Yesterday, Seany picked me up on the way to Elena's and we joined the rest of the partayy in enjoying some pretty good food and meeting Sejal (AHAHAHAAHAHAHA). Afterwards, in attempt to cure my slump in actually having a life without school, we decided to do something "fun." First, we went to Gold's Gym and the three guys joined as step one of their plan to "get big" this summer. Conveniantly, Mr. Glasauer was there so he gave us a tour. The place gives me the creeps but I might as well visit the guys sometimes when they're there. "Steff-o, we can't protect you here." AJDOI BIG MUSCLES D:. Then we were given the mission of delivering 6 cartons of bouqets to Bucknall for the dance show so we did that. THEN we had to go shopping for Mrs. Mandell so we browsed Santana Row and took a promenade to Valley Fair.
Our first stop of eatingthroughthemall was Pizza My Heart where we all had one slice and a free shirt, which we quickly donned. Paul bet Barrett I wouldn't wear it over my dress and is now one dollar poorer. Then, as the Mandells and I browsed Claire's (HAHA) the guys bought copious amounts of Auntie Anne's pretzels. Next, we went to Abercrombie and had a wild dance party in there because that is honestly the only useful thing the store is good for. We left due to lack of oxygen (the place reeks). THEN we hit the food court and Barrett bought 60 mini cookies to share.
The rest of the day/night was spent at Seany's where I looked at childhood pictures of Barrett and Seany as pre-k-ers at St. Andrews and the guys shot hoops. Paul made us some of his "famous" lemonade and we stalked people on facebook and watched "The Waterboy." Then we wasted away in his basement as usual.
Today, I woke up SUPER late for church, but it was good to be back. After service, I headed over to Seany's and then to AT&T park for the Giants v. the Cardinals :B It was a fun game, fun drive, the Giants won!
Okay weather too :)
This weekends been good. I WANT TO GO TO WARPED TOUR PLZ.
"Barrett, WTF are you doing."
"I'm feeling the pecs that will be there in two months."
Now what to do...
As a graduated 17-year-old kid with a license, the only remotely interesting thing I've done since summer has started is go to school.
Seriously, that has to be the lamest thing ever. Not that I haven't been doing other things such as shopping and movies but I have an urge to actually do something super exciting. Yet I'm LAZY sighhh.
As of now, my tentative summer plans include going to HK and possibly Tibet and coming home just in time to get over jetlag and board a plane to LA for orientation. After that, I'm not really sure what I'm going to do with myself for a month but I'm thinking Bikram yoga sounds both good and painful.
Seriously, that has to be the lamest thing ever. Not that I haven't been doing other things such as shopping and movies but I have an urge to actually do something super exciting. Yet I'm LAZY sighhh.
As of now, my tentative summer plans include going to HK and possibly Tibet and coming home just in time to get over jetlag and board a plane to LA for orientation. After that, I'm not really sure what I'm going to do with myself for a month but I'm thinking Bikram yoga sounds both good and painful.
SO this week has been ridiculously long, just 7 days ago, we were enjoying our first night in Laguna....
Sunday: Woke up too early to be legal and boarded a bus to Laguna. Stopped at a rest stop and ate McDonald's for breakfast and spent a total of 7 hours on a bus watching Top Gun and 5 hours worth of How I Met your Mother.
Our bus was the last one and we wandered around the surrounding area waiting for the other buses to clear out whilst listening to Julianne rap to Jizz in my Pants on the loudspeaker. We got there last and decorated our cute sand buckets :)
NEXT, we all went to the beach and had some fun under the clouds. HAHA the guys made competing sand castles and we basically played in the water for a few hours.
We had dinner with our advisor, Mr. Colletti. We went to this Mexican restaurant and he gave us back the goals we wrote to ourselves at the start of senior year.
1. Watch the sunrise on the beach
2. Try to get to know everyone in my grade
3. Beat the juniors
I think I accomplished only one...kind of. Anyway, then he returned the letters we wrote to ourselves in sophomore year and it is RIDICULOUSLY embarrassing...sigh
The surprise, though, was getting letters from our parents, which Mr. Colletti had them write at the start of the year. Of course they all failed at that and wrote it in the last like, week of senior year. Anyway, pretty much for the next twenty minutes, almost the whole table cried. Over what their parents said, over graduation, over everything. Then Kaytee cheered us up by reading the "10 Rules for Dating my Daughter" sent by her father.
We went back to the hotel and PASSED OUT YEARBOOKS, after an epik 5.0 earthquake. We also had an icecream sundae party and hung out in each other's rooms until 11PM when Winny and I fell asleep after watching episodes of Parental Control.
Monday: We wandered in the downtown direction in search of food that was not overrun by Harker kids and found a cafe where we ate bagels. It was still too early in the morning. We wandered down to the beach and joined our class in some good spirited and COLD frolicking in the waters. I waited until it warmed up. Anyway, watching people attempt to skimboard was VERY fun to do. After some sandy play, the guys and the ovaries went to this EXCELLENT pizza place and had some really good food, and then returned to the beach for some serious wave jumping. I proceeded to get a SLIGHT tan, get beaten by the waves, take a long walk with Andy and Rachel to the tide pools, and thrown in the ocean four different times in 5 minutes. AFTER I had some of my clothes on :(
We took our class photo
which is pretty cute, I must say
Well then we went back to clean up and prepare for dinner, I went to Brian and Daniel's room to join an awkward party before heading down to the lobby to find some food. The guys ended up sprinting half the way downtown just to beat another big group to the excellent sushi restaurant.
The best part was that it was ALL YOU CAN EAT, twenty dollars!! I had 8 plates worth of food and Kevin Kim said I ate like a man. Anyway, we ran back, basically, because we were almost late to the bonfire (AKA Mr. Keller standing in the middle with a box of tshirts).
Anyway, the bonfire made me super sad and reluctant about leaving, I cried a couple times just because what people said really made me realize how awful life will temporarily be without this group of people :(
Good God I love this class from the bottom of my heart :'(
After that, we had some excellent hot chocolate and I called Won and was all sad about leaving. Then we crashed at the guys and wandered down to the beach to join some other children for some night time playing. It was BEAUTIFUL and the water felt much warmer due to the colder night time air. I dunno, there was probably no where else on earth I would have chosen to be at that moment than on the beach at night with my class.
We went back to our rooms and packed, kind of. Watched some T.V. and talked until 1AM when Winny and I decided to call it a night.
Tuesday: Woke up and wandered around to the Koffee Klatch which is a TOTALLY adorable coffee house with awesome deco. We grabbed some food and sat on the beach, pretty much alone, for the last half hour. The rest of the day was really just crappy travel time and 7 hours of How I Met your Mother.
Began the night we got back from Laguna, the senior prank committee revealed a couple nights ago that our prank was going to be SENIORLAND, an amusement park set up for our amusement primarily, but also hopefully others as well. Classes were not canceled and the kids thought it was a terrible prank but every senior I talked to thought it was amazing so I would say it was a smashing success! :)
We stayed until 11PM setting up for the rollercoaster, drive-in movie, and petting zoo.
The next morning, we came to school bright and early at 7AM to act as a welcoming committee, chasing down children in a mob of white glory, tying balloons to their wrists, stamping their hands, and shoving maps in their faces. It was ridiculous fun.
The rest of the day was excellent, the rollercoaster ran screaming down the hall 9 times throughout the day at strategically timed occasions all ending in the digit of 9 and it had to be my favorite part. Kids came out of class to watch :)
The house of the occult was HILARIOUS, we captured three history classes in seances and put them in the zoo. Feeding time was the best and Joe and Lexi were amazing as tour guides. The drive-in movie was super duper cute and the sign was awesome, if I do say so myself ;) hehe
Anyway, senior prank was excellent and the most fun I had since...well...Monday.
jfoASDIF it was so fun :)
Not very interesting, went shopping with Deniz and came back kind of late but just in time for the start, the speeches were AWESOME, indicative of our class as Jeff says. I agree. I loved Mr. Silk and DKs speech. Especially DKs because I was mentioned in it personally :) teehee
Afterwards, we all went to Falafel Drive-In only to realize that it was closed!! So we went to Daniel's house instead and had won ton soup and watched basketball games.
We had our alumni luncheon which made me even more nostalgic and sad. The food was great except for the part where lousy sophomores stole it. The music made me kind of sad, especially after spending a good two hours after the end of lunch writing letters to our future selves to put in the time capsule and signing yearbooks. GHHOASJDOSAI By the end of that day, I definitely did not want to graduate.
Seany's grad party was that night, their house/party was AMAZING O_O GEEZ, valet parking?? Wtf. Anyway, we danced the night away, kind of. Left around 11PM so I could go home and write that darned senior essay :)
I woke up that morning deciding that I DEFINITELY did not want to graduate and my stomach was all butterfly-y up until we began walking out of the door. But when I got to the winery it wasn't so bad bcus everyone was there and it made me feel a bit better :)
It was hot, the speeches were good, and I dunno, I suddenly got excited that we were graduating. After I got my diploma, I was filled with this odd feeling of happiness that carried on for quite a bit and now looking back on photos of us throwing our mortarboards or whatever, I guess high school graduation would be one of those events I would relive anytime. Afterward was definitely chaotic and when we finally got out of it, I ended up eating with Deniz's family for lunch and then hanging out with her and some random underclassmen outside of Tartini (don't ask).
We then watched Angels and Demons and yah. That was that.
BTW, brunch this morning was excellent. Lots of good food and conversation :) I'm going to miss my friends so much :(
I can honestly say that I was looking forward to graduation so much up until this past week, which made me feel bittersweet about leaving.
Thanks for the memories, '09 :) I'll never forget you!
But now that I'm out of school, I have nothing to do. Thank God for grad parties.
Sunday: Woke up too early to be legal and boarded a bus to Laguna. Stopped at a rest stop and ate McDonald's for breakfast and spent a total of 7 hours on a bus watching Top Gun and 5 hours worth of How I Met your Mother.
Our bus was the last one and we wandered around the surrounding area waiting for the other buses to clear out whilst listening to Julianne rap to Jizz in my Pants on the loudspeaker. We got there last and decorated our cute sand buckets :)
NEXT, we all went to the beach and had some fun under the clouds. HAHA the guys made competing sand castles and we basically played in the water for a few hours.
We had dinner with our advisor, Mr. Colletti. We went to this Mexican restaurant and he gave us back the goals we wrote to ourselves at the start of senior year.
1. Watch the sunrise on the beach
2. Try to get to know everyone in my grade
3. Beat the juniors
I think I accomplished only one...kind of. Anyway, then he returned the letters we wrote to ourselves in sophomore year and it is RIDICULOUSLY embarrassing...sigh
The surprise, though, was getting letters from our parents, which Mr. Colletti had them write at the start of the year. Of course they all failed at that and wrote it in the last like, week of senior year. Anyway, pretty much for the next twenty minutes, almost the whole table cried. Over what their parents said, over graduation, over everything. Then Kaytee cheered us up by reading the "10 Rules for Dating my Daughter" sent by her father.
We went back to the hotel and PASSED OUT YEARBOOKS, after an epik 5.0 earthquake. We also had an icecream sundae party and hung out in each other's rooms until 11PM when Winny and I fell asleep after watching episodes of Parental Control.
Monday: We wandered in the downtown direction in search of food that was not overrun by Harker kids and found a cafe where we ate bagels. It was still too early in the morning. We wandered down to the beach and joined our class in some good spirited and COLD frolicking in the waters. I waited until it warmed up. Anyway, watching people attempt to skimboard was VERY fun to do. After some sandy play, the guys and the ovaries went to this EXCELLENT pizza place and had some really good food, and then returned to the beach for some serious wave jumping. I proceeded to get a SLIGHT tan, get beaten by the waves, take a long walk with Andy and Rachel to the tide pools, and thrown in the ocean four different times in 5 minutes. AFTER I had some of my clothes on :(
We took our class photo
which is pretty cute, I must say
Well then we went back to clean up and prepare for dinner, I went to Brian and Daniel's room to join an awkward party before heading down to the lobby to find some food. The guys ended up sprinting half the way downtown just to beat another big group to the excellent sushi restaurant.
The best part was that it was ALL YOU CAN EAT, twenty dollars!! I had 8 plates worth of food and Kevin Kim said I ate like a man. Anyway, we ran back, basically, because we were almost late to the bonfire (AKA Mr. Keller standing in the middle with a box of tshirts).
Anyway, the bonfire made me super sad and reluctant about leaving, I cried a couple times just because what people said really made me realize how awful life will temporarily be without this group of people :(
"If the class of '09 was a girl, I wouldn't wait the two day grace period-three day- to call her back. I'd definitely ask her out on a second date, and I'd be completely heartbroken if she ever dumped me or left me-like I am now"
(or something to that effect)-Brian Chao
Good God I love this class from the bottom of my heart :'(
After that, we had some excellent hot chocolate and I called Won and was all sad about leaving. Then we crashed at the guys and wandered down to the beach to join some other children for some night time playing. It was BEAUTIFUL and the water felt much warmer due to the colder night time air. I dunno, there was probably no where else on earth I would have chosen to be at that moment than on the beach at night with my class.
We went back to our rooms and packed, kind of. Watched some T.V. and talked until 1AM when Winny and I decided to call it a night.
Tuesday: Woke up and wandered around to the Koffee Klatch which is a TOTALLY adorable coffee house with awesome deco. We grabbed some food and sat on the beach, pretty much alone, for the last half hour. The rest of the day was really just crappy travel time and 7 hours of How I Met your Mother.
Began the night we got back from Laguna, the senior prank committee revealed a couple nights ago that our prank was going to be SENIORLAND, an amusement park set up for our amusement primarily, but also hopefully others as well. Classes were not canceled and the kids thought it was a terrible prank but every senior I talked to thought it was amazing so I would say it was a smashing success! :)
We stayed until 11PM setting up for the rollercoaster, drive-in movie, and petting zoo.
The next morning, we came to school bright and early at 7AM to act as a welcoming committee, chasing down children in a mob of white glory, tying balloons to their wrists, stamping their hands, and shoving maps in their faces. It was ridiculous fun.
The rest of the day was excellent, the rollercoaster ran screaming down the hall 9 times throughout the day at strategically timed occasions all ending in the digit of 9 and it had to be my favorite part. Kids came out of class to watch :)
The house of the occult was HILARIOUS, we captured three history classes in seances and put them in the zoo. Feeding time was the best and Joe and Lexi were amazing as tour guides. The drive-in movie was super duper cute and the sign was awesome, if I do say so myself ;) hehe
Anyway, senior prank was excellent and the most fun I had since...well...Monday.
jfoASDIF it was so fun :)
Not very interesting, went shopping with Deniz and came back kind of late but just in time for the start, the speeches were AWESOME, indicative of our class as Jeff says. I agree. I loved Mr. Silk and DKs speech. Especially DKs because I was mentioned in it personally :) teehee
Afterwards, we all went to Falafel Drive-In only to realize that it was closed!! So we went to Daniel's house instead and had won ton soup and watched basketball games.
We had our alumni luncheon which made me even more nostalgic and sad. The food was great except for the part where lousy sophomores stole it. The music made me kind of sad, especially after spending a good two hours after the end of lunch writing letters to our future selves to put in the time capsule and signing yearbooks. GHHOASJDOSAI By the end of that day, I definitely did not want to graduate.
Seany's grad party was that night, their house/party was AMAZING O_O GEEZ, valet parking?? Wtf. Anyway, we danced the night away, kind of. Left around 11PM so I could go home and write that darned senior essay :)
I woke up that morning deciding that I DEFINITELY did not want to graduate and my stomach was all butterfly-y up until we began walking out of the door. But when I got to the winery it wasn't so bad bcus everyone was there and it made me feel a bit better :)
It was hot, the speeches were good, and I dunno, I suddenly got excited that we were graduating. After I got my diploma, I was filled with this odd feeling of happiness that carried on for quite a bit and now looking back on photos of us throwing our mortarboards or whatever, I guess high school graduation would be one of those events I would relive anytime. Afterward was definitely chaotic and when we finally got out of it, I ended up eating with Deniz's family for lunch and then hanging out with her and some random underclassmen outside of Tartini (don't ask).
We then watched Angels and Demons and yah. That was that.
BTW, brunch this morning was excellent. Lots of good food and conversation :) I'm going to miss my friends so much :(
I can honestly say that I was looking forward to graduation so much up until this past week, which made me feel bittersweet about leaving.
Thanks for the memories, '09 :) I'll never forget you!
But now that I'm out of school, I have nothing to do. Thank God for grad parties.
grad parties galore
Today, my girlfriend and I went down to the pier. I brought an empty bottle and some paper, and we both constructed a massive letter expressing our passionate love for each other. We stuck it in the bottle, and threw it out to sea, only to see it explode in slow motion on a protruding rock. FML
kay brb
kay brb
was amazing! I could have definitely spent more than a couple days there.
However, it is good to be home!
I'll write more about it later, when i'm not exhausted and starving. Just got back from school!
The only thing more beautiful than the seascape at sunset is the class of '09 :)
I will miss you all dearly :(
However, it is good to be home!
I'll write more about it later, when i'm not exhausted and starving. Just got back from school!
The only thing more beautiful than the seascape at sunset is the class of '09 :)
I will miss you all dearly :(
It feels like everything is coming together...
School should be and essentially IS over but NO, I had an in-class essay today and a test tomorrow :( but that is okay!
Today was up and down
I got it today. Which is kinda :| sigh.
Anyway, after school, Simi bailed on the nail appointment so I tagged along with Nay Nay and Deniz. However, Simi messed up on the appointment and only scheduled two full sets so I feel like it was fate that Simi couldn't come on this particular day. Because I wasn't intending on doing my nails. Anyway, the place smelled kinda gross and IMO it was sort of overpriced and I dunno, but I hope they're happy with them though :) they're pretty!
Then we got Chipotle :)
I got my nails done somewhere else, my real nails. And I like them :) It was the first time I got them done and the lady told me a couple times how nice my nails were which made me :) because they're pretty much the only part of my body I like (although Won says they're not REALLY a legit part of my body. -_-)
JADOJOIFJ They're pretty :) Although I kinda messed one up driving home. Sigh, I fail D:
OH ALSO, I went back to the tux place after getting betched out by the crazy russian lady on the phone and I found a whole rack of Harker tuxes (hahahaaaa) and found Won's so I asked the dude if I could switch colors tomorrow if I brought my dress in and he said yes so I'm happy :)
AND Won and I are no longer nomads! I guess he found something to do before prom so we're no longer loners (hahaa...-_- so unwanted!! D:) and I'm actually really happy about how everything turned out. Now to convince his mom to let him hang out a little after :/
I hope we do something fun :) I want to eat.
And now I'm writing this silly post only so my hair can air dry.
Breakfast for first period :)) GOOD NIGHT NOW!
School should be and essentially IS over but NO, I had an in-class essay today and a test tomorrow :( but that is okay!
Today was up and down
I got it today. Which is kinda :| sigh.
Anyway, after school, Simi bailed on the nail appointment so I tagged along with Nay Nay and Deniz. However, Simi messed up on the appointment and only scheduled two full sets so I feel like it was fate that Simi couldn't come on this particular day. Because I wasn't intending on doing my nails. Anyway, the place smelled kinda gross and IMO it was sort of overpriced and I dunno, but I hope they're happy with them though :) they're pretty!
Then we got Chipotle :)
I got my nails done somewhere else, my real nails. And I like them :) It was the first time I got them done and the lady told me a couple times how nice my nails were which made me :) because they're pretty much the only part of my body I like (although Won says they're not REALLY a legit part of my body. -_-)
JADOJOIFJ They're pretty :) Although I kinda messed one up driving home. Sigh, I fail D:
OH ALSO, I went back to the tux place after getting betched out by the crazy russian lady on the phone and I found a whole rack of Harker tuxes (hahahaaaa) and found Won's so I asked the dude if I could switch colors tomorrow if I brought my dress in and he said yes so I'm happy :)
AND Won and I are no longer nomads! I guess he found something to do before prom so we're no longer loners (hahaa...-_- so unwanted!! D:) and I'm actually really happy about how everything turned out. Now to convince his mom to let him hang out a little after :/
I hope we do something fun :) I want to eat.
And now I'm writing this silly post only so my hair can air dry.
Breakfast for first period :)) GOOD NIGHT NOW!
You belong with me :)

GO GREEN! Hehehe officially last week at Harker :(
I'm supposed to be studying for APes right now but I really have no motivation to study :(SIGH
Current problems
1. ________ hasn't come yet!
2. APes and psych tomorrow!! :(
3. Still haven't ordered from Richard
4. No pre-prom plans HAHA except watching Star Trek. Sigh.
5. His tux doesn't match and it's MY FAULT
Today I...
1. Got thrown in the pool
2. Ate lots of delicious food
3. Got sunburnt
4. Got a camera! (YB <3 )
5. Ate at blue rock shoot with Deniz
6. Studied at the library
What a series of unfortunate events+eating (besides the camera)
Sigh, I will miss yearbook so much :( I won't ever get to go to another yearbook party unless my sisters go to Harker when they're oldy moldy :/
But by then, I'll be oldier moldier DD:
Yesterday was a good day, I came to Harker around EH and sat in the sun and chatted with fellow seniors about prom/fro-yo/life in general. I went to APSA and Mr. Kameda came late T_T we had this reasonable urge to lock him out and tell him to come back for a later session. The whole thing took about half an hour longer than it should have because he was late. BUT a whole year's worth of work, photographed, uploaded, shipped away!
Then Won and I went to the mall to get his tux. But the more I think about it, the less it matches. Oh well! The lady on the phone was kind of rude to me! And had a strange accent. She was mean to Thomas too -_- must be busy. Anyway, then we watched an epic baseball game where the coach got thrown out of the game for being a JERK haha and we thoroughly thrashed them on our senior night :) half the team is graduating...
Seany, Paul, and I went to dinner and came back for the vball game, which was ALSO epic. The teams were pretty evenly matched but we beat them 3-1 in the end! :)
NOW I am studying for Psych :( only to avoid studying for APes, it's the lesser of two evils. But still very very very evil D: siiigh
2. Ate lots of delicious food
3. Got sunburnt
4. Got a camera! (YB <3 )
5. Ate at blue rock shoot with Deniz
6. Studied at the library
What a series of unfortunate events+eating (besides the camera)
Sigh, I will miss yearbook so much :( I won't ever get to go to another yearbook party unless my sisters go to Harker when they're oldy moldy :/
But by then, I'll be oldier moldier DD:
Yesterday was a good day, I came to Harker around EH and sat in the sun and chatted with fellow seniors about prom/fro-yo/life in general. I went to APSA and Mr. Kameda came late T_T we had this reasonable urge to lock him out and tell him to come back for a later session. The whole thing took about half an hour longer than it should have because he was late. BUT a whole year's worth of work, photographed, uploaded, shipped away!
Then Won and I went to the mall to get his tux. But the more I think about it, the less it matches. Oh well! The lady on the phone was kind of rude to me! And had a strange accent. She was mean to Thomas too -_- must be busy. Anyway, then we watched an epic baseball game where the coach got thrown out of the game for being a JERK haha and we thoroughly thrashed them on our senior night :) half the team is graduating...
Seany, Paul, and I went to dinner and came back for the vball game, which was ALSO epic. The teams were pretty evenly matched but we beat them 3-1 in the end! :)
NOW I am studying for Psych :( only to avoid studying for APes, it's the lesser of two evils. But still very very very evil D: siiigh
Contemplations whilst sipping on jelly drinks with Jay Chou's face on them
Today was a good day, as was yesterday, I suppose. Not the whole day, but most of it...
To be honest, though, these few days at school have been completely useless in terms of learning anything. We went on a speed run to Yumi Yogurt ten minutes before the start of 7th yesterday. Not only did we (nearly) make it back in time for class (I think I was the only one with a "legit" academic commitment...) I also succeeded in calling shotgun TWICE in Seany's trippy newish car, spot a balding middle-aged man who has the same shirt as Barrett, and hurt my tongue from eating frozen yogurt at high speeds :/
We also played jeopardy in APes, which was quite enjoyable.
I got my prom dress today! Which is kinda late, but I ended up getting the one at Group USA which is like, 7 sizes too big. I'm getting it altered, though, so :)
THE YEARBOOK IS HERE :)))) AND THEY ARE BEATIFUL. I think so, the rest of yb thinks so. Now, to please? the rest of the school...hehehe
Today was beyond exciting. Hooray for good days! :)
Erm, advisory was fun :) there were only four of us but we all had a good time gossiping with Mr. Colletti about prom, valedictorian, and the JETs competition. HAHA nerd gossip :)
It's been a good four years, and advisory is up there on the list of things I'll miss most about high school/Harker.
Also on that list:
-My friends. I honestly have the best of friends, they make me smile when I'm having a crappy day, and make me want to piss my pants from laughing too hard. I like going out with them late at night for big eating, or just hanging out at Seany's. I like being "one of the guys" and confiding all my secrets in them but being that girl too, the one that they confide in.
And my girlfriends :) There's just too much to say about the amazing people I've met during my time at Harker :B
Oh and those fine underclassmen I will miss so dearly ;)
-Those spring picnics we used to have all the time a couple years back
-Spirit week
-Dances and formals and all the dresses, dates, and drama that come with it!
-Having personal relationships with teachers, learning is just 5X better when you really make a connection
-How it's okay to be a nerd, because everyone else is too!
OH YES, SENIOR NIGHTS TOMORROW. There to see the guys! :)
To be honest, though, these few days at school have been completely useless in terms of learning anything. We went on a speed run to Yumi Yogurt ten minutes before the start of 7th yesterday. Not only did we (nearly) make it back in time for class (I think I was the only one with a "legit" academic commitment...) I also succeeded in calling shotgun TWICE in Seany's trippy newish car, spot a balding middle-aged man who has the same shirt as Barrett, and hurt my tongue from eating frozen yogurt at high speeds :/
We also played jeopardy in APes, which was quite enjoyable.
I got my prom dress today! Which is kinda late, but I ended up getting the one at Group USA which is like, 7 sizes too big. I'm getting it altered, though, so :)
THE YEARBOOK IS HERE :)))) AND THEY ARE BEATIFUL. I think so, the rest of yb thinks so. Now, to please? the rest of the school...hehehe
Today was beyond exciting. Hooray for good days! :)
Erm, advisory was fun :) there were only four of us but we all had a good time gossiping with Mr. Colletti about prom, valedictorian, and the JETs competition. HAHA nerd gossip :)
It's been a good four years, and advisory is up there on the list of things I'll miss most about high school/Harker.
Also on that list:
-My friends. I honestly have the best of friends, they make me smile when I'm having a crappy day, and make me want to piss my pants from laughing too hard. I like going out with them late at night for big eating, or just hanging out at Seany's. I like being "one of the guys" and confiding all my secrets in them but being that girl too, the one that they confide in.
And my girlfriends :) There's just too much to say about the amazing people I've met during my time at Harker :B
Oh and those fine underclassmen I will miss so dearly ;)
-Those spring picnics we used to have all the time a couple years back
-Spirit week
-Dances and formals and all the dresses, dates, and drama that come with it!
-Having personal relationships with teachers, learning is just 5X better when you really make a connection
-How it's okay to be a nerd, because everyone else is too!
OH YES, SENIOR NIGHTS TOMORROW. There to see the guys! :)
I hope I did to the best of my ability although I was too lazy to cram for it the night befo :/
I came to school ssssuper early like at 9AM! To meet with Ms. A about my portfolio and then sat around for a couple hours "studying" and talking about prom.
Anyway, the AP was aiitteee
And now I've decided that my teeth are disgusting, primarily because I haven't been wearing my retainer and what if I have to get braces again like Kevin??? Sigh.
That is all.
I came to school ssssuper early like at 9AM! To meet with Ms. A about my portfolio and then sat around for a couple hours "studying" and talking about prom.
Anyway, the AP was aiitteee
And now I've decided that my teeth are disgusting, primarily because I haven't been wearing my retainer and what if I have to get braces again like Kevin??? Sigh.
That is all.
Today, I went to the Saratoga Rotary Art Show and decided that if I could find jewelry in the two specific colors my potential prom dress is, it's a sign from God that I should buy it. While i did find pretty earrings in the right shade of purple, no dice :/
BLARGLE, getting so many mixed responses from people -__-
The guys like it, my mom likes it, Deniz likes it. But Deniz has decided that all of those people are super weird, borderline insane, and therefore, their opinions aren't valid when it comes to the rest of the human population. Sigh D:
Besides that, went to get my hair trimmed :/ and yah, I've been doing hw since/studying :(
I hate APs!!
Working on APSA portfolio, BASICALLY DONE!! As much as it sucks to work so much BEFORE the AP, (which is just a bunch of forms) it'll definitely be worth it when I only have to go to school for about half an hour this Friday....
Life will be so good in 8 days :)
Oh yes, commited to USC and officially a Trojan :B for the time being at least, or maybe permanently...who knows :/
Church family has decided that it might be nice to have a Trojan amongst the Bruins. TO BULLY, MAYBE. But Mike is "going" there for grad school meaning he'll complete his education in the bay whilst working :/
Still relatively lonely. NOT! Considering all the Harker children attending this lovely institution, I'll be going to school with a large portion of my favorite class in the world <3
BLARGLE, getting so many mixed responses from people -__-
The guys like it, my mom likes it, Deniz likes it. But Deniz has decided that all of those people are super weird, borderline insane, and therefore, their opinions aren't valid when it comes to the rest of the human population. Sigh D:
Besides that, went to get my hair trimmed :/ and yah, I've been doing hw since/studying :(
I hate APs!!
Working on APSA portfolio, BASICALLY DONE!! As much as it sucks to work so much BEFORE the AP, (which is just a bunch of forms) it'll definitely be worth it when I only have to go to school for about half an hour this Friday....
Life will be so good in 8 days :)
Oh yes, commited to USC and officially a Trojan :B for the time being at least, or maybe permanently...who knows :/
Church family has decided that it might be nice to have a Trojan amongst the Bruins. TO BULLY, MAYBE. But Mike is "going" there for grad school meaning he'll complete his education in the bay whilst working :/
Still relatively lonely. NOT! Considering all the Harker children attending this lovely institution, I'll be going to school with a large portion of my favorite class in the world <3
Class of '09 Spirit-David Kastelman!
Hmm, today I thought I'd post a little bit about spirit and spirit competitions at school.
So to tell you the truth, I've never truly loved spirit in high school up until this year. I mean I've enjoyed a lot of it, but the part that really was a bit jarring, was just how much of 'spirit' was focused on making fun of other classes in skits and what not. I mean it can be funny sometimes...
To me spirit is like half-intense-sports-game half class bonding. Spirit has been best when the class is jumping up and down and yelling for no other reason than to be 'spirited.' Spirit is definitely an epitome of one part of high school, the part that emphasizes that we're not quite yet adults, cuz we are far too 'zany' to be adults just yet, which means that we can and should still yell and chest bump and wave our foam fingers in the air with abandon. Spirit is also definitely a part of class bonding. Spirit is more about seeing classmates that have gone to school together for 10 years but have never said more than 10 words to each other prior to 'spirit,' hug each other after a successful dance rehearsal. What better way is there to get to know your classmates than over a chorus of '90s britney spears in the midst of learning a dance routine.
So I guess I don't really care too much whether or not the class of '09 finishes with the most or the least spirit points. Because I don't really consider points to be spirit, and as much as it's blasphemous to say, I don't really consider "class competition," to be synonymous with spirit. Spirit isn't about beating the other classes. Spirit to me is pure and simple about the Class of '09. And I think this year especially, our class has done a great job of engaging in class "competition" only to the extent that it energizes our own class. And I thought today's rally and all year has been a lot fun, and I think the class has really done a great job with the better parts of spirit: yelling wildly and bonding over three-legged races. Congrats Class of '09, the next few weeks will be fun.
Well written Davey.
That said, I don't think any other class in the entire universeeee will EVER know how much winning this rally meant to our class. Sure, winning the year would have been flipping awesome too, but this rally was the perfect way to end our four years at Harker.
Hell, we got Anand to dance to Spice Girls, it definitely doesn't get better than that. And I can honestly say that watching our entire class dance up in the bleachers was amazingly heart lifting.
The view was definitely better from down there ;)
And whoever heard of senior boosts? Every single one of those 11,000 something points we won today was hard earned.
So it's okay that we didn't win, the juniors deserve it too with all the work they put into it ...for just about everything, I suppose. But the important part is that we finally pulled together when we thought it was impossible freshman year, and the next three weeks will hopefully make up for the past four years. The foamfinger rollercoasters, the chants, the airhorns, the screaming, I wouldn't miss it for anything.
So at this point, I've come to terms with coming second, we should get the most improved award! Usually, that's probably pretty embarrassing but in reality, it shows how much effort and heart we put into it.
I say, screw the points! We graduate in three weeks and we have a world to look forward to.
Spirit has taught me to love this class with all my heart regardless of how terrible we are at trivial matters such as three-legged-races and pumpkin pie eating contests.
And it's one thing I will definitely miss in college. Part of what attracted me to USC was the amazing school spirit they had, but nothing will compare with screaming my heart out with these 170 something kids.
I LOVE this class, and I hope that as we scatter all over the States (into the amazing schools we all got into O_O), we make the best of our college experience and I wish only the best for the kickass class of '09 :)
"After being a senior advisor last year and watching you guys from across the field, and then being a senior advisor with you this year, you are a completely different group of people."
Here's to the last 22 days of high school!
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