happy qixi festival!

it's chinese v-day!
i went to a wedding today, it was super corny but so cute haha :D
and the food was good :) as always.
i'm freaking obese now :(

last night we went to another nice dinner with lots of drinking! :D HAHAAHAH
i've now decided that korean soju does not taste so good D: bleh
hahaha and suen yu "ge" AHAHAHAH gave me a present that the guys from samsung gave him but was too girlyy
it's pretty :)
we watched the soccer match on tv yesterday, CHINA WON :D YEAH.
everyone agreed the men had no hope, in my father's words "THEY'RE, i mean WE'RE WIMPY."
BUT AHA. we tied todayy hahaahah

an ad customer from CA called yesterday and it was freaking 1:20 AM T_T and i totally didn't remember the phone call after i woke up AHAHAH

i'm so excited for the olympics!!!!!
i'm actually sad bcus i was informed that jay chou will not be singing. instead, some european lady is D: LAMESAUCE
liu xiang should sing lol he's actually pretty good!
he did a song with anson hu (the ugly guy. just kidding.) and se7en "run foreverrr to be the weeener" HAHA it's good
i hope they perform the 北京欢迎你 song, even if it's wayyy long
hanggeng is in it :D

i also! changed my mind,
i think chinese boys are super cuuute :)) teehee

i'm kinda surprised at the way people treat each other in restaurants sometimes, i guess that's the biggest culture shock. at the same time, i'm not surprised at all. i guess to survive you really gotta be a bitch :P haha

despite the influx of fugly blue makeup and murses (more in hk than mainland)
it's back to HK after this weekend, still trying to decide whether or not to watch the opening ceremony in HK. they'll probably have fireworks and the whole deal :)

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