was slightly bittersweet.
although it was a bit of a let down as our senior production, i had a lot of fun.
i'm going to miss dance production....
but i'm kind of glad it's over.
i've been feeling really guilty lately for not trying harder in my classes even though i'm so exhausted -___- and also, i feel like most of my stress comes from classes i take voluntarily, shakespeare's comedies, yearbook, apsa
T_T why do i do this? bcus i LIKE IT? looool
but i do like it T_T
i don't want to let down my teachers :/ or myself. i kinda want to do well.
but i'm tired :(
the australian men's final was intenseee, the women's was kinda a let down :/
i'm so screwed for stats
I'M GOING TO RETREAT :) eheheh only the seniors at my church are going T_T yahh '09 is gonna have a good time <3
i want my bangs to grow
apsa :(
my hair doesnt grow straight -____- or anything else. it's just gross.
i messed up really badly friday night
and dr j hugged me and said "it's okay to be different!"
haahahah and it made me feel a lot better

1 comment:
hurry up and make a new, suspiciously happy post
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