i'm going to annie get your gun tomorrow, i'm pretty excited. and bcus it's friday, and seany said we'd go to BJ's. well i kinda want to get ice cream but ehh
hrm tonight i have to do my AP worksheet and my english detailed outline and i'm thinking that'll take like three hours possibly, the least hw i've had all week!
we had an assembly today and the guy was all psychiatric on us and demanded that we daydream so i didn't really pay attention to the rest of the talking :/
today afterschool, i talked with alyssa, priya, noelly, and jiajun for a little about prom and it was fun :)
so i got an 86 on my bio test and i'm pretty annoyed D:< even though i did really well on my quiz today. BLAH NEED A PLZZ it's so hard to do like REALLY well on his tests, he grades so hard on the writing parts i guess i'm pretty stupid though, the highest i've ever gotten is a 92 on his tests T_T. THAT WILL CHANGE ON TUESDAY. must. get. A. man, if i had tried first semester, my grades wouldn't be as SUCK as they are now. i wish i could move every grade up one letter grade, my life would be so good. anyways i think i should go eat potato sticks now.
edit: why am i so stupid T_T
editedit: i wonder if won hee is okay :/ i'm kind of worried~ he never tells me what's going on :(( well at least he's alive :) so i tried to do the last bits of my AP worksheet but i'm like soo stupid. so i think i'll do them tomorrow morning :/ & i should sleep in my "extra" time but i don't even feel like it anymore i should probably study for bio though :/ I AM GOING TO OWN THAT TEST SO BAD. SO BAD.

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