
This week was pretty long/felt busy although in reality, I still didn't really do much :/

I went out with Simi to buy things that we didn't even end up using this week!! :( Mayhaps this coming week...

I watched Star Trek with Won, he was pleased about that hahaa
and etc.

Had lunch with Logiebear and Henry at Red Robins, which was really really good and took like two hours. Got to see Lynbrooks yearbook too! Really different from ours. But the biggest difference is that the opening and the closing are entirely incomprehensible.
I also went to the library and borrowed some books, I JUST finished Pretties by Scott Westerfield. It's the sequel to Uglies and what I HATE about these books is that they all end in a cliff hanger. So I'll have to go to the library tomorrow to get Specials. It's a sci-fi series, actually, and it's pretty interesting. Eyeopening social criticism on conformity, change, and superficiality. I definitely recommend it :)

I hung out with Simi, we ate at the foodcourt and wandered around aimlessly. Kind of. I went to three graduations too, what a ridiculously tiring two hours O_O
My plan was go see Henry by 6:30PM at Prospect (they started at 6:00 PM and he's the tenth person to be called), go by Lynbrook and see at LEAST Logan (they started at 6:30 PM and he's the sixth person), drive super fast to Monta Vista and see Megan (they started at 6:00 PM and she's like, the last row or something!) and MAYBE see Cupertino (they started at 6:30 PM and Alice was in the second to last row). It was an AMAZING PLAN. Except Prospect ran late, so I went straight to MV and spent like half an hour looking for Megan. We almost missed her, but we did run into four different Harker kids/alum -__-. Then Cupertino :) made up to the Lynbrook kids at dinner haahahaha. We ate at Chevy's, the same place I ate at after MY grad :)
It felt kinda weird to be the only graduate who had graduated almost a month ago O_O
But talking about college was fun, the guys gave me a lot of advice on how to survive at USC :P

Baseball game! A's v. Giants. A's lost though, unfortunately :( It was quite disappointing. But it was still fun to sit in the box with the guys and co. :) (Drew's grandfather is Lew Wolff O_O, DREW AND THE OAKLAND A's ARE ON A FIRST NAME BASIS.) It wasn't even that cold and the ice cream hadn't run out by the seventh inning stretch so we all paid 8 dollars for some Ghiradelli's ice cream sundaes :9 Life is good.
MMM cracker jacks, free nachos, peanuts, garlic fries, chicken tenders homnomnomnom
We stayed in the room for a good twenty minutes to avoid traffic and took a very interesting elevator ride down....
It rained that night!
Hung around Seany's front yard for God knows why and then went downstairs and watched Superbad which was superbad. Well, not really, but it didn't have much of a point besides the whole "coming of age" thing -___-. That and I was the only "girl" in the room haahahaha awkward questions ftw.
Got home late.

David's grad party! Was pretty fun, the food was good, the company was great. It was full of random things like the Ninja Game and karaokeing and having strange conversations by the hot tub. A fabulous bash for sure. :D
Then..late into the night...
Party at Doherty's of course. This time, we watched Officespace which was kind of ridiculous and I was apparently the only one who hasn't seen it yet. It wasn't THAT funny, but Milton was great.
Got home late again.

Of course, woke up late for church :/ Service was good, but hard to concentrate. Sigh, that is no good. A lot of college kids came back, which was cool, got to talk to Kathy and Johnny.
Hmm...went to lunch at In n Out with Won and hung out all afternoon :)

And that is all.

I BOUGHT A MAC BTW, but before anyone gets excited, it's the oldschool white one. Not the new macbook pro. It came with a free iPod Touch, though. That already came.


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