Today I

went to the movies with Juan :)
And then we went to Yogurtland and saw Jeffrey Tan and VALERIE <3

Mai got really annoyed at this guy who told her that the only way to have fun in college is to get drunk and so she said:
[21:38] x swirly whirl x: YEAH I KNOW
[21:39] x swirly whirl x: but yeah i'll avoid being shitfaced anyday.
[21:39] x swirly whirl x: you can depend on me to drag you back to the room though
[21:39] x swirly whirl x: if you throw up on me i'll throw you in a bush for temporary punishment
[21:39] x swirly whirl x: AHAHAHA
True friendship. For the record, I don't plan on getting "shitfaced" either....

Anyway, missing high school more but definitely more excited for college.
Seeing the best friend tomorrowww :))

Cut off french tips today :( they were pretty T_T
Didn't chip once in three weeks.

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