it's soo funny lol -___-
the photo is a really good one though O_O
quite appropriate for the opinionated article that follows
i can't say whether or not he kexin deserves that gold medal (she's suuch a cutie T_T) bcus i didn't watch it. and i think that the americans who did not win gold have shown great sportsmanship (i suppose they'd have to anyways to make up for bela karolyi, who is a pathetic excuse for a self-respecting man). but i do think that if if it were even a possibility for two athletes to get the same score, they should have addressed this problem before anyone competed and anyone won and anyone got their heart broken.
i hate how these athletes work so hard to get to this level only to have their dreams crushed by politics. i think anyone who can get there is a hero :)
except i kinda worry about some of the times i saw in the 100m woman's prelims, that's DEFINITELY high school status....
hmm i'd say the "best" argument i've seen by far is how we americans should stop complaining bcus we at least have our freedom! and that cheng fei will be beaten at home for not winning gold for her nation, at least americans have freedom of choice and are not mindless robots.
"if america recruited children before they were born and raised them like droids, we'd be raking in the golds as well!"
yeah, i'm sure the chinese communist government scouts out every couple and checks out the ultrasounds and then sticks these kids into camps before they learn how to walk.
and i'm sure there are government officials waiting for liu xiang to recover so they can properly punish him.
hahaah i love it, it's hilarious....
there's so much more involved in this than people think, some of these families are so poor that this is the only way out, athletics. of course, most of this criticism goes to the government, who is as previously stated, communist. therefore, all government run. yes, i'm sure if america was communist, you guys would still be number one -__-
that's like saying, bcus america allows all citizens to own a gun, america should be sweeping the shooting competitions. (obviously not the case...)
nastia liukin's attitude kinda bothers me sometimes. i, i, i. johnson had to step in and say that she could speak for both in saying that they were proud to represent the u.s.a
i suppose this idea of winning for a nation, winning gold for the glory and pride of more than yourself? is very foreign to westerners.
liu xiang's gold would have been a national accomplishment. phelps' golds are his personal accomplishment. and his family i suppose. and friends.
:( 1.3 billion people is a lot of pressure, my only wish is that he recovers fast and takes back his record.
besides, the achilles hurts like a bitch, and if he ran, he would have destroyed his career.
nbc constantly says that it's not a big factor that liu xiang dropped out, the chinese are still leading in gold. they clearly do not understand! liu xiang was not just a gold medal to add to the pile
he stood for so much more and those people who payed so much money to see him, the people who waited in front of their tv just to see him get in those blocks, they only wanted to see him run for his country on homesoil. sure, if he had gotten silver to robles, or even bronze to some new superstar (like he was four years ago) it would have been very disappointing. but he still would have ran.
all we wanted was to see him run :(
and to those who hate the chinese,
YES, the government is oppressive, YES, there are millions suffering from poverty, YES, there is little free speech there, this is what america believes. and yet, you continue to put down this country. does that make you feel good? like a winner? then good for you, you have freedom of speech and press, you can practice whatever religion, however you want. good for you that you can do whatever the hell you want (almost) and get away with it if you have a good lawyer (i.e. the money). good for you that respect and dignity is so low (in some cases) that you can continue to push people down when they're already on the ground. good for you, america! the ultimate playground bully.
MAYBE you should go to other places, and really understand why
you have it so good, yet have no reason to feel superior.
...not that the chinese want your pathetic sympathy, but thanks anyways for "understanding."
everyone needs to get over this whole medal thing, the olympics are supposed to bring people together. not like God cares about medals anyways, i bet tons of silver-medalists are gold medalists in God's book, WHAT NOW, EH?
i wonder if there is ethnicity in heaven.
btw i've noticed that nbc has a lot more "previously recorded" labels in their corners :) that's a good turn around.
they say wait till 2012? if the chinese lose, then the americans will feel superior and never get off how they were right and had gotten cheated. if the chinese win, then the americans will once again, feel superior in their democratic government and blame the communists for droid-12-year-olds who routinely beat grown women.
in the end, america is superior. congratulations, you win. gold medal to the U.S. in all-around attitude problem :D
noel, i never stopped to ask if your family was okay even though i knew your family is from sichuan and i'm so sorry :( i'm very sorry for your grandma D:
i feel very inconsiderate right now, lol.
people srsly need to realize that the government and its people are two seperate entities.
"Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it."
-mark twain
if you think that everything i say is completely biased and i have no right to generalize, think before you speak as well.
i have never felt so sore in my life :( after not doing anything physically demanding (except walking around in ridiculous heat in both italy and china)
and then coming back to tennis doubledays? my legs are crying out to me T_T
still, can't ever be as bad as that one day i ran until i barfed :D
i can't say i want to push myself 110% everyday. it wouldn't feel too good....
beside, sometimes your vision goes all funny and that's not fun either :/
yeesh those 500 jumpropes are sooo killer and they hurt your bum sooo bad -__-
i saw barrett and gerry in their car today :)
and naynay
yesterday, someone told me that liu xiang was a joke and that asians suck at sports physically (to a certain point, that is kind of true) so it's all a result of pure hard work. contradiction in one thought. but then again, i can't really take him srsly bcus he then told me he wanted to be black, he believed that bigfoot was very real, and if he could be on tv, he would jump around and yell "oogabooga."
he's hilarious :)
one of the most annoying things in the world is when someone denies their own culture.
well anyways, i see that the current news situation is doing an effective job of creating anti-____ sentiments and ripping apart relationships and such so i'll leave them to do their work
...i can't believe they get paid for this -___-
when i see foreigners visit china and say how much they love it there, the culture, the people, i rarely feel proud.
it's more like relief.
there is no way i am ashamed of the culture and etc. of china. but the way the east is portrayed and received makes it hard to be proud to be chinese. but i am very much so :)
it seems like being "chinese-american" has suddenly become a complete contradiction in standards, ethics, and values.
edit: i love how yahoo's featured story is about how an athlete's good looks has made her a gold medalist despite her second to last javelin throw and failure to qualify.

dbsk displays their disbelief at this diagnosis.

this picture has no relevance whatsoever.
yoochun and junsu win gold medal in cuteness.
1 comment:
It's okay, I only told two people about my family in Sichuan lol. I didn't even know if anyone at Harker knew about it anyways.
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