today, i tried to clean my room
shocker, i know
i pretty much cleaned my closet and then tried cleaning my desk and then got bored so now everythings on the floor :(
i also finished kite runner two days ago. i'm not sure whether or not i like this book
actually, it really scared me
oh and also, i got my visa to china today! it cost 160. my mom only had to pay 30. oh the cons of being an "american" :/
and that's pretty much all i did haha
rowland came by yesterday and i finally delivered my f.t island letter to him :D he's on his plane to japan now. so jealous~
on sunday, we went to carrow's bcus we saw that ad for crepes and they looked soo good
but yeah service was slow and i felt 5 pounds heavier leaving that place
thank God for chinese food 2/3 meals a day.
i had a confusing dream two nights ago! it happened in three parts, i guess each for a different sleep cycle? anyways,
part1: we were having a dance show at my house, which apparently has a stage, and everyone from dance production was there. we all had to wear green ? anyways, it was a huge success or whatever so then we all partied and i remember leaving with charlie* (or at least walking down my driveway)
part2: weird and possibly scary, i don't remember it
part 3: so it's the first day of school but it doesn't feel like it bcus we're walking around in shorts and tshirts and stuff. ILLEGAL. anyways, school is apparently held in St. Marcos' square, Venice, Italy. LOL so much more scenic than highway 280...
anyways, the middle of the square was full of people playing football (i suppose this is normal?)
and i'm walking around with my friends, being super cool and all bcus we're SENIORS now and uhmm i specifically remember simi and tianna. anyways tianna is like "i know why we're walking in THIS direction, you just want to see HIM" referring to HER (purely fictional) crush? which is confusing bcus i didn't want to see her crush at all. anyways
i did want to se someone else and then all of a sudden i see charlie in my peripheral and he's like "HEY" and i'm like wtf so i ignore him and he comes up behind me and drags me away like in those cute asian dramas
and then we're like running across the square which is suddenly less crowdy and full of italian vendors again? well i remember i quite liked holding his hand. and then we run into the shade of the corridor by the fedex store and sit down on the ground, which is free of pigeon crap. this is also ILLEGAL in st. marcos. no, i'm not kidding, in RL, you're not allowed to sit on the ground. it says so on the trashcans.
so we're sitting there chilling and being very illegal and he puts his arm around me! and i'm like wtf O_O and then i REMEMBER THINKING "this situation would be so much better if it were charlie."
but the odd thing was, it was charlie, was it not?
mebe he changed into someone else whilst we were running around
but i liked this dude too, whoever he was.
i liked this dream though, it was so vivid. it FELT like venice, it most certainly looked like it. waking up every morning to talk a walk in the sun in st. marcos RIGHT OUTSIDE our hotel was amazing. early enough to avoid the tourist crowds and actually see natives, and early enough to avoid lines at the gelatto places :D i miss it :(
i started a new drama the other day, it's called fated to love you. haha it's HILARIOUS. it's not exactly the best drama ever but i like watching it for some reason. it's surprising how applicable dramas are to life :/ and besides that, ji cun xi is a mega hunk!
also, the lead girl, chen xin yi, is just kinda....average. but she has such a good personality and attitude, and i'm suspecting that cun xi and xin yi eventually fall in love, (of course, it's an asian drama) so there is hope for me yet!
uhmm every summer, i get excited for the school year to start bcus i get bored sitting at home and being lonely and lame. and also bcus i see it as a chance to start over. but i guess i don't really feel like that anymore bcus i just disappoint myself -_- and also bcus it's senior year and it's hard to make all that much of a difference in one semester. whatever, i'm still looking forward to it.
i really really hate school though. after high school, college, and then grad school? it never ends T_T you're flipping OLD when you graduate D:
lolz just kidding...
you wanna know who i wanna look like when i'm 29? lee hyori.
atm, harker is making me ANGURY D:<
i still haven't used mahum's nail polish! it looks so pretty on her but then i saw almost the same color on this chinese uhljjang and it looked so fugly :( if it looks bad on an uhljjang, it most def won't look good on meh.
i think that you're only truly comfortable with someone when awkward silences aren't awkward anymore. this is why i hate talking on the phone bcus i'm just an awkward person :/
and that's also why i hate IMing people first, in case they actually don't want to talk to me and the conversation dies and then i think it's my fault and it just sucks :(
but of course there are always those people, the ones i don't care whether or not they want to talk to me, THEY WILL D:<
i wish i had more of those,
then i wouldn't feel so insecure?
*name change!
so i just read that papaya skin is good for your face!
I'VE WASTED SO MANY PAPAYA SKINS! aughh i just eat and chuck D: what a wastee :(
now i feel bad, i kinda want to get the skin out of the trash (the one i just ate) but that's hecka gross D: blehh
and i was also reading this topic on soompi about what trends guys hated on girls
and the common ones are:
leggings, uggs, and gladiator sandals.
LOL wow did not know that...well i mean, the legging part.
anywayz, on a somewhat related note
i think guys are most attractive in formal wear! hehehe :)
and it's also hot if they dress like gdragon. but he's kinda extreme.
park taejun is okay then :D, granted he is a model for aboki
i like his personal style too.
i'm kinda jealous of han suhyun. she's so pretty D:
blehh song jiyeong+her bf are mega cute. makes me want a bf :D so i can take cute pictures with him all day. i want to be photogenic!
i think you're never too young to apply anti-wrinkle cream. lol i was talking to mai about it and she said:
[15:08] x swirly whirl x: imagine
[15:08] x swirly whirl x: if a guy walked into our rooms
[15:08] x swirly whirl x: and saw that
[15:08] x swirly whirl x: he'd be like WTF THEY'RE GETTING WRINKLY ALREADY?!