, both are recognized for the better part.
peiyi says that it is an honor to be able to sing for the olympics. i don't get how some people think she is only saying this bcus she is young. her maturity and understanding at a young age is the respectable thing, and also shows the culture.
while the show was flashy, she also showed her humility.
please, world, china only caved in to the pressure to produce the perfect show to your standard (and they were pretty close). it was a SHOW so everyone needs to chill just a little. it's not like you haven't done it before, am i right?
the fireworks were a safety issue, and they wanted the best footage to be shown. the fireworks were real. the americans were only sore that they didn't know about it earlier, the europeans did....
what's next.. what if li ning was NOT ACTUALLY USING HIS SUPER POWERS TO FLY???
oh shizz, they must have used wires D: FAKING. RIGHT THERE.
if this had happened anywhere else, there would be no issue.

also, if people haven't noticed, asian people age extremely well. take that into account before basing your arguments on petty physical observations.

i don't think the argentinian team/spanish team should apologize for their chinky photoshoot but they SHOULD apologize for accidentally offending. if they were to straight up apologize, it would imply that they did have ill intentions. i'm sure it was done out of childish humor so it wasn't meant to be racist. but risk losing the chance to host the games?? i think not. and besides, having 1.3 billion chinese plus the koreans and japanese hating on you isn't too good either :/
siigh sadly, i'd have to say that living in australia and america, i'm used to it now.
and the attempt of asian nations to agree with western standards of beauty is truly pathetic. eye surgey? whitening cream? YECK.
there are two view points of asian slanty chinky eyes.
1. it's ugly and we suck
2. fascinating part of the mysterious orient??
(btw, why is oriental so offensive? i understand chink but chink no longer has such a serious connotation...)
yet recently, there has been so much pressure to conform to western standards
and when they do, asians get bashed again!! (tyra banks show RE: gorgeous korean girl who got her eyes done)
the world's different cultures really can't agree, neither can ethics and politics
so we're just pretty much pathetic and God is probably laughing at us.
as much as i love You, this sense of humor sucks.

quite frankly, some of the U.S. media is very embarassing.
i've seen both ends of the media bcus surprise surprise! I READ ABOUT THIS IN CHINA?? AND WE ALL THOUGHT THE CHINESE WERE NAIVE IGNORANT PEOPLE.
and to be honest, the "i'm cool bcus i hate china" fad is getting old. (quote)
if i were tibetan and were indeed being unethically and unreasonably tortured, i'd be very offended that the world choses to care at this opportune time merely to make china look bad. THANK YOU WORLD FOR CARING NOW, selfish bastards.
I'M BIASED, i know you're all thinking that. but don't tell me you wouldn't defend your country.
I ALSO RECOGNIZE THE FAULTS. and believe me, there are MANY FAULTS within china
but when china does something good, something right, DON'T GET BUTTSORE.
really, i'm slowly getting used to the fact that china will never do right in the world's eyes.
but i'd like to believe that there is hope in the world! (reason for influx of entries hopelessly defending china)
so let's all leave each other alone, okay? (pity how the closest thing to peace can only be reached through his.) bcus really, the chinese government doesn't give a crap about ignorant canadian (front page!!) coverage on LIP-SYNCHING and all this other petty "news" that is being "uncovered." btw, peiyi was in the brochure for the opening ceremony..... the chinese have much more important things to worry about and that guy really needs to find real news, like why the canadian atheletes are lacking in the medal department...
I'M NOT HATING ON CANADA, i love it there and my dad lived there for a couple years
but the news is really pathetic.

bringing back that article in newsweek about china's inferiority complex, if that is truly what america believes, don't feed the fire.
you cannot deny the nationalism you see, blind or not.
also, if you truly believe china is rising as in international superpower, i'd advise not to provoke the country. this should be common sense.
but what do i know, i'll leave it to our amazing government that has led us so well! :)

anyways, good luck to vancouver! canada does well in winter sports if i am not mistaken? and i'm sure the opening ceremony will be amazing! :D

GRANT HACKETT lost :(( HE ALMOST MADE HISTORY but nooo DD: i was soo disappointed
i wish ian thorpe was here. then, watching swimming would be much more exciting. yeah, okay, michael phelps wins bcus he's amazing AND NO ONE ELSE IS THERE TO COMPETE. no fun in that :/ but congrats on his 8! beast.

i was also very surprised that tyson gay didn't even make the final?? EH?? surprise!!!
liu xiang, please be healthyy~

i came home today and was instantly reminded of the very inefficient workings of SFO baggage claim. besides that, going through customs was alright. the airplane showed medal standing updates! which was exciting.
also, did not get in trouble for bringing in snails, farm animals, or live bacteria cultures.
security is sucking, i sucessfully smuggled in 7 large snails (that frequently populate the areas outside sorrento tower 2) and 1 goat.
just kidding.
although it was a close call for the egg yolk moon cakes.
also kidding, my dad knows how lame security can be.

BTW did i fail to mention how fast security is in other countries!!
except in america.
this one lady at JFK international airport laughed at my socks and i would have told her to STFU but she was a bit larger than me...

went to a family friend party thing where we had chinese food
then i tried watching the olympics but only after three hours of commercials (and bad ones i must say, except that sumo wrestler plane one, LOL) and michael phelps touching the wall 7 times, did i finally watched my first event!!! which was the woman's marathon. two hours and 26 minutes of it. thrilling, really T_T
although china scored bronze!! one second off kenya's silver :(
i'm quite sure that there is activity going on inside the bird's nest while these ladiess are running around beijing. and if not, show replays!!!
SHOW SOME GOOD STUFF, PLEASE. not only do you block other channels, but the coverage is very minimal :(
the commentary is good though.
and i'm surprised that they make an effort to show chinese culture!! and here i was, thinking americans didn't give a crap! kudos :D
btw, the LIVE in the corner is a LIE. it MAY BE LIVE IN NY but it sure as heck isn't here on the west coast.
i found more fakery O_O

my daddy
best asian food, of course, and the cheapness of food in general!!
convenience and efficiency
good olympic coverage
the change in weather
cute boys
cute clothes
cheap shopping
culture :D
very nice people
OLYMPIC SPIRIT! it is EVERYWHERE. and i love it i love it
and very professional service. it never ceases to amaze me.

america is unfortunately lacking in some areas^

not having to chose between speaking in mandarin and english and hoping they understand
blue skies
reading more hilarious western media
more laidback, lazy lifestyle :D
CHURCHH!! yayy
and supposedly, free speech and all that good stuff :)

i've noticed that young children here mature much faster and some also achieve a sense of judgemental bitchiness (girls, i suppose) earlier than other places.
this sounds racist, maybe
but for some reason, i always feel like people are looking at me so judgementally O_O esp when i'm alone.
don't lie, girls
we're catty.

well, it's relatively nice to be back
despite everything i've got to do
i'm hungry :( but food has definitely lost it's appeal right now.

btw, i'm sure i've lost a lot of readers (did i even have any??) who hate my youguyssuckforbashingonchina posts.
and i'm not sure anyone actually reads it
but eh, free speech? i loooove it :P

1 comment:

Noel said...

I agree; I was thinking about how insulting the Newsweek article was when I was reading it.