
It feels like everything is coming together...
School should be and essentially IS over but NO, I had an in-class essay today and a test tomorrow :( but that is okay!
Today was up and down
I got it today. Which is kinda :| sigh.

Anyway, after school, Simi bailed on the nail appointment so I tagged along with Nay Nay and Deniz. However, Simi messed up on the appointment and only scheduled two full sets so I feel like it was fate that Simi couldn't come on this particular day. Because I wasn't intending on doing my nails. Anyway, the place smelled kinda gross and IMO it was sort of overpriced and I dunno, but I hope they're happy with them though :) they're pretty!
Then we got Chipotle :)
I got my nails done somewhere else, my real nails. And I like them :) It was the first time I got them done and the lady told me a couple times how nice my nails were which made me :) because they're pretty much the only part of my body I like (although Won says they're not REALLY a legit part of my body. -_-)
JADOJOIFJ They're pretty :) Although I kinda messed one up driving home. Sigh, I fail D:

OH ALSO, I went back to the tux place after getting betched out by the crazy russian lady on the phone and I found a whole rack of Harker tuxes (hahahaaaa) and found Won's so I asked the dude if I could switch colors tomorrow if I brought my dress in and he said yes so I'm happy :)

AND Won and I are no longer nomads! I guess he found something to do before prom so we're no longer loners (hahaa...-_- so unwanted!! D:) and I'm actually really happy about how everything turned out. Now to convince his mom to let him hang out a little after :/

I hope we do something fun :) I want to eat.

And now I'm writing this silly post only so my hair can air dry.
Breakfast for first period :)) GOOD NIGHT NOW!

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