URBANA '09! was a life changing experience and I recommend all christian college students who are currently freshmen...or in high school I guess, to go to Urbana '12.
To avoid too much summary, read this article! :
Urbana '09: The Tradition Continues
As for my personal experience, I'll try to explain the best I can what I got out of the past 5 days in St. Louis, Missouri :)
Day one:
Was a traveling day! It did not start out well, I ran to barely catch my flight (thankfully, Cauchy saved me a seat) and I was painfully reminded that I am very, very out of shape. Then, thinking we barely had time to make our transfer flight out of Chicago, Cauchy and I ran from one terminal to another only to be informed that our flight was delayed an hour. Upon arriving an hour later than scheduled, registration took an additional hour for me because I'm not old enough to sign my own waiver -____- Also saw some fellow 4hoc-ers :) Nice to see familiar faces from home! When we finally made it to the welcome session, we had already missed half of it. Afterward, TCF ate in family groups at this really good Italian restaurant. Despite the troubles some of us faced, TCF had arrived in St. Louis safe and cold :)
Day two:
The day began too early as we made a long trek downstairs (with 17,000 kids living in few hotels and living on the 26th floor, it takes a while.) and ate our breakfast sitting on the floor of the lobby. Then we made our way to morning bible study at 830 AM! And began our inductive study of John 1-4, the theme verses of this years Urbana. After an hour and a half of concentration, we made the cold and seemingly long trek to morning session where we continued to study the Word, worship, and watch performances etc. We concluded at 12 and followed Ben's brilliant idea of going to the furthest possible restaurant to avoid long lines. After deciding upon arrival that his restaurant was unsatisfactory, we trekked 6 more blocks to Union Station (which wasn't even on direct map of our Urbana handbook...) and by the time lines were done and the food was on the table, seminar #1 @ 2PM had already started :( However, us freshmen enjoyed the food and the time together and the walk back in the nippy air as we journeyed back to nap for an hour. Upon waking, we found that in order to actually get a seat at a seminar, we had to arrive EARLY. We spent a somewhat disappointing, yet fulfilling in a different way, hour and a half in quiet time together on the couches instead.
We explored Global Connexions and waited an hour to get dinner (quite difficult with so many people) and finally settled for evening session.
Sidenote: I walked out of my hotel room to get some ice and stuff and lo and behold! Janise Chan sitting on the floor. Which was both awkward and pleasantly surprising :). She had forgotten her key and out of all the hotels, and all the floors, and all the rooms, she as staying at the one across the hall from me!
At the end of the day, we had family time, yet I felt a bit dissatisfied. Maybe I came in expecting too much, like maybe God was just going to turn my life around the second I stepped foot in Lambert Airport.
I was feeling disappointed in myself for nodding off in Bible study and missing two sessions (easily the most influential aspects of Urbana) and not getting the most out of the conference. I was beginning to question why God had urged me to come, why I had spent so much money and effort and time to travel to the middle of America, to gain nothing (yet). In general, the only life changing decision I had made so far was to never, ever, move out of sunny California.
But a text from Won encouraged me to be patient:
"It's okay! I'm sure God knows what He's doing."
yet I fell asleep with a heavy heart.
Day three:
Will be continued! Tired of writing now...
1 comment:
Day 3 day 3!!!! What happened? Ominous...
Can you write about being an Asian girl in a supposed sorority girl major someday? :D <3
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