i haven't made a wish at 11:11 in quite some time now so i'm hoping i won't miss it tonight. also, i watched the olympic trials today and i might say that the U.S. team is quite beastial.
but of course, no match for the mighty liu xiang, the flying man! i'm quite disappointed that robles killed his world record by .01 of a second, but no matter. he will pwn in the olympics, i am sure.

speaking of which, i think i'm going to regret not asking my dad to get tickets to the opening ceremony. i suppose i will be in china during the olympics, and i'm predicting that the atmosphere will be ridiculous. however, only the equesterian events are held where i am :(

liu xiang false started in the prefontaine classic, therefore getting disqualified :( donovan told me that he got to see him there! LAMESAUCE. and his dad and his sister are going to the olympics :( luckyy!


i need some new music. i wish i had more room on my mp3 :(

MAI IS NOW IN JAPAN and i'm insanely jealous! haha she already bumped into an attractive fob mang in the airport and is now in the process of befriending him after finding out that he attends her school. NOT FAIR. why does she get all the luck? perhaps i will too in hong kong! where i am free to roam on my own.

yes, living alone :( one can only hope that i don't burn down all 80 stories of our apartment with my carelessness.


i'm looking forward to it, though!
i read an article on soompi about how you can bake cakes in rice cookers. AND NOW I AM SHARING THIS WONDERFUL PIECE OF NEWS WITH YOU! how COOL is that, now in college, you can have fresh baked goods without an oven! like srsly, your cakes would always come out in perfect shape and stuff. and you can make cupcakes and the whole shibang.
actually, sean told me you can make hot dogs too but they taste gross. i dunno why you would do that anyways :/

i just listened to about three ft island songs on shuffle. yayy :)
now it's playing go younha's password 486
i really like this video, youtube it! she's so pretty :) and her piano says her name on it! that was her first kiss too o_o this video always makes me want to have a boyfriend :) the name is quite witty, too.

if i had a boyfriend, i would like him to pick me daisies :D and take plenty of photos with me! and also, when i'm sad, i'd hope that he would buy me a happy meal.
and also look like oh won bin. JUST KIDDING :)

I WISH I WERE WITH MAI. AND PAULINE :( or mayhaps, they were with me. and we could go shopping. and rice-cooker-cake-baking D: and FANGIRLINGG ehh

secret #4
i used to stay up into the wee hours of the morning to watch the speed walking events in the olympics.

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