
That is the name of the section we're studying right now in which we're learning words and expressions for "discrimination" and "loaded carrying pole" and "to arrange a marriage (for the sake of the unborn child)" all in the same lesson! Ug it sucks.
I've been getting less than satisfactory on my Chinese quizzes just because I don't feel like studying. 4 weeks left! I have like, no motivation left.
BUT! I am very much looking forward to prom, summercon! and graduation :) and finally home! After all the crazy traveling that will ensue because of the above 3 events, which fall within ten days of each other and require flying back and forth 3 times. :(

Other than school stuff, one exciting piece of news is that Jon, Regina, Krista, and I took the bus to church on Easter taking Jon's public transport virginity and getting to Easter service before any of the cars and solving our transportation problems simultaneously. What a great day :)

God has really been coming through lately and I feel as though I'm in a passive and content state lately which is not so great because I'm just plain lazy. BUT! My relationship with God isn't passive so this is good!

Some events have occurred in the past week which have put my troubles at ease. I ate dinner with Richard yesterday and it helped put my mind to rest about a number of things. Life is good! AND tomorrow is going to be 78 degrees :)

Okay time to sleep on the sheets I just washed :) Yay for laundry-smelling things :)


Christine said...

"Men & women are equal." :)

I can read!!!

Christine said...

By the way, I think we should have a girls' day where we all make kites with love messages to God. And we can fly them together. It's closer to Heaven, so He can see the words more clearly. :)