that i just got out of bed :( and i didn't go to church!
SATs were exhausting :( but the last SATI i have to take EVER. it wasn't a particularly painful experience and i think i did alright, i hope the curve will be good this month T_T bcus it SUCKED in march. anyways, i was pretty tired after and really didn't start homework until 10PM -___- but i did go to johnny rockets with deniz after a long month of ramadan :)) SO GOOD.
but we didn't buy anything after that bcus we felt fat :/
friday was a relatively decent day :) well, it started off CRAP.
and first period did NOT help, mr. gaston tore us apart. second week in a row!! when does this stop T_T bahhh. well, it's supposed to help us, right -__-
classes were okay after that, i ate lunch with danielle and she's right, it was the hardest i've laughed in a while.
the psych test (i think) was pretty easy, my grade depends on it though so i don't wanna jinx it....we got let out like half an hour early so brian and i went to yb/np to hang out and talk about
...SATs :(
AFTERSCHOOL, mai and i went to mitsuwa (reliving old traditions) and spent more than an hour in kinokuniya hahha! they moved our favorite books T_T and mitsuwa got rid of PURIKURA so now i'm super sad :(( but we ate lots of good food.
dance was fun :))
this entry was kind of pointless.
homecoming is soon and for some reason, that's even more stress :/ college sucks. school sucks.
i wish i went to krn bbq with the guys friday night :((
so we watched this video in APES about the population crisis and i never realized how bad it was! and i've now decided that the world SUCKS bcus we're fighting over retarded thing when we have many more important things to deal with.
it also makes me so thankful for the things i DO have, but i wish i didn't have them. if the world didn't have such a huge difference in living standards, half our problems would be solved.
1. i think that china's one child policy is not getting it's due credit. no matter how you look at it, it's the most effective method of population control yet. america calls this a violation of human rights. PAH, okay, send money and food to every third-world country that needs to keep all of its people warm and fed, after you do this, i'll listen to your definitions of "human rights."
and it's not like the highupthere people don't know this, they just like to manipulate the public in terms of international relations. or i'm giving world leaders too much credit?
2. japan's whole "pure blood" thing is a big ridiculous, 99% of japan is japanese! i understand the whole asian culture thing (even now it's kinda rare to mixblood...?) but not taking immigrants is slightly hitler-esque (as it always has been, we saw this back in the rape of nanjing times...) and NOT helping japan's future economy. HAVE MORE BEBES D:
3. india's booming population problem makes me soo sad :(( especially what the wives go through D:
4. i wonder what would happen if america suddenly had a huge babyboom. and i mean huge. huger than the early '90s (which is why we're screwed for college!! LAMESAUCE!)
5. i lol at people who say "boycott chinese toys!! augh lead paint!" china is too self-sustaining to give a shizz.
6. simi thinks that being here for the end of the world would be pretty sick. HAA! me too. yaddida mean, when Jesus comes and stuff. (HAR HAR MR DAREN :P).
7. the only thing the world really lacks is compassion and understanding. THE WORLD IS INCAPABLE OF PEACE AND LOVE.