O, for a Thousand Tongues to Sing

mmm hello!

i haven't done anything this week. on tuesday, i spent the morning at simi's house doing secret ____ things lawl andd baking cupcakes :) we made chocolate cupcakes with vanilla cream cheese frosting, yumm :9 so good. i ate three in one day :X sighhh. after i departed from her house, i bought some necessities and went home. that is all!

and today....also didn't do anything. half expecting ____ to ask to hang out but also know that she/he won't bcus she/he never does. flaky=no :(

siiigh this summer has been too short.

going to college soon :X dislike.

tomorrow, though, is spirit west coast yaaaay i haven't gone in like three years :( david crowder band! matthew west! jeremy camp! kinda bummed about missing hawk nelson but oh well! sacrifices must be made. tres tres excited to be going again :))))

i desperately want to see 500 days of summer. and frolick on the beach. and watch a meteor shower (the drama AND the real thing :D), go to petroglyph, move away. kind of.

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