Contemplations whilst sipping on jelly drinks with Jay Chou's face on them

Today was a good day, as was yesterday, I suppose. Not the whole day, but most of it...

To be honest, though, these few days at school have been completely useless in terms of learning anything. We went on a speed run to Yumi Yogurt ten minutes before the start of 7th yesterday. Not only did we (nearly) make it back in time for class (I think I was the only one with a "legit" academic commitment...) I also succeeded in calling shotgun TWICE in Seany's trippy newish car, spot a balding middle-aged man who has the same shirt as Barrett, and hurt my tongue from eating frozen yogurt at high speeds :/

We also played jeopardy in APes, which was quite enjoyable.

I got my prom dress today! Which is kinda late, but I ended up getting the one at Group USA which is like, 7 sizes too big. I'm getting it altered, though, so :)

THE YEARBOOK IS HERE :)))) AND THEY ARE BEATIFUL. I think so, the rest of yb thinks so. Now, to please? the rest of the school...hehehe
Today was beyond exciting. Hooray for good days! :)

Erm, advisory was fun :) there were only four of us but we all had a good time gossiping with Mr. Colletti about prom, valedictorian, and the JETs competition. HAHA nerd gossip :)
It's been a good four years, and advisory is up there on the list of things I'll miss most about high school/Harker.

Also on that list:
-My friends. I honestly have the best of friends, they make me smile when I'm having a crappy day, and make me want to piss my pants from laughing too hard. I like going out with them late at night for big eating, or just hanging out at Seany's. I like being "one of the guys" and confiding all my secrets in them but being that girl too, the one that they confide in.
And my girlfriends :) There's just too much to say about the amazing people I've met during my time at Harker :B
Oh and those fine underclassmen I will miss so dearly ;)
-Those spring picnics we used to have all the time a couple years back
-Spirit week
-Dances and formals and all the dresses, dates, and drama that come with it!
-Having personal relationships with teachers, learning is just 5X better when you really make a connection
-How it's okay to be a nerd, because everyone else is too!

OH YES, SENIOR NIGHTS TOMORROW. There to see the guys! :)

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