It is Thanksgiving afternoon and I'm thankful for...
1. God, for His grace and salvation and for always giving me a second chance.
2. SOSr, for always being there in keeping in touch :) even if we're still only in the same state heh
3. The guys, just for being the guys :) I know I can always count on them for anything!
4. Won Hee :) for reasons that number to infinity. I don't know where I'd be without him :)
5. Mai mai, for being an excellent roommate and staying up late with me and being hungry and eating and being messy and stanky and being loud. And my other suitemates, for putting up with us and for being my friends :)
6. HOC4, my church family :) for everything. For the community, for Jesus, for lunches and fellowship, and for USC UCLA fights. :)
6.5 InterVarsity (my second church family :)), for helping me grow in my relationship with Him and for being the only reason i have friends in college.
7. Harker, for making the start of 2009 one of the best months of my life. And still offering a loving community I can go back to whenever I want.
8. HOME. Is where the heart is.
9. USC, for making the second half of 2009 a good end to the best year of my life. For the football games, the classes, the beautiful people ;), the crazy parties, the on-campus events, for being in Southcentral and being in LA (and it's amazing weather), for being better than UCLA, for school spirit and love of the students. I'm thankful for good decisions, like Parkside, and I'm thankful for EVAN OUR excellent RA :)) I LOVE USC.
10. I'm thankful for life and FEELING alive, my life is good.
To end this post, here is a vague schedule of my next few days. Call me and let's hang out :)!
Thursday: Thanksgiving dinner, work on paper, EAT A LOT, stay up late.
Friday: BLACKFRIDAY SHOPPING. Homework? Get glasses :( (I'm blind now, did I tell you?), HOC4 Thanksgiving dinner! Hooray!
Saturday: Frolicking with friends maybe, sister's ballet performance in the afternoon, THE BIG GAME V. UCLA AW YAHHH
Sunday: Church :) Homework? :(
Monday: USC. Comm class with MATT BARKLEY heheh: P