Hello 2009

2008 is over (and good riddance. kind of.)
it was arguably the best year of highschool for some odd reason although we all battled through the second half of the crappiest year (junior year) and the first half of supposedly the best (definitely worse than junior year)
but! we got through it
i'm not gonna lie, it was pretty painful. but it also had its ups and i'd say...it was the biggest year for growth.
in 2008...i am thankful for:
second semester junior year, excel, baseball games+afterschool, yearbook, dance production, yogurtland runs, the class of 08, spirit week, junior prom, europe, hongkong china, homecoming, the class of 09, senior year :)

mmmm so much 09 pride :) makes me heipii
i couldn't ask for a better class, it's our year!

new years eve was good, with the friends i've had since forever. yogurtland, tropic thunder hahaha
brian says that the way we spend new years is the way we spend the rest of the year so i'm pretty sure i'm set :P surrounded by friends family and completely happy.

are we ready, 2009? most definitely!