"yeah, that was kinda cute...."

these are sort of fun.

- Age: sixteen
- Annoyance : racist people
- Available: of course :)

- Been in love: definitely :)
- Been on stage: ahaha yes!
- Believe in God: of course
- Believe in magic: hmmm depends.
- Believe in Santa: i did
- Best feeling in the world: being with people you love
- Best Friends: Jesus, SOSr, deniz, mai, won, the guys
- Best weather: slightly overcast and warmish, high of 75, rain
- Birthday: march 19, 1992
- Body part: mine? i suppose my hands...?

- Cake or pie: PIE, i don't even really like cake....
- Candy: ergg i stopped liking candy too...i dunno, the fruity asian ones or chocolate
- Cheese: yes, please
- Chinese food/ Mexican food: BOTH.
- Chocolate/ Vanilla: depends
- Color: pink, teal, tangerine, purplereddish, green, etc.
- Country to Visit: i have a lot :)

- Dance in rain?: I LOVE IT.
- Day or Night: night/late mornings

- Eggs: yum :9
- Ever failed a class: ahaha no :)
- Eyes: small. :P

- First thoughts waking up: ajdisfjgadsfkjgk
- Food: is life
- Full Name: stephanie jin-yi guo

- Get along with parents: mmm now more than before
- Goals: as of now, get through the next couple of months :)
- Good luck charm: God
- Greatest Fear: Satan, spiders, asian fan girls, bad grades, hatred
- Gum: makes your jaw wide O_O

- Hair Color: darkdarkdark brown/black?
- Happy: ahaha sure
- Height: 5' 4"
- Holiday: CHRISTMAS
- How you want to die: loved and not alone.

- Ice Cream: rocky road, mint chocolate chip, plain old vanilla.
- Instrument: piano, guitar

- Jewelry: the ring my sister gave me, other random schnitzle
- Job: something that has flexible work hours and lets me travel everywhere and meet important people anddd...i enjoy doing :P

- Laughed so hard you cried: AHAH last time? today in 5th period....
- Letter: J or K
- Longest car ride: driving along the east coast. or to LA?
- Love: is wonderful

- McDonald's or Burger King: MCDONALDS!
- Milk Flavor: mmm chocolate or strawberry or banana. all of them :)
- Movies: the sandlot, secret, schindler's list, they all start with "s"

- Number: 3
- Number of piercings: one on each ear
- Number of siblings: two little sisters

- One Wish: TO DIE HAPPY. GET INTO A COLLEGE I WANT TO GO TO. FIND THE LOVE OF MY LIFE (and he loves me back...?).

- Pepsi/Coke: coke
- Perfect Pizza: peperoni, sausage, ham, etc :)

- Quail: ~:)

- Radio station: don't listen
- Reality T.V.: the only tv i watch is gossip girl :)
- Reasons to cry: unrequited love, bad grade, seemingly hopeless future, when you see the spinning wheel of death (yb thing.....), and just when you need to.
- Ring size: i dunno
- Roll your tongue: mmmmmhm

- Salad Dressing: ITALIAN
- Shower daily: ahahah yeah
- Sing in the shower: def not
- Sing well: -_____-
- Skipped school: never
- Skinny dipped: AHAHAAH no.
- Slept outside: ....not recently?
- Song: too many T_T
- Sushi: UNAGI and sashimi :)
- Swear: ahahaha too much...

- Tattoos: i had a dream that i was getting one O_O
- Thunderstorms: love them
- Time for Bed: when i'm done with what i'm doing.

- Unpredictable: soooort of.

- Vacation spot: asiaa

- Wanted to be a model: ...no
- Where do we go when we die: heaven, hopefully.
- Which one of your friends acts the most like you: hmmm good question.
- Who makes you laugh the most: MAI NGUYEN AHAHAA
- Worst feeling: that nobody loves you T_T
- Worst weather: when it's sunny but COLD.

- X-Rays: yess
- (E)xes: ahahahaahah :)

- Year it is now: 2008

- Zoo animal: panda

Last person who.....
1...slept beside you? errr...back in europe? lots of people. ahahaha deniz, i suppose
2...you went to the mall with? my mother.
3...you went to dinner with? the fball guys
4...you talked to on the phone? simran/my mother
5...made you laugh? YB
6...hugged you? ermmm not sure.
7...said they loved you? DENIZ ahaha
8...held your hand: simi
9...spoke with? my mommyy
10...you cried over? YB T_T

THE END. maybe i'll be back :)

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