Today is not a good day.

I definitely failed two tests today and I didn't get into _____ which was one of the few things that made me feel pretty good about going to USC and I also found out that ____ and ____ had crappy relationships and that made me kinda worry about the future for some reason.
And because they scheduled senior stuff sunday morning. Don't other people go to church too??? I guess it's okay if I skip and then go to lunch with my cousin because he's going back to Australia soon.
So now I'm thinking about getting married
Kinda like how people are so likely to change after they get married and that's one of my worst fears.
I don't want to be in one of those relationships that fail when I'm like OLD or something -_-
Blargleee DO NOT WANT TO DO HW :(

Secret #11
Sometimes, when it's cold and wet and rainy (basically miserable) outside, I feel like just wearing a t-shirt because I want to empathize with the hobos who are possibly enduring a hard night. :(


Noel said...

It might not make you feel better but I never wanted to do ___ at USC either =/ laziness kickin' in haha. honestly, you WILL work hard there Steffo and I think you'll do great and make honors =].

Unknown said...

feel better, steffolover. hw sucks.