Mon Amour

Oh hello readers!

I am still succeeding in doing absolutely nothing this summer :(

I went to the Y with Simi and then we went to Tartini, I spent 6 dollars :( Then I went home and Anthony picked me up. We went to get his tux from Mens Wearhouse and it took like HALF AN HOUR. I honestly don't understand why it takes guys so long to put on tuxes -_- Anyway, then we went to Mai's house to battle her dog, Foxy Grandfather. Afterwards, we ate a bunch of crap and watched fob videos on Youtube for like...2 hours. The end!

I woke up shoooper late -___- and went to the park with the bf :)
Yes, that is all.

I woke up at 10:15 AM for church -___- The sermon was for the graduates, mostly. And then they bid us farewell :( So sad. Sigh, I will be leaving a church I've attended since the second grade :/ that's 10 years!!
Afterwards, some of us went to Chipotle to eat lunch. Many unmentionable things occured there. Then they decided to follow me home where James needed to urinate in my bathroom.
I washed my car yesterday! Yes for something productive!
One of the things 4Hoc gave us was a Starbucks gift card and a note that read "Help for your first all-nighter."

That is all, good day.

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